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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. As I said, I miss @quoththeraven but I also value the contributions made by that salty broad, @tyro and everyone's favourite feline @FreshFluff.
  2. I'd like to hire him, but I note his current rates, so that may reduce the possibility that a meeting would happen. Doesn't mean I don't still want to meet him!
  3. As Arthur Dent, you'll possibly develop a cult following. I just hope your home planet isn't demolished for some bypass.
  4. I've always wanted to be an outlier! On a serious note, I've always found that Australian escorts are rarely discussed unless an estadounidense client has been here or the escort has travelled to North America. So same issue that @sjmuktophas faced. One Aussie who I had my eye on was discussed here from time to time, https://rent.men/JakeXL (he's varied his name on that theme), although he travelled frequently to the UK so that may have been what prompted the interest in here. He's been in the UK for the duration of the current unfortunate situation, so I haven't had the chance to try him for size (and I use the term advisedly!).
  5. Yay, we have a full-time birthday monitor!! Bon anniversaire to our lucky duo!
  6. This afternoon in an interview about the IPCC report, the Liberal (i.e. right wing) NSW Minister for Energy and Environment was asked whether his green tie signified something about his environmental credentials. Of course I immediately thought of @Charlie's comment that I had read yesterday. (For the record, Matt Kean who is 39, seems not to have a partner, although he had a girlfriend in the past.)
  7. I may have misread his comments on the issue, but my impression is not that he disliked them but rather that he came to dislike some of their beliefs or opinions.
  8. I'm with Benjamin and Jamie on this, although there would be no choice in the matter here. Establishments are required by law to record details of everyone who visits, and that would include places like these. They have to have a QR code linked to the health ministry tracking app. Both establishments and customers can be fined for failure to comply. Establishments have to provide an alternative for people who don't have smart phones. Most places I've been have devices staff use to register you onto the state/territory app, although some have a sign-in sheet. (Even Canberra buses have QR codes on the window at every seat as well as at the door, and will use fare cards to track those who can't scan.) The businesses don't have access to the data on the various apps, and the data is only retained by public health for the length of time it is useful for virus tracking.
  9. Got to Kansas City on a Friday, by Saturday I'd learned a thing or two, for up to then I didn't have an idee of what the modern world was coming to. I counted 20 gas buggies goin' by their self, almost every time I took a walk, then I put my ear to a Bell telephone and a strange woman started in to talk. Everything's up to date in Kansas City.
  10. A sweet comment, nothing that surprises me from you. I hope that all providers who have, ahem, a challenging endowment are as thoughtful as you are, Maus!
  11. I think you have hit on an important point there, and not just overseas. If a client is travelling a significant distance they will want to lock in a time in advance. I have done so, sometimes for a particular time, but also for a window of a few days with a specific time agreed closer to the day.
  12. Totally off topic. John Eales was the Wallabies captain (Australia's national rugby team) in the 1990s. His nickname was 'Nobody'.
  13. Sign me up for some of that. I assume there's a 'recovery' session after the hurty bits, but that was deleted because it was too long for this video.
  14. If only he were so concise! I too enjoy his interventions and I'm sure he'll be back.
  15. At the risk of repeating myself (I know I have commented on Josh in other threads), he is one of the reasons for me to resent our closed borders. No, I haven't met him, but that's not something that I worry about. I have chatted with him on line and that, and the other comments I have read are enough to convince me that he's the real deal.
  16. Gotta love the 'descamisados'! (Literal meaning, not the perjorative connotation.)
  17. The question posed here was what's your type, not what's your preference!
  18. Being offended by people having sexual fetishes is not something I would have thought to suggest of @Benjamin_Nicholasof all people. Perhaps I'm just a bad judge of such things.
  19. I wouldn't be doing my hemispheric geographical duty if I didn't add some suggestions for you to look at once you get into the swing of this snow thing. I was never bitten by this bug, so disclosure there. Don't leave out Bariloche and Queenstown. I won't add places in Australia, it's cheaper for us to go to NZ and ski Queenstown than it is locally.
  20. Yes, 'off-duty flight attendant' means someone who's not working on the flight, not someone who is on a break during the flight. They still have to uphold company standards, and since they have to be in uniform they can easily be held to account. In an emergency they could be called on to assist the rostered crew (as could an off-duty pilot if they were certified on type). I won't add to the commentary on what Wolf did.
  21. Fair point, I didn't fact check the tweet I had read (and did cite Twitter, not an original source). I'm not an uncritical fan-boy, but I've liked Novak since his early mimicry days (not just that, also his tennis, to be clear). Regardless of what he said and when, the fact that a connection was made with Biles is a warning to people who make comments meant to refer to themselves that timing can result in the comments being interpreted as applying to other things that have occurred at the same time. And to the media, and other commentators, that they should be careful in drawing attention to perceived links between things that are unrelated.
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