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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. But apparently not the proclamation of the People's Republic of China.
  2. I suspect the Queen is cutting down the number of her grandchildren who hold the title of prince or princess to those with a realistic chance of ascending to the throne. Crown Prince Frederik has four children so it is unlikely that Joachim or his son Nikolai will ever do so. Frederik is likely in time be succeeded by Prince Christian.
  3. https://twitter.com/call_me_tomasso/status/1575974093870206976?s=20&t=cmlhMgr1DXCIVguo1IqtrA
  4. My reaction was more like, 'That's easy it's Saskatch...... hey wait a minute!'
  5. So, not quite the same as Air New Zealand from Queenstown to Auckland, @azdr0710?
  6. I bet most Americans don't even know what this province is. Secondly, there is an error on this map.
  7. You'd have to settle for J, there's only J and premium economy on those EWR flights and on the SIN-JFK non-stops. You'd have to take the SIN-FRA-JFK A380 service to get F into NYC on SQ.
  8. Glennnnnn - great to see you back again. Hope to see you again at PS, just like 2017. @glennnnn
  9. *Makes mental note. I'd make an exception for SQ 21/22. Possibly others. Now, back to your scheduled programming.
  10. I hadn't heard of 'the huff' and rather wish I still hadn't, but that aside 'to get in a huff' is common in Australian English, which usually has similar vernacular to British English, especially to English in England, and it means to become visually, or noticeably annoyed, or to display annoyance. I suspect this was the meaning intended here.
  11. Moderator's Note Gentlemen, a reminder that this forum is to enable clients to ask providers questions about what works in hiring them. Follow up questions are part of that process. I would remind you that the guidelines for the forum are: That does not preclude clients offering their own experience of what makes a good appointment for them but it's not a place for a debate. Thanks.
  12. It's becoming incredibly tiresome how @StarGZ is spamming the forum with his (or their) hagiography of this escort. I had long ago decided that I would love to meet him and I'm unlikely to resile from that view but if I were not already convinced, his ceaseless adulation would make me doubt the wisdom of contacting Dean. A clingy succession of posts, each praising Dean more effusively than the last does nothing to help him. If he is as good as you say, and I don't doubt that he is, you will serve his interests better if you just STFU.
  13. Its purchase by the National Gallery of Australia was a national scandal as a 'waste of money'. It is now one of the most valuable and iconic works in the Gallery's collection and is universally agreed to have been a brilliant purchase.
  14. In the past I've seen guidance here not to have the Covid and influenza vaccinations at the same time, so monkey pox may not have been the issue. (That guidance, however seems to have lapsed recently.)
  15. Moderator's Note Gentlemen, let's not turn this into a political discussion.
  16. Some gentle fun in the premise of this post and more in the comment thread. https://twitter.com/tfswebb/status/1571787335238549504?s=20&t=C99-wj5BGyzLrt9SP3FK_w
  17. For some years, on and off, not every year in the way the Palm Springs weekend is, members organised a brunch and some other activities in Washington on the MLK weekend. It coincided with the MAL gathering and some of us would attend some sessions of that event. It was always less well attended than the PS event for reasons that escape me (could be the ice and snow but IDK!).
  18. As well as Federer's ties to the Laver Cup, it has the advantage of not being an elimination tournament so he has an assured role as it plays out.
  19. "I have a new T shirt that has all the known elements listed on it. "I only wear it periodically"
  20. Moderator's Note Gentlemen, while there's no issue with mentioning a masking requirement at a performance, let's stick to discussion of performances of the play, and not go any further down the rabbit warren of wider discussion of masking or the politics of the issue.
  21. Lol, that, right there is why Apple is a cult!
  22. I had just gone through the process of logging off and on again, trying a different browser and deleting cookies when the banner that @RadioRob was working on the issue came up. Happy it was not me!!! Thanks for all the work you do.
  23. I'll throw my two cents worth in, and restate some of the ideas that were posted but disappeared in the outage, check your credit cards to see if they have zero foreign exchange fees for purchases, and if you need cash check to see what your bank does. They may have options under which you have no ATM fees. Ask them. I have an HSBC account (Everyday Global) in Australia that offers me foreign currency balances that I can add to when the exchange rate is good, and if I use an ATM in, say the US, any cash withdrawal comes from my USD balance (don't know what if any ATM fee applied). My previous bank used the interbank rate (better than any bureaux de change) for cash withdrawals, but I had to pay the $2 or $3 ATM fee.
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