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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. And we had our first win against the Crusaders in 16 years last weekend!
  2. Haha, indeed! It's a hard conversion of 20cm. People round measurements to a whole number (or in this case, perhaps half inch), they wouldn't say 7.87 inches any more than they would 20.3cm. Now, back to the topic, ahem, at hand.
  3. I too know what 8 inches is. I also know what 20cm is and 7.87 inches is just weird. And what they feel like depends as much on their owner as the measurement (within reason). But in most things, Je parle SI. Just don't get me started on kPa.
  4. Moderator's Note Let's stick to the topic and avoid any sniping. Two-way shooting ranges are inherently risky. Off-topic comments will be removed.
  5. There are only three, all taken in the same place, and two of them are remarkably similar. When there are as few shots as this RM repeats them across the screen so it looks like there are more similar (or identical) pics than there actually are.
  6. If DHS is posting this warning it's because they have picked up chatter from someone. Unless the warning specified who was involved we don't know whether it was Islamic or right wing (perhaps purportedly Christian) terror groups or some state actor.
  7. He was at the Palm Springs gathering last month, and he is indeed a lovely guy.
  8. Looks like I'm gonna need to break out my passport and visitors' guide to Florida!
  9. This is clearly fake. Rugby is the game they play in heaven.
  10. Previous threads on this provider have been merged into this one.
  11. Yes, it is expired but when he retired he took this profile down completely. He reposted it on RM last week (10 May, it reappeared then in my Buddy list) but he is yet to make it fully active.
  12. If they travel frequently between Canada and the US this is probably true, but otherwise not so much. If they live their lives in Canada and have no particular use for USD why would they want them? If the CAD is sliding against the USD, of course having USD would be useful but if the rate is constant it benefits them not (unless they quote a dollar figure in CAD and the client pays them that number of USD).
  13. Two comments for situations in comparable rich countries: The default should be pay in the currency of the country you're in, and if he tells you his rate and doesn't specify the currency, assume he means local But ask him, and if he says USD is fine, ask what his rate is in USD, don't assume that your conversion of his stated rate is acceptable (he may not be able to convert at that rate, or he may want more than the going rate to compensate for real or perceived inconvenience - or his bank's fee - for converting the cash)
  14. I'm entirely unsure what the second post has to do with the thread. Is there some other motive for starting a thread ostensibly about a portrait? On the topic at hand, it is the first new portrait of the King, but it depicts him in the uniform of the Welsh Guards, and was commissioned when he was Prince of Wales before his accession to the throne. I quite like it, but it is quite a contrast to this portrait (currently part of an exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in Canberra.
  15. And the sun rose in the east this morning.
  16. I think it's drawing a rather long bow to attribute all of these incidents involving Boeing aircraft to the manufacturer. A 767 operated by a freight carrier and an old model 737? I'd say operator error, maintenance practices or a less rigorous aviation regulator are more likely the proximate cause.
  17. Last I read, Pita Taufatofua was planning to be back in Paris, representing Tonga.
  18. Airlines have their ups and downs, and today is one of those days for Qantas. Qantas has agreed to settle a Federal Court action by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in which the airline had been alleged to have sold seats on thousand flights of it had already decided to cancel. The airline will set up a fund of $AU20m to recompense about 87,000 affected passengers, about $250 for domestic tickets and $450 international. Qantas has also agreed to pay a civil penalty (aka fine) of $100m. The arrangement is subject to formal approval by the Federal Court, but the payments to passengers will proceed regardless of that outcome. The effect of the ghost flights was far greater in the perception the story evoked than in actuality. For the most part passengers were rebooked without huge inconvenience as they were on relatively busy routes, but on international routes they were often not on the same day. None of that is to minimise the annoyance, anxiety and real inconvenience many suffered. Settling the case is a further (not farther) part of the massive reputational recovery effort that the new CEO has had to undertake after the controversial administration of her predecessor.
  19. Good to see that you were thanked for that observation!
  20. It's an Estonian phone number (country code, 372 the + sign signifies that it is preceded by whatever the international access code is [011 from the US]). With eight digits after that it's a mobile phone, landline phones and some mobiles have seven digits. Telephone numbers in Estonia - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Every country will have it's own phone number formats (Australia has 0x-xxxx-xxxx for landlines and 04xx-xxx-xxx for mobiles, and in the international format they start +61 and then drop the initial 0 from the number).
  21. Farther and further are both legitimate words. Further is used for both literal and figurative distance (or in this case to mean additional) whereas farther is only used to mean a literal distance (Sydney is farther from Honolulu than New York is). So, long story short, he didn't make a spelling mistake, he used the wrong word.
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