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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. @Unicorn thank you for raising this subject. Even of only one other person is given pause to think about e-mail addresses you've performed a service for all of us.
  2. I suspect you could add those who have gained some insight as to who you are by reading what you post here (and as a result have sought out your ads and website [circles back to your words that I quoted]).
  3. @Unicorn I don't think it's a hanging offence but it's an increasingly common view that it's bad form to share other people's private e-mail addresses unless you're sure they would be happy with that. Even if you think they know each other, you won't always know what the state of their current relationship is. Using BCC rather than TO or CC is the easiest way to do this. Some e-mail apps allow you to create address lists that I'm pretty sure don't allow recipients to see the actual addresses that are included in it. Some time ago I received an e-mail about a reunion that had all the addresses in the TO line and even though I hadn't really thought about it before, I thought then it probably wasn't the best way to do it. (Later correspondence used the BCC method, and not on my suggestion.)
  4. Gentlemen, allow me to reinforce AZDR's reminder to refrain from ongoing discussion about providers other than Dallas Muscle in this thread. My apologies, I misspoke. Vin is in Dallas so he qualifies as Dallas muscle.
  5. The way I've understood, and seen the liquid container rule enforced is that it applies to container size not to the content remaining in it. Thankfully that rule was short lived here for domestic flights. It does apply on international flights so Australians aren't always aware of it on those trips. I've never had any problem with the TSA when I've had an empty water bottle so the trigger appeared to be whether the container was obviously empty. I was caught once having a small roll-on of sunscreen that I'd forgotten was in my back pack so it wasn't in a zip-lock bag. All they did was fish it out of my pack and check it out (it was fine).
  6. FFS, what a preposterous assertion. I did not say anything of the sort. Not for the first time you are twisting what other people say to draw a different conclusion. I did not say there was no wisdom in honesty. I did say that most people can evaluate a given situation and determine the degree of honesty that needs to be adhered to. They are also aware of potential pitfalls for lies of omission and commission, and can adjust if necessary. You conflated a point that I made clear was a separate issue, that some people who are not neurotypical have difficulty distinguishing literal from figurative speech, with the general points I was making. I did not link the two points, that was you, and you did so with the only apparent intention of sneering. That seems to be your strong suit.
  7. A few years ago I received a few texts purporting to come from my mobile phone company (at least it was the right one!) saying that due to service changes in my area I should click on a link in the text to arrange for them to send me a free new phone. Yeah, right. Another text and I got curious. But I didn't click the link, I called customer service. And not on a number in the text. After chatting for a couple of minutes while the agent was looking at my file, turned out it was genuine and a week later the new phone arrived in the post. It was a basic Samsung 4G phone, but it lasted me five years, and it was a no-strings attached, no surcharge, free phone. But, don't click on links that are the slightest bit suspicious or even most that appear not to be. You may be able to avoid giving personal or banking data but all they want may be to confirm that there is a person who uses that number as a mobile phone.
  8. Never did that, although I did use poste restante a few times travelling in Europe. I do remember going to American Express offices in London and DC to cash an Australian personal cheque. I use the term 'cash' loosely as above a low amount the proceeds had to be taken in another 'are you old enough' thing, travellers' cheques! Don't leave home without them!
  9. No, in this case not, but that doesn't mean it was the wrong thing to say. Unless you are precise there's the chance of misunderstanding and you need to be ready if that happens. They may misunderstand naively or in an effort to be manipulative.
  10. Most people understand the difference between social contexts where white lies are a social lubricant, and situations, such as clinical and other technical contexts, where precision and accuracy in communications are essential. With children there are issues of trust that could develop with 'this won't hurt' or 'this tastes great'. Those two may not be the archetypal examples, but learning what things need to be taken literally and which need to be taken [not literally] with a grain of salt (or in some cases a kilo of salt) is part of learning how to interact in society. (Some people on the spectrum have difficulty with that distinction, but that is a separate issue.)
  11. Birthdays are like chocolates, after 25 we stop counting. Bon anniversaire @Jamie21!!
  12. Me too on clueless. Showing you his terrace, which addressed your stated concern, and not realising it was not the actual reason is just that. There's nothing wrong with white lies, and it's not unreasonable to expect them to be recognised for what they are, a device to smooth the interaction. You can only know in retrospect if it was cluelessness or misunderstanding you deliberately. If you have any future interactions with him, you are under no obligation to mention it again, much less to explain yourself to him.
  13. Me too. A propos of possible suitability for your parents, these services may only offer a short term solution between being able to manage the ingredients they have in the pantry and fridge (with grocery delivery possibly being an earlier step) to being better served b packaged prepared meals. My mother went from cooking for herself to only being able to prepare sandwiches (prepacked ingredients would not have helped). What she was capable of in her last year or so was heating single serve meals. To @Charlie's point, one of those was a line of fresh curry and rice meals (i.e. not frozen) at the local supermarket that were quite good and just needed a few minutes in the microwave. (I used to take her there to shop.)
  14. He's one guy I was always tempted by, but the opportunity is yet to present itself.
  15. I make no comment as to the veracity of this observation. Suffice to say I've just cleaned my computer screen. https://twitter.com/embee_art/status/1514137342717562883?s=20&t=n25U2MT6RoA2azL0YbEPAA
  16. I think he is saying that Orlando isn't blooming.
  17. Last time I was at a forum meeting I had a name tag to wear, but for whatever reason it stayed in my bag and I forgot about it.
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