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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Yes, I noticed it and had noticed it in several threads around the time the forum transitioned to the new software, and it appeared to have been a glitch associated with the transition.
  2. Especially apposite on this Christmas afternoon: Dad's Xmas Belly joke - 8/10: When Mum caught Dad standing on the bathroom scales, sucking in his stomach, she laughed, “Ha! That’s not going to help!” Dad replied, “Sure it does, it’s the only way I can see the numbers.” And combining two themes of this Christmas season: Why can’t a symptom of Omicron be the inability to gain weight after eating 9 lbs of Christmas ham?
  3. The scenic backdrop to all three cities would do that, irrespective of the cityscapes.
  4. Important to remember that the first number is pre-vaccine and pre-Delta, so there is a variety of reasons for the difference. Knowing the variant breakdown for yesterday's hospitalisations would be interesting but would not reveal very much. Having the same figures for six weeks ago to compare with yesterday's would be far more revealing. Comparing those six-week-old numbers with last years' would provide a useful way-point in the progression of hospitalisation over the year.
  5. I'm not particularly avoiding hiring, but rather avoiding travel to any city where I might hire (no one excites he here in Canberra), Sydney being the obvious one, but also not going to Melbourne. I need a test to go to Brisbane or Adelaide and am not inclined to do that, in part because testing queues are insane. Not sure how I'd feel if I were in one of those cities, but would probably do it. Not a decision I actually have to make.
  6. Thank you Maria, that is the intervention we all needed.
  7. So someone asked the Australian Electoral Commission a silly (in the best way) question on Twitter. They replied, and it was priceless. https://twitter.com/swearyanthony/status/1473539654003527689?s=20
  8. Lol yes, possibly. When I read it I thought you were being a bit harsh on him. It took a few moments to realise that one letter being replaced by another that was next to it on the keyboard changed the whole tone of the post.
  9. Correct, not one but two, if you count a repost with 'me' as a comment as a second.
  10. I hope you meant 'previous'.
  11. https://twitter.com/WA_Police/status/1473148436518109185?s=20
  12. Ha, with no logical basis for doing so that's what I thought when I saw the photo when it was posted!
  13. 'I helped my uncle jack off a horse.' 'I helped my Uncle Jack off a horse.' So are capital letters.
  14. I think he was referring to the search window (a small dialogue box with a magnifying glass in it) that is on the computer version of the forum. If you click in that a long menu that includes a 'in this topic' option drops down. Your description matches what I see on my mobile which doesn't seem to include that option in the drop down menu from the magnifying glass there.
  15. I read that far in the sentence and was expecting an insight into doing so. Drat!
  16. A cautionary reminder before the start of the new year.
  17. I would pronounce them differently, and have difficulty understanding why someone would hear it that way. That said, I know some Americans misunderstand Australians saying he letter A. I recall a colleague who worked at our embassy in Washington say he had been spelling something out over the phone and in exasperation say it was A as in Alabama, to be greeted with a pause and response, 'But there is no I in Alabama.'
  18. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jane_Campion Yes, New Zealand has knghts and dames. They are not British honours but awards as part of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
  19. Welcome to the forum @AnthonyNYC. Thanks for putting your case here. Many of us see this sort of engagement with us as a reason to think better of working guys. Not all of us are in NYC all that often, unfortunately!
  20. Although perhaps there will be more porn starts than porn stars.
  21. Sometimes, if you don't like one herb or spice it's just as good to leave it out and rely on whatever other flavours there are in the dish. Which reminds me, I love the tang that fish sauce adds to Thai curries. I've been making them without it for some time and enjoying them, but I need to buy a bottle of it!
  22. A Guinness and some fish and chips beats a whole lot of travel experiences!
  23. It certainly is in December. A couple of days ago I had the heater on in December!! Oh wait, you're talking about North America.
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