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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Bon anniversaire monsieur Vache!
  2. I like the taste of lamb but mutton is a bit too much for me. My sister-in-law doesn't like lamb either so sometimes when I've visited them she'd have something else and my sister and I had lamb. Most lamb in shops here (apart from those shanks) is basic roasts or 'refined' cuts and minimal fat. Lately one place has started selling stewing lamb pieces that are great for things like curries and other slow cooked dishes. Perhaps not surprisingly it's halal so it's there to cater for middle eastern and subcontinent communities here. (There's an Indian takeaway at the railway station near one place I stay in Sydney that has goat curry. I've enjoyed other things from there so I plan to try the goat next time I'm there. We have a growing export trade in goat meat, mainly from marginal outback range land, but it rarely makes it to shops here.)
  3. mike carey

    Villa Gianni

    They're not on the keyboard as far as I can tell. I used an app on my laptop which lets me select all sorts of symbols and other alphabets. If I can't be arsed I use the three letter abbreviations like GBP EUR CHF etc. Same as i sometimes use USD AUD CAD rather than $US $AU or whatever.
  4. I'm truly shocked at this omission! Happy anniversary!
  5. Same here with lamb shanks. There was a time they were generally regarded as bones you'd buy for your dog. Then they made their way into restaurants, and now they are sold at a premium in butchers' shops. There are wonderful recipes to slow cook them, supermarkets sell them in marinades, and also ready cooked, only requiring a short time in the oven to serve.
  6. The question wasn't asked in reference to this thread, it's in Coolwave's signature, as a rhetorical question. If you check the post where you answered the question you quoted one of his posts, but the system software showed only his actual post not the signature line that includes the Cooper reference.
  7. mike carey

    Villa Gianni

    Lol, I'm using a US keyboard and the character map for extra symbols!
  8. mike carey

    Villa Gianni

    Also $100 Swiss francs and $100 euros in other posts (not sure by whom). It would be clearer if the posts said £160, CHF100 and €100 if that was what was intended. After all, $ means dollars (or pesos in some countries), it doesn't mean currency units. Likewise R for the ZAR and ¥ for the yen. If you're talking about Brazil, it's R$ for reais/reals.
  9. Yes, thank you for raising that point, If you don''t like the idea of discussing politics [or even if you do, if you think it could become intrusive] mention that they do, or better only if they won't stop when asked. The comment becomes political when you add the element of what their politics were to the fact that they discuss them. That only encourages a tangential conversation about those opinions. DMs are available here to have those discussions about a provider who does. MC Mod.
  10. As Prof said there have been a few threads discussing the subject of gay-themed movies and others about specific films. The British film God's Own Country comes to mind. I'm moving this thread to the Movies Forum to keep all those discussions together. Welcome to Company of Men, @manforme.
  11. Yes, @samhexum, it is still in Florida. I wish this had been open when I was in Florida in April, it would have been a better option than renting a car for the few days so I could drive from Orlando to Melbourne and back. There were quite a few others attending my reunion who trod the same path as me, flying into Melbourne, while possible, was not a realistic option. I noticed the new track along the Central Florida expressway from Orlando to the coast and wondered if it was for Brightline. Luckily I had no problems with traffic. The one thing I might have done differently in my situation as it was then, was take the pickup truck Avis offered me, so I'd fit in. I didn't have the right hat though.
  12. Some fires have a fire-front that takes all before it but often (here at least) the damage is done by ember showers that blow tens or hundreds of metres, or even kilometres from the fire and set completely random buildings ablaze and destroy them. You can see half the houses in an area destroyed, with no apparent reason why one was burnt and one or both of its neighbours were not. It must be heart breaking to see your house gone when others survived at random. You would have a feeling of 'Why me' that you would be spared if the whole neighbourhood were gone. It's nice that that church offered a brief moment of joy in an increasingly grim situation in Lahaina.
  13. Mod's Note Gentlemen, a reminder to keep politics out of the discussion, The thread is about negotiating situations where you are asked to specify 'your pronouns'. It's not about whether you agree with the premise of the question, nor is it about your political take on the medical and sociological issues that have led to it being asked in an increasing range of contexts. Political comments will be removed.
  14. Moderator's Warning Sigh, you know the rules. No politics. The OP asked for it to stop. Other posters have pointed out that such comments don't belong here. But the comments have persisted. Don't comment on the escort's political views whether you agree or disagree with them. Don't comment on things already posted about them. Telling others not to comment on his [insert adjective] politics is itself a political comment. Just don't do it.
  15. Providers take PrEP for their own benefit, not for their clients. They do not want to contract HIV. Clients should also act in their own interests, not those of others unless the two coincide.
  16. Lol, @Jamie21, you checked! We have places with the same name as most everywhere in London, and the UK more broadly (but mostly England)! Many Australians (OK maybe 'some') are more aware of Tottenham now that Ange Postecoglu (formerly of our national team) is the manager of Spurs! But thanks, SYD-SIN-LHR then the Elizabeth Line, got it!!
  17. Pfft, @Jamie21, everyone knows that Tottenham is a small town in central western NSW! OK, perhaps not everyone!
  18. For me, what a man delivers is more important than what they look like. Of course appearance is critical for some of us. I've met him and chatted with him, but not hired him, but I would do so. Whether 'hairy' or 'too many tattoos' is a turnoff or not is a personal decision, but nobody else cares what I think about either issue.
  19. Same for me, and I have an Australian limit of $AU10k to think about as well, but I am still aware that the limits are there and consider, however briefly, how much cash (and formerly travellers cheques, which are also included) I am carrying. Even back in ancient times, when electronic money wasn't a thing I didn't travel with wads of cash, and more than once I cashed an Australian personal cheque at an Amex office abroad. (And converted some of the funds into TCs.)
  20. Absolutely, not dumb at all @coriolis888, we don't all discover these things at the same time, nor do we necessarily need to. There is no shame about when we do find out such things.
  21. The loss of life and the destruction of the former royal capital of the Kingdom of Hawai'i are devastating. It was only on Thursday evening here that the number of deaths was revised up to 36, straight from the appalling enough six that had been in the news all day. In this country we know only too well the horror of high double- and triple-figure death tolls from fires. I know our hearts go out to the people of Maui today.
  22. I thought Hanes and Fruit of the Loom were high quality American brands. Don't tell me it's not so!
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