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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Is this the gentleman in question? https://app.rent.men/Eamon
  2. There are others. Of those two, the one in Egypt does not have a metro.
  3. He's been discussed here at length
  4. What is this 'snow' of which you speak? (a. I have been to Antarctica, and b. I was stuck in a hotel in Alexandria for three days in January 2016, metro and airports closed.)
  5. Long story short, RM does list providers' fees but not for providers outside the US when the ad is viewed in the US, and not for US providers. In the past they did show rates but ceased to do so when SESTA/FOSTA were enacted. At the same time they ceased to display the narrative comments in reviews to those viewing them in the US. Yes, it would help both providers and potential clients if it were not so but I can't see RM changing anything.
  6. Oh, my bad, I was expecting, 'Do you want Fry's with that'.
  7. I couldn't find any etymological information about it or of the British usage meaning a rascal (the US usage is news to me), its origin is listed as unknown. It would surprise me if the word crossed the pond without taking a vestige of that meaning with it, so I suspect that it was an obscure word that separately developed its British and US usages.
  8. He doesn't get a pass, he changes his handle if there is some reference to him so any comments become untraceable.
  9. Just in time for World Pride Sydney! (But that's not the topic of this thread.)
  10. 'No, Mum, I don't know why these napkins were on sale.'
  11. Same here, my monthly membership is going to $AU19.95/mo. I had been paying $AU49.95 for six months, that's now $89.95 and an annual membership is $159.95. I have two months left before I have to decide.
  12. Now that could cause some serious damage!
  13. The Guardian style guide specifies initial capitals for acronyms that are pronounced as a word and all capitals if the letters are read separately, thus Aids and HIV. In general Australian usage it's a bit more random. You rarely see QANTAS or ANZAC but will see AIDS.
  14. Leaving aside any possibility of flight delays, if he were to leave IAH on 19 Feb he would arrive in Sydney on 21 Feb.
  15. It was widely known, even at the time, that the late Queen loved her Prince Albert dearly and was devastated to lose him.
  16. Asia Minor was generally used to refer to the Anatolian peninsula (most of what is now the Asian part of Türkiye) but I don't think the term is in common usage any more. (Apparently, Asia Minor was earlier a Roman province in Western Anatolia.) (The term 'The Orient' in English usage was originally used for Palestine, what is now Lebanon and Syria (now included in the Middle East). China and Japan, even in my lifetime, were referred to as the Far East.) And now we can return to the subject at hand (or we can dream that they are), mainstream actors escorting.
  17. I think it's more common to refer to the region south of the Himalayas and from Pakistan to Bangladesh as South Asia. South East Asia is more commonly used to refer to the countries on the mainland from Burma to Vietnam, and the archipelagic states including Indonesia and the Philippines (but not Papua New Guinea).
  18. I first thought you were talking about ground hog day.
  19. mike carey


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  20. And he doesn't claim to arrive in Sydney the same day, or the day after he was in San Francisco.
  21. In many societies same sex attraction and same sex sexual activities are not taboo. If society doesn't care if you do something, you are less likely to refrain from doing it for fear of disapprobation. Although as @Unicorn notes there is little research into modern bisexuality and sexual fluidity, it would be courageous to assume that its increase is an indication of an increased incidence of the phenomena rather than simply a result of young people's increased willingness to talk about it.
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