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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Lol, thanks. I intend to go to Palm Springs for the meet-up next April (it's still an intention rather than a plan, but still), and @VictorPowers will be there.
  2. Lol, that was how it seemed to me as well, he was just doing as he was told. I don't play that down at all. As partners they can do what they like. My thoughts about the whole deal relate to you two, not the other protagonists. Just let me lie down while you take advantage of me!!
  3. Oh dear, @TylerandAce talk about fucking a guy (whether his wife/gf is there is a side issue) when I can't be there! Love you guys!
  4. No disagreement here, and that is part of what makes you so likable!
  5. Oh dear, did I reveal my phone number too soon?
  6. You know I love you!! As I've said before, I think it's my job to get to where an escort I want to meet is, so I wouldn't have flown you to Australia. And if you were here there's no fucking way I'd be cancelling!!
  7. The chances that a regular client would decide to ditch you and do so by setting up an appointment and then flaking are low. It's more likely that there would be a good reason a regular was a no-show (I would have thought). Still, you never know. Why anyone, regular or not, would do that to you, I don't know. But I'm not 'anyone'.
  8. I can understand that the word is used in relation to people who are gay but hypocritically advocate for homophobic causes. That said, I can't agree that it doesn't have a wider meaning of public disclosure that a person is gay (whether they are or not) in a way that may harm them. For example, outing a gay teenager to their parents, school or church. I don't think that a politically focused definition of the word can disallow a wider use outside that sphere, or even disallow that wider use in circumstances where the 'outing' is politically charged.
  9. You're playing with fire there, and would be with that other perennial, split infinitives. Shakespeare did both, so it's not a recent 'decline'. And just for stamps they are invented rules. They are not part of English grammar. They are constructions that are not possible in Latin, so grammatical prescriptivists decided that they should not be allowed in English. They are affectations up with which we should not have to put. Even though CM Punk used alright, I think he's all right. And as others have said, after he's finished critiquing my grammar I'm sure there are other things we could move on to. I mean to which we could move on. (On being an adverb in this case.)
  10. I hate you, I just spent half an hour watching his vids.
  11. Yes I realise that the speed limit happened at a different time, and I was sure about the timing of the drinking age change, I was just unsure whether I had misattributed the reason for the latter.
  12. In Hawaii it was 1 Oct 1986, the day I arrived there on my exchange job with the USAF. As I recall the federal government made having the drinking age at 21 a condition for highway funding. Or perhaps that was lowering speed limits to 55mph.
  13. @Eric Hassan Deep! I can't escape 'He has a fine smelling butt hole'!
  14. I don't go there much, pretty much the only time I have fast food (apart from the occasional pizza) is when I'm travelling, and Maccas are the most common outlets on the road. With McCafes here, I can buy a coffee and a slice of cheesecake or a ham cheese and tomato toasted sandwich. They also have some pretty good wraps that they change from time to time.
  15. I love that, Victor, particularly the dirty texts part. I can understand not saying anything if one or the other wasn't alone, and I also understand that a client would be reluctant to say anything in public. Glad to know that you'd be up for people saying something to you in public (it doesn't surprise me that you would be). A completely separate situation, I saw Australian tennis player Todd Woodbridge on a flight from DFW to LAX. We nodded to each other, and I even had a smart arse comment to make but didn't say anything. I regret not doing so. I won't make the same mistake if I see you!
  16. I don't agree. To me there is a significant line between assumptions about what is the norm and a largely passive acceptance of that as the status quo, and white supremacy. To me, white supremacy is the active, even aggressive promotion of white superiority.
  17. This! WTAF indeed. There are reactions (that are real as opposed to the ones the antivaxers obsess about) but they are vanishingly rare. If there are reasons for concern, such as egg allergies (some vaccines are cultured in eggs) then a GP can take appropriate precautions.
  18. There is no limit on who can receive it, the limit is on those for whom it is recommended and who receives it free or paid by insurance. Also, doctors' advice will likely follow the age recommendation. Older people can pay for it themselves.
  19. 'Privilege' is a package deal. White, male, heterosexual, cis, Christian (less so). You are more likely to understand it if you fall outside any one of those, and understand more the more of the boxes you don't tick. Still, unless you have thought it through, you are likely to take your level of privilege as the 'norm' and not see those elements of privilege that you have. Last week with the #MeToo surge on Twitter, many cis heterosexual men had an epiphany. They hadn't realised how many of the women in their lives sexual harassment and sexual assault affected, and how the fear of it had a chilling effect on everything they did. To be fair, many women were shocked to find out what they thought they uniquely had faced was the lived experience of virtually all of the women they knew. I hope that this sudden realisation that their lived experience of a comfortable life with the male privilege their gender accorded them was not universal will make at least some of them consider that other forms of privilege exist and benefit them. It won't change the world, but progress is achieved one step at a time.
  20. Providing vaccinations for men (even if only up to 25) adds to herd immunity and helps protect those women (and other men) who for whatever reason have missed out on the shots.
  21. No, he clearly meant Puerto Vallarta, Jal, there is a similar request in the Spa forum.
  22. @Epigonos, good pick up, I had missed that @kov78 had translocated PV to Malta.
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