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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Precisely! As they read it out I was contemplating working it out by brute force but when they gave the clue about 2x2 the penny dropped.
  2. And another one, although this one isn't strictly a maths one, although it does have a mathematical, or at least numerical aspect to it. It does require a bit of lateral thinking. What are the next two letters in this sequence? J S U N E V ... Disclaimer:: I have not devised these myself, they come from the ABC Radio National breakfast show's Friday science puzzle segment. (The word science there is actually a hint, now I think about it.)
  3. A maths puzzle to keep you amused. Everyone is more or less familiar with a chess board with its 8x8 pattern of alternating black and white squares. The question is, how many distinct squares can be identified on a chess board? A hint is that there are 64 of the single squares and 49 2x2 squares.
  4. He may have been referring to this site. https://businessclassconsolidator.com/
  5. https://www.companyofmen.org/providers/
  6. I love it when the owners of private spaces pay for public art in them, whether it be sculpture, paintings, or performative art like this. I hope they are actually paying them.
  7. It's not new. Unless you meant the forum for new music! https://www.companyofmen.org/forum/112-music/
  8. @Unicorn would be better able to comment than I, but I suspect it's not as simple as that, and that there is a grey zone between the two. Some would likely be clear, say a serious injury or a major cardiac event or stroke. Any interaction between those and Covid is less likely. In other cases there could be an interaction. For patients with one of the oft-cited underlying conditions that they had been living with successfully for some time, if Covid is an added factor, which of them is the cause? They may not have died of Covid absent the other condition, but the other condition may not have been fatal if Covid had not come along. What to put on the death certificate?
  9. Flight Radar plot of Airbus F-WMIL's (French registration) flypast over Sydney Harbour this morning (amongst other tracks).
  10. Here's the Qantas media release issued this morning. The A350s will have 238 seats in four classes, rather than the 270 OMAAT had understood to be the case. The release confirms that narrow body jet deliveries will begin next year, with total orders and options for the Qantas group of 299 aircraft. This marks a decisive switch by the airline away from Boeing. https://www.qantasnewsroom.com.au/media-releases/qantas-group-announces-major-aircraft-order-to-shape-its-future/
  11. OMAAT is reporting that Qantas will confirm its order for the long awaited Project Sunrise aircraft today (Monday). When they posted the article on-line an Airbus A350-1000 was en route from Toulouse to Perth, apparently for the announcement. They report that Qantas will order 12 A350-1000s, with 270 seats in four classes of service, to be in service in 2025. At present Qantas only has first class in their A-380s, having retired the B747 before the pandemic. A new first class product will no doubt thrill all the aviation and airline mile collecting anoraks out there. For those of us for whom long haul first is more a theoretical than a practical possibility, they will have a 34" seat pitch in economy, which is pretty good. Project Sunrise is the Qantas plan to be able to fly non-stop from Sydney and Melbourne to London and New York. Other destinations have been foreshadowed. OMAAT expect Qantas to also announce firm orders for A320 family aircraft and A220s that will replace their existing fleet of B737 and B717 aircraft for domestic and some short haul international routes. A preliminary announcement of that purchase was made last year. https://onemileatatime.com/news/qantas-airbus-a350/
  12. This was posted in a twitter thread here but it's pretty widely applicable when you're in there. Or here for that matter!
  13. And for the denizens of this forum, I could suggest eggplants specifically.
  14. A maths puzzle for you: Puzzle for today. OK, it's a riddle. The (nice) maths puzzles were reducing the nation's productivity: Cindi works at our local fruit and veg shop. She is 165 cm tall, shoe size 7, and has dark hair and brown eyes. What does she weigh? Spoiler: It's not actually a maths puzzle. It's more one of logic.
  15. Moderator's Note Please confine your discussions to the merits of the escort, do not bring politics into the discussion.
  16. Perhaps he'll be able to transfer his elite status from Delta to that well known low-flying specialist Greyhound Lines.
  17. 27, 28 or 31 ... at my age the difference between them all is a rounding error.
  18. I did that early on and discovered a useless but interesting piece of information. One of the backgrounds has a pattern of stars on it. When it comes up, as you scroll down the page the site overlay moves and the pattern remains fixed behind it, so the windows in the site overlay appear to have stars moving in them. Obviously that's how the background works, but with a single colour it isn't apparent that the background and the overlay remain as separate entities rather than the former being incorporated into a single thing. My two cents worth for the day.
  19. If you scroll to the bottom of the page, at the left there's the word Theme. Click on that and there's a drop down menu listing the options.
  20. I use the dark mode but switch back when some embedded images and the like were created with the assumption that they'd have a white background and don't work on a dark one. Also, sometimes a member will manage to set the text that they type as black (which stays black on a dark background) rather than automatic, which adjusts. I can't know whether they did that deliberately or accidentally, or perhaps they imported that attribute from another application.
  21. In part this is a sign of the times. In the general community the idea of 'presenteeism', where people turn up to work when they are ill and 'soldier on' has fallen out of vogue. Here, we've even had health officials and others in authority telling us that if we're sick stay away from work (and from crowded places). A sore throat or a dose of the runs can develop overnight or during the day. Many people are still extremely cautious about any sort of cold or flu symptoms. Perhaps we always should have been less cavalier about the possibility of passing on even a minor illness. That's not to say they are all being truthful. But neither should we assume the worst.
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