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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. I'm the opposite in a way, I read PMs first where I first see them be that in my e-mail (Outlook) or in the forum. Either way I will usually open the e-mail if only so it doesn't show up as unread in my trash folder. A couple of days ago I was using wi-fi that blocked the forum (my recollection from a previous time, not actually checked this time) and was able to read the text of the PM in the mail item. I replied later.
  2. What he said. I relate completely to that description., so sign me up. I've read enough of Benjamin's blog to have seen varied accounts of him guiding and directing a companion though intimate situations. Of course that relies on his accounts being accurate and he could be faking it. Somehow I doubt it.
  3. Thousands of people (mostly or exclusively men but that part is largely irrelevant), the complete range of ages, add in some party (and other) drugs, a new and unpredictable disease and unaccustomed levels of activity (vertical and horizontal) in tropical heat, the surprise would be if there weren't more deaths. Natural causes alone would have suggested as much in that demographic mix even before 'culturally specific' characteristics of the group concerned were considered.
  4. I saw this story earlier today on OMAAT. Emirates, JAL and Air India have apparently already cancelled most US flights, Emirates stopping all destinations except LAX, IAD and JFK (for reasons that are not clear). There is a high degree of scepticism in the OMAAT commenter community, and that's to be expected. The issue seems to be mainly with B777 radar altimeters, and primarily for low visibility instrument landings, although it's not clear those are the only area of concern. The issue apparently is not with 5G per se but with the C-band spectrum being used for 5G deployed in the US. It remains to be seen whether this degree of caution is justified or excessive.
  5. Oh, good, you've only got two weeks to wait then!
  6. The Full Bench of the Federal Court has unanimously dismissed Djokovic' appeal against the decision to cancel his visa. The court ruled on whether the decision was irrational or unreasonable in law, not on the merits of the decision. They have not yet released their reasoning and have foreshadowed doing so in the coming hours or days. The chief justice made the a point of saying that it was not role of the court to assess the merits of a decision of executive government.
  7. You assume that an overnight is eight hours, but I'm not sure how commonly that is the case. I'm sure it is for some. My first overnight was in LA (I wrote about it here at the time) and was $1800. It went from 7pm to 10am (the last hour and a half at breakfast). If he were still working I would probably pay his rate again. I would probably not pay the AUD equivalent for an overnight now in this country, it's not easy to look past the number of dollars. AUD 2500 sounds more than USD 2000 even though I know it's not. (Also the local currency dollar numbers in the going rates seem to be similar in the two markets, maybe slightly higher here recently.)
  8. I'm not sure why you asked that, his phone number looks valid.
  9. This is why the WHO designates variants of interest only when the virus manifests sufficient variation to warrant separate tracking, Those variants were allocated a Greek letter designator. Only a minority of variants of interest are elevated to variants of concern, IIRC Alpha, Beta, Delta and Omicron so far. So far successive variants have out-competed their predecessors (if they didn't, they would probably have faded away instead). The earlier versions seem not to exist in the same populations as a later one except while the newer one is establishing itself. At the moment Delta is still around but being replaced by Omicron, although there may be residual clusters of it where Omicron is yet to appear.
  10. There has been an interesting and predictable side-effect of the Djokovic shitstorm over the past week (court still sitting at 1315h so no resolution) and that is that everyone else has been flying under the radar. It has been a distraction for some of the bigger names who have been asked t comment and expressed frustration that people were talking about him and not the tennis. Ash Barty has had a free run with none of the concentration that could have been expected on whether she could play well, and who might win the women's tournament. The only coverage I've seen of here preparation was winning one lead-up tournament. And the good news story from an Australian perspective has been Thanasi Kokkinakis winning his first ATP tournament at Memorial Drive. So, a home town win a couple of days before the big dance starts.
  11. French phone numbers are of the format 0x xx xx xx xx (so a two digit area code stating with zero and an eight digit phone number). 06 is an area code for mobile phone numbers (mobiles do not use the normal local area codes). Calling from abroad the leading zero in he number is dropped. His phone number has the correct number of digits. Whether it is the correct phone number is a separate question.
  12. The Minister's decision was not based on the health threat from his being unvaccinated. The detailed reasoning the Minister released after his public statement cited the danger that allowing him to stay would pose because it would fan anti-vax sentiment. His lawyers say that there is no evidence to support that claim, and that is what they say is irrational. The hearing in the Federal Court will resume tomorrow (16 Jan) at 0930.
  13. Thanks for the clarification/correction, Shawn. I dad been thinking about Rentmen when I wrote that, and obviously based on what I see as a client there. In other countries the rates show near the top of the ad with rates for In, Out and Overnight allowed. That can either nave a number or the word 'ask' in each field. I haven't seen those fields in ads for any escorts in the US (I clearly haven't looked at them all). I haven't seen 'ask me' about rates for escorts there either, although if it's not where I'm used to seeing it where I do for non-US escorts, I could easily have missed it.
  14. Well played! Aside from the reasons a provider might post 'ask for rates', seeing that on an ad indicates that the platform allows rates to be posted. If the posting of rates were not permitted, even 'ask' implies the existence of rates, and the platform wants to maintain the fiction that they do not.
  15. Don't know, but that could be a mobile/computer version thing.
  16. The OP can also do this himself by logging out of RM and trying to open the ad.
  17. Welcome back! Yes, at bottom of the post there is a + sign followed by the word 'Quote'. Clicking on quote copies the post into a new comment and takes you there. Clicking on the + copies that post and brings up a box on the right of the screen with 'Quote 1 post'. You can then go on adding more posts. When you have all the quotes you want, click on the white part of the box and it will open a comment creation window. (If you want to delete your saved quotes click on the x in the blue part of the box.
  18. I heard that on 16 Dec he took both an RAT and a PCR test. The RAT was negative (result straight away) and the PCR positive (result received next day). The ABC cited a long Instagram post he had made this morning saying he had not received the result when he attended the children's event but cancelled later engagements. Except an interview with L'Equipe which he acknowledged was an error of judgment. The Immigration Minister acknowledged receiving clarifying information from Djolovic' lawyers about some of the court documents and said that he would require further time to consider it.
  19. Baffles me as well. I thought it was talking about the arrival card that you are handed on the flight (in which case there's no way he could 'forget') but I heard someone characterise the question as having asked if he had travelled or would travel in the 14 days before arrival. That implies that it was not the arrival card, and could have been on his visa application and I think that was submitted in early November. If it was that form and he changed his plans and made 'unanticipated' travel, there's no way he could change the declaration. The details of what form, when and what the actual question was are far from clear. The saga continues.
  20. ABC TV interviewed a lawyer who had been watching the proceedings. He said that after Djokovic's team had presented his case, the Commonwealth had effectively folded, agreeing to the judge's proposed ruling. After the ruling had been handed down, Counsel for the Commonwealth advised that the Minister would now examine the option of exercising his discretion to cancel the visa anyway. The judge thanked Counsel and said that if the Commonwealth had proceeded to take up that option without mentioning it in court, he would have been 'incandescent with rage'. Presumably he would have been unimpressed that the Commonwealth had only conceded in his court because it knew it had a 'get out of gaol free' card. (I don't know what he could have done about, perhaps issue an injunction preventing any action being taken to effect the cancellation until after the Open?) A potential stumbling block for Djokovic is that in his arrival declaration he said that he had not travelled in the 14 days before arrival in Australia when he had been in both Spain and Serbia in that period. To me, that would be a pretext not a reason to cancel his visa.
  21. WTF? Djokovic has won his case and the cancellation of his visa has been quashed, with the Home Affairs Department ordered to pay costs. I have yet to see any further details of the reasons for the decision. I can only speculate they ruled on the administrative processes by which the visa was cancelled since it is pretty clear that he didn't qualify for a visa to be issued. The immigration minister could still use his discretion to cancel the visa anyway. He may be reluctant to do that as it would then be a political rather than an administrative one.
  22. Yup, not much wriggle room there!
  23. It was more being a smart arse and playing around than any sort of originalist urge!
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