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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. The suit is a bit silly (although I can understand why an Egyptian government [any Egyptian government, not just the current one] might want to launch it). Any contemporary view of what the appearance was of an individual in that region in the first century BCE is not likely to be easily determined. There was a mixture of people from surrounding areas, and that would have included Nubians from not too far away, who were probably black, or at least darker-skinned than many modern day Egyptians and Arabs. That said, the ruling classes in Egypt at that time were largely Hellenic in language and probably ethnically as well (whatever that looked like) having arrived there in part as a result of Alexander's conquest of Egypt in the then relatively recent past. It would indeed be an own goal for the government if Netflix were to argue, and the court to accept, that Cleopatra was a Greek speaking woman who may well have been black.
  2. I didn't know what the question was about (and thought it was asking about using a different type of dressing rather than Russian) so I googled it. Apparently Russian dressing usually has mayonnaise as one of the ingredients (and is similar to 1000 island) but some commercial Russian dressings omit the mayo and are more like a French or Catalina dressing. So I guess that was what the question was asking. Thank you both for prompting me to learn something new. Now I know!
  3. I think your final observation may be part of it. I saw that on an escort I've buddy listed, and when I refreshed the page the 5.0 average appeared. I don't know if it was a coincidence that it updated when I refreshed.
  4. If you see a Rent Men link with app.rent.men as the site it will map to the Rent Men home page. You need to edit the URL deleting the app. at the start and then it should work.
  5. Remember, remember, the 5th of November, Gunpowder, treason and plot. I see no reason Why gunpowder treason Should ever be forgot. Happy Guy Fawkes Day!
  6. I regularly listen to a British politics podcast in which they regularly choose a hero and villain of the week, usually British political figures. Last Tuesday the hero was Matthew Perry for his selfless work in helping addicts, despite not being entirely successful in helping himself. They noted that people who have lived experience with an issue have profound insights, whether they can use those insights to their own benefit or not. Anyone acknowledging the things for which he wanted to be remembered for is better than it being ignored by all.
  7. You can chose to be Humpty Dumpty and say that it means what you chose it to mean — neither more nor less, but that doesn't make it so. A brief perusal of a dictionary will reveal that the basic meanings of the word queer are odd, strange, weird, eccentric or unconventional All of these connote difference from the norm, but at a far less contemptuous register than freak. A case can of course be made that freak is an extension of its meaning, but not that it is the only or original meaning. Most words gain and lose meanings over time and some end up meaning something completely different. Queer still carries the meanings it had when it entered English usage but it has been used about homosexuality for over a century (and in doing so retains the basic idea of difference from the norm). The history of the word 'queer', News, La Trobe University WWW.LATROBE.EDU.AU Reviled, reclaimed and respected: the history of the word ‘queer’
  8. Well from all accounts I've heard, he always delivered.
  9. Good reminder, in general, and specifically for me. From today over 65s in this country are eligible for the new shingles vaccine free (paid by the national pharmaceutical benefits scheme).
  10. No, not there, that's the Democratic Republic of Congo!
  11. An unexpected side-effect of the RSAF using the large military training area near there!
  12. I've been tossing up whether to post this here, as it's about football qualification for the Olympics, or in the football world cup thread as it's about the continuation of Australians' infatuation with the national women's team we saw during the world cup a couple of months ago. Anyhoo, Australia is playing a qualification round with Iran, the Philippines and Taiwan, in Perth. The three Australia games were scheduled to be played in a 20,000 seat stadium, and they quickly sold out. I saw an interview with the Iranian coach who said that her team had never played in a full stadium before. (Since you asked, the Iranian women wore hijabs of sorts and, wrist and ankle length kit.) The Australia-Philippines match was moved to the new 60,000 seat Perth Stadium and quickly sold out there as well. Six months ago, the idea of selling that many seats to a women's football game here, and in Perth rather than Sydney or Melbourne, would have been unthinkable, but here we are. It remains to be seen whether it will last, but the enthusiasm was expected to end after the world cup. We continue to waltz with the Matildas.
  13. The chances that there are technical issues preventing him from receiving all three methods of communication from you are next to zero, so I would take the lack of a response as deliberate. Also, unless he gave you his street address 'finding' it and using it to contact him is tantamount to stalking, don't do it. Take the hint.
  14. @Vin_Marco I agree that it would be nice if it were used more frequently. The forum is busier at some times than at others but I haven't seen any regular pattern in the variation. Note though that unlike other forums on the site there is no history contained in old posts. Ads are deleted once the visit period advertised is over.
  15. mike carey


    One of the moderators (the change is listed in the thread), but we would only do that if the OP requested it.
  16. I guess those of us who weren't eventing were on the wrong horse.
  17. I loved the idea shown in, I think Friday Funnies, of wrapping brussels sprouts in gold tin foil for the occasion.
  18. mike carey


    Yes it was, but it's been narrowed to a Prague (Praha) thread now.
  19. Not in the US but there are other countries where such a place is at least possible. I had assumed that the question was about foreign resorts as this forum is about travel in general not just in the US. That said, I don't know of such a place in this country, but I hadn't been actively looking. At a guess, here and elsewhere one would be more likely to find a resort that wasn't exclusively gay but where no one would look askance at gay couples or at an escort being invited to join you there.
  20. The search function is your friend!
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