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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Be still my beating heart. Now, let me find that airline webpage ...
  2. I haven't seen organic milk in the shops here, so I must look for it. I use milk in my tea and coffee so I tend to use it before it passes its use-by date which is usually about 2 weeks out from date of purchase (depends on the shop and its turnover). I usually buy 2 litre bottles although they do sell smaller ones if I were slower to use it. If it looks like running out of time I will make a white sauce (béchamel, cheese, parsley et al) and freeze it if I can't use it for a meal right away. [Putting a meat sauce into penne, or similar pasta, topping it with a cheese sauce, then grated cheese mixed with coarse breadcrumbs in a ramekin and freezing it is a good standby meal. Thaw and heat in the oven.]
  3. I would say the guiding principle should be the proximity of their other 'public provided' information. In Daddy's forum should be the minimum. My boundary would be not to mention it unless the escort had disclosed it in the same thread. But that's just me.
  4. I'm sorry. Cum is not vegan. Even if it is pineapple flavoured!
  5. @BasketBaller, I wish I could like that post more than once.
  6. And you post enticing pics of yourself! I still like the persona you project and the image you publish. Whether that leads to a hire is a separate issue.
  7. No rates show up here for US-based escorts, as I think I've posted before, but they do for local ones here (and indeed those in other countries).
  8. Interesting. I had not seen profiles labelled 'porn star' and thought I just hadn't been paying attention. I looked at @TopTierTop's profile on both rent.men and rentmen.eu and here both of them say 'Escort Info'. Must be another of those geographically differentiated fields in the ads.
  9. A beautiful response, @BasketBaller. I continue to be in awe of the way you are handling this passage of your life.
  10. I don't doubt the OP's sincerity in stating his dilemma, and I'll ignore some of the snarky comments. Bottom line, I can see that someone could be uncomfortable with how he relates to other men and what message he and they are sending as he walks the streets of NYC. He is nervous, he is uncomfortable, he doubts his ability to attract other men. Is he the only one? I think not. All of the advice to settle down, chill, or whatever is good. Do all of that. Beyond that, just relax. I think that you should take @Eric Hassan up on his offer to meet you for a coffee and a chat. He's a great guy and not inexperienced. You need to let go of your inhibitions, talking to someone who understands that can only help.
  11. For the public record, I intend to be there for this forum meeting, despite having been snowed in last year and almost missing my chance to see Alec Andrews in LA on my way home. I haven't booked flights or hotels yet but there's plenty of time for that. I told @ArVaGuy this a couple of days ago, but thought I needed to declare it in the main forum.
  12. What? You mean the Australian 'Christian' Lobby™ was lying in their 'vote no' ads? Does it also mean that if we have equal marriage here, that won't also mean that boys will be forced to wear dresses to school?
  13. BBaller, thank you for continuing to tell us about your journey. I shed a tear reading your post, and I don't apologise for that. I won't presume to offer advice, you know more than anyone else where you should go.
  14. *Carefully steps back from Rod* Seriously, I agree, hilarious!
  15. I doubt it does. Having a handle like the one you suggest makes it more important to find a name to call your escort when you are in the throes of passion, but it doesn't give you licence to call him by his name when you have discovered it covertly. You still have to ask him what he would like to be called. Just as you, if you chose to use a nom de plume as a client, are entitled to be called that unless you have given permission otherwise.
  16. @DC Beau, great website, very engaging.
  17. @Michael Paul, you could always bring him with you and make it a social trip, it doesn't have to be a hiring opportunity for you. Or you could limit yourself to outcalls on the trip. Of course, I have no idea how much detail he either knows, or wants to know about what you do.
  18. There is no 'event charge'. Rather, the cost is what you spend. Last year people attended the MAL icebreaker reception (no cover, only the cost of drinks and snacks), and there were two organised meals, a lunch (the central event of the forum weekend) and a dinner ( a smaller group of attendees) and the cost for them was what you spent on your meal and drinks. Of course, for most of us there was the cost of a hotel, and for some, the cost of any hires that were made.
  19. Or you could just stay in your favourite area in DC, or favourite hotel, and metro/taxi/uber to events that are not in walking distance. Yes I know it might be cold. Last year I stayed near Dupont Circle, and that was fine. Of course if there's two metres of snow, the whole world will cave in for you. (Or is 2cm enough for that to happen in DC?)
  20. A comedic moment rather than a 'funny'. During last week, Frederik, the Danish Crown Prince, a member of Australia's 'other' royal family, was denied access to a Brisbane night club for lack of an identification document. (Seriously, do monarchs and crown princes travel with a drivers' licence?) As they conjured with the potential international incident, staff googled and found out who he was, but the situation was saved when the relevant protection squad from the Queensland Police Service assured the venue staff that they could vouch for him and exempt him from the otherwise mandatory requirement for them to take a copy of valid ID. There followed a minor political storm as the opposition ridiculed the government's alcohol laws. Frederik met his now wife in a bar in Sydney when he was here as a competitor in the Olympics in 2000. He is a regular visitor to this country.
  21. [ATTACH=full]13636[/ATTACH] http://www.abc.net.au/news/2017-07-20/swedish-train-to-be-named-trainy-mctrainface/8729284
  22. Indeed! Melbourne trains do not have a reputation of having a sense of humour! Occasionally they exceed our expectations!
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