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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. mike carey

    EU - VISA

    No, not as many times as you want, only for 90 days in any 180 day period. So if you are there for 90 days, you have to wait a further 90 days before you can return and the limits apply now before the ETIAS comes into force. And it's not the EU but the Schengen area, and although for most travellers it's effectively the same, the overlap is not complete. It includes non-EU countries like Switzerland, Norway and Iceland, and excludes EU countries Ireland, Romania, Bulgaria and Cyprus. Gibraltar is not in the Schengen area. French and Dutch overseas territories, like those in the Caribbean (and St Pierre et Miquelon!) are also outside Schengen.
  2. The subway was swipe as you enter with the old cards and still is when you tap on with OMNY, and it's on all subway stations and buses. It's a flat fare so there's no point in making you tap off. I assume it's the same on buses, and as I read it you get a free transfer if you tap with the same card (or device) on both modes on the same trip (I don't know what the time limit is for a transfer). If you take 12 trips within a week, regardless of what day your first trip is, any further trips in the week are free if you use the same card. You don't need to register, just use the same card each time. I'd say it is the way to go. Sydney has a more complex fare structure with distance based fares and separate fares on trains, buses, and light rail, so you have to tap on and off on each mode (ferries you only tap on before boarding). The credit card option works with that here and manages it, and applies transfer discounts between modes, cumulative fares (that is, not separate fares) if you have to change buses, and daily and weekly (Mon to Sun) fare caps.
  3. Perhaps some people economise where they can so they can spend big on other things.
  4. Gentlemen, while a discussion of whether to use the word 'faggot' loosely fits into this thread on whether we call ourselves gay or queer, the origins of that word do not. We know one of its usages is about gay men but that's the end of that discussion, but there could be scope for a thread to discuss the issue in its own right. Some posts have been removed where they clearly crossed that line. Please keep this thread on topic.
  5. Quite so, that is the definition given of 'actor', and is one, although a 'non-state actor', which would include NGOs, and militias and terrorist organisations, are not pretending so that's already shown that there is more nuance to the meaning of the word than had been claimed. But 'actor' wasn't the word in question, it was 'acting', and if you consult a dictionary the definition of the word 'act' includes 'behave in the way specified'. To take it to an extreme, I doubt anyone would conclude that a fast-acting poison or drug was pretending. But this entire conversation is away from the subject at hand, which is hiring straight guys.
  6. Yes, of course, it's an 'event'. NOT a party. Not!
  7. Welcome to the Forum, Luke!
  8. @Pepper Young, here's an earlier thread on Berlin: I'll also move this thread to the Europe forum.
  9. mike carey


    There's also a cooling off period after you join the forum, @Pipe1940, before you'll be able to edit your posts. In the meantime, simply post a thread in the Ask a Moderator forum asking us to amend it for you. Welcome to the forum!
  10. I'm pretty sure that's part of the 7 in the font used, not an apostrophe.
  11. Yes, Titan is possibly the most interesting world in the solar system! Although Europa (one of the four Galilean moons of Jupiter) with its ice covered water ocean is not far behind!
  12. And I also read that the rings (maybe 100m years old, not just a few) are being added to by ice from the water ice geysers from the moon Enceladus.
  13. Beautifully put, the same could possibly be said about Australians as well, but in both cases 'exactly like us' is a superficial judgment and 'nothing like us' exaggerates the differences.
  14. The Metrocard I have in my wallet has an expiry date stamped on the back (bought in Apr this year, expires end of Jan 25) but for bus/LIRR obviously you don't need one. With the subway option I believe you can use a contactless credit card or smart device wallet on the OMNY reader. (If you're using JFK for a return flight a Metrocard is the only option for the air train.)
  15. Agree, @BOZO T CLOWN, and as others have noted, $240 a year (in monthly instalments) is not the only option. Paying for six months or a year in one go is usually cheaper. I paid $AU159 for a year rather than the alternative of $AU19.95 a month. Even if their pricing is a dog's breakfast of inconsistent offers you can look at the options you have at any point in time. Of course, choosing not to pay is one of those options.
  16. I have no doubt that you could do that, your reputation precedes you. People know what they are getting, or if you are new to them they can see from your ad what you have to offer. Once So Curious has established himself and his reputation he may also be able to command the equivalent of his US rate when abroad, but until then he may have to consider the going rate where he is visiting. Like the PS snowbirds, I know US rates are what they are and don't try to assess them based on the AUD conversion.
  17. I hate to break this to you, but that is exactly what you were doing. You were in Canada, prices are in Canadian dollars. You were asking for $340 (in CAD). People there don't give a toss what your price is in American dollars, or Vietnamese dong for that matter. They also don't care what your rate would be in New York. All they care about is the price in Canadian dollars and how that compares to the market rate in the city you're in. (Some people may be prepared to allow you some leeway on your rate because you are from the US, or to be prepared to pay you in the USD equivalent of your Canadian rate, but you would be unwise to expect it.) I hired a US escort who I had previously met in the US when he was in Sydney. He told me he didn't know the rates here so I asked him his US rate and paid that (I hadn't settled a price and had AUD and USD on me). If it had been a new guy I wouldn't have done that, I'd have expected him to have an Australian rate and only hired him if I thought it was worth it for a hire in Sydney.
  18. People 'bump' threads to move them back to the top of the forum so others will still see the thread.
  19. On that I agree, republicans should insist on knighthoods, the Royal designation of things like hospitals (there are 'royal' hospitals in most cities but when the old Royal Canberra Hospital was closed some years ago the hospital that became Canberra Hospital omitted the prefix), HM Government, HM Customs, HM prisons and so on. If monarchists want to retain the link they need to accept the whole package even if it sounds anachronistic and advocates of a republic should force them to. Now, back to the topic at hand, cute young Cambodians and whether @Marc in Calif is young, hot and sexy.
  20. His Majesty the King does not vest the power to confer knighthoods on anyone, nor does he exercise the power to confer honours in Australia except on the recommendation of the federal or state governments. Almost invariably he does not confer honours himself but rather they are formally conferred by the governor-general or a state governor who have that power by right as his representatives in Australia. Knighthoods are not available under the Australian honours system (unlike Aotearoa where Jacinda Ardern was recently created a Dame). After about 30 years without them, knighthoods were briefly reinstated in 2013 and bestowed on four worthy Australians (two knights [General Sir Peter Cosgrove, the then governor-general and a former chief of the defence force, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Angus Houston, a former chief of the defence force] and two dames [Dame Quentin Bryce, the then immediate past governor-general, and Dame Marie Bashir, a former long-serving governor of New South Wales], to be precise) but the idea of them was firmly discredited when the then prime minister also bestowed a knighthood on HRH Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh.
  21. mike carey

    EU - VISA

    There is no change to visa requirements for the Schengen Zone, but new electronic travel authorisations will be required by visa-exempt travellers from an as-yet unspecified date in 2024. The authorisation will allow you to enter via any of the 30 Schengen countries and stay in the zone for up to 90 days in any 180 day period (the 90 days is cumulative, the count does not restart if you leave and re-enter). The UK and Ireland are not part of the zone and have separate entry requirements you'd need to meet. There are details on this EU web page. What is ETIAS TRAVEL-EUROPE.EUROPA.EU The rules of travel to Europe have changed. Starting from 2024, some 1.4 billion people from over 60 visa-exempt...
  22. One earnestly hopes that diamonds are for ever!
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