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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Masseur is one of those job titles in English which don't have -man as a suffix, that are taken to include both genders. Some of those have a female variant that is used to make a distinction when that is needed. Think actress, aviatrix and dominatrix. (There are examples where there is no female form, perhaps because linguistically speaking it was inconceivable for a woman to do that job. Think doctor. When women started working in the field no need was seen for a special word.) Masseuse is perhaps an outlier in that use of the female variant is bleeding across to male practitioners. It will be interesting linguistically to see if this incorrect usage becomes normalised, as often happens as the meaning of words shifts to what a proportion of native speakers think they mean, or if the gender distinction holds.
  2. My guess is that people misunderstand when others say 'masseurs' and assume it is singular.
  3. Agree on JFK's Soho Lounge. Got to use it on my way to Orlando.
  4. Have the happiest of happy birthdays Westie. Twenty-nine and some months!
  5. I wouldn't dream of suggesting that your inability to understand that 'in some cases' means that by definition 'in some other cases' it was not a perception but the reality, was due to far more lax marijuana laws in the People's Republic of California Norte than anywhere in this Commonwealth. I didn't mention the signatories of the US declaration of independence for the obvious reason that my point did not apply to them. And I don't post puerile images in an attempt to belittle other people.
  6. And the late great Dame Glenda Jackson played King Lear on the NY stage a couple of years ago. Shock horror. Not that actors were all the gender of the character portrayed at the Globe in the 17th century (they were all male), so for her to play Lear seems only to be fair. Some roles transcend the gender and race that they are perceived to be, and in some of those cases it's only a current perception that they were, say Caucasian. To be sure, some recent historical figures don't lend themselves to race changes, but who is to say that a first nations actor couldn't portray Dr King if the intent was to highlight his message of inclusion? I can't help but recall recent controversy over a black actor portraying a mermaid, as if real mermaids were all white.
  7. mike carey

    A New One

    That's up to the original poster. Editing the title they choose is no different to editing what they, or anyone else, says in the forum. We're not about to do that unless it breaks our rules. MC, Mod.
  8. Sounds similar to issues I've been having with RM, probably something that will be resolved in due course. I edit the URL to delete the app. and use the rent.men version if there's something that doesn't work in the new version.
  9. Gentlemen, a reminder that someone's HIV status is personal information, and disclosing it here when they have not disclosed it publicly themselves is not permitted under Forum guidelines.
  10. My immediate thought was, 'He hates American what?' I don't hate them, but my [not that] late flight and 20 minute wait for a gate at DFW didn't result in me missing my flight to Melbourne, only my bag missed it.
  11. Perhaps this is a blinding glimpse of the obvious, but it occurs to me that in the current state of the capitalist economy we don't view any advertisement as being to convey, you know, actual information on which to base a purchase but rather as bait for us to engage and find out whether that product suits us. So even when an ad contains all the information we realistically need, we subconsciously assume it is just the advertiser's opening gambit. Maybe we see name recognition as the sole purpose of an ad. There could be more to it than the client being lazy, or couldn't be bothered. Doesn't make it less annoying, though!
  12. Not ROFLMAO, but, I just read a comment in a blog (OMAAT, if you must know) where a poster had asked the blogger a somewhat intrusive question and another poster, with some 'standing' on the site, replied, 'Do you know what "tacky" means? If not, look in the mirror.'
  13. Not everyone tries things when they are young. I was older than this before I did anything and it wasn't with a skilled partner. I'm glad I found this forum, it's given me a degree of confidence I'd lacked. It hasn't calmed my nerves with new meets but that's a separate issue and I've had fun.
  14. He's commented on precisely two escorts here in the forum.
  15. I'm so relieved that I can type the word f**k, I mean fu*k, I mean intercourse, oh whatever! And I don't give a flying fuck what anyone else thinks.
  16. I've seen his ad before, and his one review from last November is from someone in Stockholm so it's plausible that they met in Thailand (travel from northern Europe to Thailand in winter is not uncommon). The review refers to him by his current screen name. Unlike the usual round-the-world travel itineraries, his is feasible, including arriving in Tokyo on the second day after leaving LA (courtesy of the international date line).
  17. I should have remembered that. I was driving home from the airport after having been away for the Queen's Birthday long weekend, and a bridge over the road into the city was illuminated in the rainbow colours as a mark of respect. Yesterday was the King's Birthday holiday for this year.
  18. For your first few weeks as a member ('Newbie' under your avatar on the left of your post) you cannot edit what you've posted. After that you will be able to. You can report the post and ask the moderators to amend it, as can any member who wants to amend what they wrote after the 24 hours.
  19. A point of clarification. I had assumed that 'consolidators' was an alternative term for 'aggregators' and replied (late) to @Lucky's question on that basis. They are not the same. Consolidators are brokers who on-sell tickets to travel agents (and the public) and have been around since before the internet. Aggregators are on-line firms that by whatever arrangements they can make offer price comparisons and sell tickets to the public. Think Priceline, Kayak and Booking.com. It seems a bunch of them are owned by one company. Booking Holdings - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Sorry for creating that confusion.
  20. Well, we asked posters to avoid a certain tangent in discussing this topic. I'm now adding discussion of drug use which I hadn't seen coming, and I've hidden a few posts that went down that tangent. This doesn't mean going off topic in ways that haven't been mentioned yet is okay. OK? Discussing pizza is fine!
  21. Double check that it's a request from him and not a FB-generated 'suggestion'. Most of your facebook friends probably won't notice but the ones who do may be those who you'd rather not give the opportunity to speculate about him. Facebook has (or at least had) a function that enables you to put your friends into groups and control what content each group sees. I haven't road tested it but that may give you a way of accepting his request without unwanted attention from your other friends.
  22. Remember to avoid going beyond comment about Robertson, and his controversial opinions, into contemporary partisan politics. MC Mod.
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