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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I see what you did there!
  2. And you didn't do anything, as mentioned in a different thread the default pattern was changed in memoriam for Daddy to mark the anniversary of his passing. It has been changed again (on Sunday), this time to the new default design, as you will have discovered by now. The option to change your display back to the old default design is available using the Theme option at the bottom of the page.
  3. It's a government agency or business entity that is structured as a corporation with the same management and governance structure as a a privately held company, but is 100% government owned. They are also called government business enterprises. They have a chairman/woman, a CEO and a board. Some, like the ABC, are government funded (with some money from its activities, like merch, selling boxed sets of its productions and selling rights to its shows to other broadcasters), others operate independently, to a greater lesser extent, of government funding. Australia Post is in the latter category, making a profit in recent years, paying tax and paying the government a dividend. The CEO concerned who was effectively sacked after that watch incident, was snapped up by a commercial logistics company, Toll Global Express, as its CEO. So a competitor to AusPost got its successful former CEO. Clever of them, huh?
  4. Moderator's Note: Please stay on the topic of grocery shopping. I have moved a post that drew on earlier comments about installing bidets to avoid needing to buy toilet paper to discuss bidets in general to a new threat 'Bidets'.
  5. mike carey

    411 Jakexl

    I had chatted with him when he was in Sydney. Damn this pandemic!
  6. A fourth shot has been approved in Australia for over 65s, indigenous people over 50 and people with compromised immune systems. I only had my third about a month ago, so no rush.
  7. A short tangent, a couple of years ago the CEO of Australia Post (a crown corporation) rewarded four executives with Cartier watches worth $AU 5K each for landing a $200m contract, and was excoriated by the PM for wasting money. Never mind that if they had been given $50K cash bonuses nobody would have batted an eyelid. At a Senate Estimates hearing on the issue, she was wearing a $50K Bugatti watch. Two lessons to be drawn from it. For some people a watch is a watch and some who can afford a $50K one will. (Hers was beautiful, so counted as jewellery.) Second, people can be irrationally envious and judgmental about the idea that people have expensive watches.
  8. Today's cartoon from the 'Tiser. (The 'Tiser being the Adelaide Advertiser, the city's daily paper.)
  9. As I remember it, when she took time off from tennis in '15 or '16 it was a break from the sport not a retirement. She played professional cricket during that break. She describes herself as a homebody and misses the company of her family on the tour. She may well be back in a couple of years or she may take up another sport where she can travel less, or at least not as far. Golf wouldn't qualify on the last criterion but she apparently plays off 3. In her press conference today she told people to be patient about what, if anything, she might do next.
  10. Moderator's Note. Please keep this thread on the light-hearted (and shamelessly superficial) topic of his attractiveness, or otherwise (but what are naysayers thinking). Avoid political comments on his leadership abilities.
  11. In what I think fairly qualifies as actually being a genuine surprise, Ash Barty has announced her retirement from tennis. She said that winning at Wimbledon gave her a sense of fulfilment, to which winning the AO added. She's done it her way, going out at the top. She chose to make the announcement in a video interview with her close friend Casey Dellacqua that's linked in this article. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2022-03-23/ash-barty-announces-retirement-from-tennis/100932944 For most of us, this came out of the blue.
  12. As I look at it, the icon to the left of the form name in the list (the rectangle with the two speech bubbles in it) is coloured for forums that have unread content and greyed out where you've read them. The text isn't bold the way it is for unread threads within the forum views.
  13. And I could say, 'Where better to go for a hot date', but that would be off-topic so I won't.
  14. Steven Draker is one name that comes to mind. I don't know if he is the one they thought of.
  15. Veering off topic, I know, but I was listening to Dan Savage tonight talk about the Chicago book shops where he as a gay Catholic school boy bought books that the school library would never have, and how they let him sit for hours reading those that he couldn't even contemplate buying and taking home.
  16. And the leadership adds to anything physically attractive about the man.
  17. Funny how tastes differ (it's not really, everyone knows they do), I haven't met Damian (the years of living Covidly kept me away from that PS meeting) and share your apparent liking for him, but I have met William socially and chatted with him. Neither is off my list.
  18. That made it onto the Sunday morning sport program here today.
  19. I don't know. I've been seeing the trailers for the series a lot on the ABC lately, that could be a promising sign that there's a series two in the works.
  20. To be pedantic, for the majority of human history we didn't have clocks so changing them was not a consideration.
  21. @marylander1940 the subject is not political and the fact that the catalyst for starting the conversation was a senate resolution doesn't necessarily make it so. There is a general interest in whether and how daylight saving should continue and that is how the conversation in the Lounge is progressing.
  22. Great to see true love blossoming in the forum!
  23. I love daylight saving but when I had a long train commute and the sun rose as I stepped off it in the last week of it, it was totally time for it to end. Now I don't have to wake up early it matters less to me than it did then. I have no idea why a senator from Arizona would give a damn about it.
  24. mike carey

    Max Slater

    I don't know, if you tell people nine and a half things about yourself, would they stay away?
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