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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. There's plenty of different flavour components in the recipe without adding any salt. I can't see the need to add any of it that the recipe mentions (and you didn't mention the fourth dose of it, which I would use, in the prosciutto). (There's probably a spice that could be used for the smoky flavour if even the salt in the prosciutto is too much for you.) It reminds me of a veal recipe I used to cook back in the Jurassic.
  2. I may have misread the nature of the disease, but my understanding is that the lesions are not point of contact. You catch the disease and the lesions appear anywhere on your body that they like.
  3. The footpath outside the ABC headquarters in Melbourne featuring the bicycle stands in the pavement. Nice sunny winter's day. The caption helpfully pointed out that the stands and their shadows combine to depict hearts.
  4. Well, look who's having a birthday! Happy Birthday, @Cooper have a great and day. As someone who puts in the hard yards helping keep the site running, treat yourself to a more relaxing day today.
  5. You may have seen my post yesterday (31 Jul 22 here) where the Australian Bureau of Statistics reported the average number of 1) flying cars and 2) non-flying cars per household as measured in last year's census. It's in Friday funnies!
  6. IIRC rates still appear on some versions/devices but they can't be updated (or perhaps even seen by the provider if they aren't using that version) and are as they were when the wider block on US prices was implemented.
  7. 99% sure it's a (P&O) Channel ferry. Who needs it to be real French!?
  8. This is a somewhat unusual example of British slang that is not commonly used in Australia.
  9. It seems that another Australian Government twitter account is trying to engage the public. Not everyone can be convinced that statistics are cool. Also, not sure the Twitter demographic and the 'I know who George Jetson is' cohort overlap by too much, but for those of us who do both ...
  10. The country held its breath for three days until the sole survivor Stuart Diver, a ski instructor, was rescued from from the rubble of the two ski lodges. His wife was one of those who died. Some of the victims drowned while trapped in the rubble when the site filled with water. The landslide had been caused by heavy rain saturating the hillside.
  11. You're right, the economy is the sum of our individual circumstances, but I'm not in the same economy as you, and that was the point of my comment. My circumstances in Australia are not relevant to a US recession.
  12. Georgia on mah mahnd! Best not to go further down this track!
  13. Some words are underused, for example malapropism!
  14. My twitter feed delivers again!
  15. In the commentary here it's been noted that although the US is in a technical recession, there is a panel in the US that weighs the drops in GDP and other factors in the economy in its determination of whether the country is 'officially' in a recession. (The technical definition is what is used here.) To BnaC's question, my circumstances are not relevant to your discussion, but there is too much else going on in the economy here for any prospect of us being recession-bound (Q1 was positive, so Q2 (released next month) and Q3 would have to be negative to meet the technical definition). There seems to be too much happening in the US too. My circumstances insulate me from many of the effects anyway.
  16. I haven't read it, but I know enough about it to say I have no intention of doing so. Don't deny, tell people what you think about it (but except for in here, however no need to offer your opinion to readily!). The only book I can remember that I found disturbing was The Time Machine but I suspect HMT might be another.
  17. Someone tweeted a pic of a menu notice sign that listed the 'spesial' as salmon served with mashed potatoes and Aspergers, to which someone replied with:
  18. This is a little bit brilliant!
  19. If you were old enough you would certainly have some tales to tell!! But I would have to wonder what species of animal I was talking to.
  20. This has probably been around the world five times in the past 24 hours but I've only just seen it. It cracked me up. https://twitter.com/eliistender10/status/1551132084890132482?s=20&t=zigtfVp7axTvPPtttVBHwA
  21. What's that you say? Metric isn't standard?
  22. I believe these are the gentlemen in question: https://rent.men/AnthonyFlex https://rent.men/ZRush
  23. Close enough (that would be $US8.20) but it varies so that's the high marker. That was for iceberg lettuces, others like cos were much less, at close to normal levels or slighty more. Here, high produce prices have been almost entirely caused by repeated floods in the farming areas. More of the 'specialist' lettuces (for want of a better word) are grown hydroponically and have been less flood-affected. (I was about to go to the shops so waited. Today at my local, one of the two big chains, icebergs were $6.90 (US4.75) and a pack of two cos $4.50 (US3.10).)
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