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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Cute baby animals meet social media. https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2021-06-17/orphaned-lambs-in-baby-jumpers-easing-loneliness/100207874?utm_campaign=news-article-share-control&utm_content=twitter&utm_medium=content_shared&utm_source=abc_news_web
  2. This is quite the way to respond to being called a sheep, https://twitter.com/carguy_1970/status/1405680282330664962?s=20
  3. I'm not sure that our closed borders will affect your chances of seeing them perform live.
  4. Somehow I missed this issue when it was first raised, and I have to say I liked the idea of the 'edited' flag showing up only after a few minutes. That said, I'm with you Rob, it's a first world problem, not something to get worked up about. I like the feature that allows you to explain what you've edited. A chance for a self-deprecating 'Whoops, typo'.
  5. The vaccine roll out here has been pretty bad, and today's change limiting AZ to over 60s rather than over 50s will compound that. It is a significant political issue here.
  6. You say that to all the boys, I just know it.
  7. Not sure if it has been asked, and I'm a client not a provider. I have generally had a full page or more of buddy listed escorts, and I've added to and deleted from it and never had an escort contact me as a result. Make of that what you will. If you look at an escort's profile you can control whether they see it. If you go to your RM dashboard there is an option for 'Profile Visibility' and you can turn that on or off. Your choice whether you have it set one way all the time or use it to deliberately signal to some escorts that you have viewed their profile without making a formal contact.
  8. Who knows, the government isn't setting targets for when the population will be vaccinated or even for the rates of vaccination from week to week, they are worried that they will be seen to have 'failed' if the targets aren't met. They are not even saying what percentage needs to be vaccinated for borders to open. That said, the pace of the vaccination roll-out is picking up. Their refusal to talk about the way out of isolation is starting to wear thin with much, although not all, of the population.
  9. Current inbound fares to Australia in general are wildly distorted because airlines are limited to low double digit pax on each flight. I am surprised it was so low on that AA flight, although it's roughly what I would expect the normal 'full fare' J class to be. A week or so back in chatting with another forum member, I did a sample search for J class fares next April (far enough out that some carriers are using their usual calculations rather than the Australian-isolation-Covid fares) and found a R/T fare to Sydney from a US city at about $AU7.5K on Air Canada via YVR. There were others a little above that. (Yes the flight website quoted fares from the US in AUD because that's where I searched from.) If the choice is between the SST fare quoted above and an airline's highest J fare, it could well be competitive, but I would guess if those aircraft were to come into service, the airlines would deploy the same pricing algorithms they do now for conventional flights.
  10. Yes, we are way behind 'comparable' countries, but there is no strategy of avoiding vaccination so we can continue to isolate. The reason is far simpler, federal government incompetence, even though it has (belatedly) entered contracts for vaccine delivery. The states and territories are stepping in to accelerate jabs in arms. The national discourse is noting how far we are behind other countries, and asking WTF? In the last couple of days, a travel bubble with Singapore was discussed, but we're told we need far more people vaccinated before Singapore will consider it.
  11. Probably worth my while taking a trip to Brisbane, an exhibition at the Gallery of Modern Art (featuring quite a bit of art that isn't modern) of pieces from the Met. https://www.qagoma.qld.gov.au/whats-on/exhibitions/european-masterpieces?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIvo7hkoyR8QIVT38rCh0saAQPEAAYASAAEgLYzvD_BwE
  12. Given that much of the effort people put into interpreting whether what he was posting and offering was feasible given the current travel restrictions between the two countries, knowing that he was certainly in Australia (which, if it had been clear who he was we would have known) would have saved a lot of unnecessary speculation. Your OP hinted at who he was, you could have said you knew, and specified where he was without 'outing' him.
  13. But it's a horse, not a donkey ....
  14. The comment about three relationships, I believe, was Kris talking about himself, not HD.
  15. I've been on one flight, LAX to Washington National, so not a short hop, and I had read the info card. But that was before the aircraft had become famous. Here, I don't have to think about it, Qantas doesn't fly them, and although Virgin had them on order that was cancelled when they went into administration.
  16. Are there any airlines in the US or Canada that doesn't fly them? (Serious question, I don't know.) ED: Looks like Delta doesn't.
  17. Possibly, but if he's changed his handle, a 404 message would come up too. Two way travel between the two countries is not possible without an exemption, but if he had been here since March last year, he would not be prevented from travelling back to the US, he just couldn't come back here again. So, (based on what I remember about his ad) he has been economical with the truth, it's just not clear which part of his story is untrue. It's theoretically possible that he is able to travel to Australia through some sort of exemption (being part of a film production is one such option), but I don't put much store on that possibility.
  18. There's a lot of the internet down at the moment, NYT, Blloomberg, the Guardian and many others with a 503 error. Could be part of that wider problem.
  19. Kris. this has been amazing to watch. As to the future, only you can decide how to play it. The ever changing stories he told you sound to me like someone who had a few different ideas of where he wanted to go and that he was leaving his options open. Reasonable for him, but a potential mind fuck for you, and as it turned out, an actual one. You could go to dinner and ask him to lay is cards on the table, or you could just let it play out. ('How it plays out' could be that he does lay his cards on the table.) He's put money and effort into this, but so have you, and his reaction to the hotel seems to indicate he recognises that. Does he want to have a result from his investment so far, probably yes. That doesn't mean he wants to recover that investment, although as others have suggested, he might. Only time will tell, and you're going into it with your eyes open.
  20. Therein lies the answer as to whether hotel staff care about escorts!
  21. I can't see a future supersonic jet having the cachet that Concorde had. It's a curious thing what makes an aircraft iconic, and I doubt it's predictable. There has certainly been a hint of that for the Jumbos as they have been progressively withdrawn from service and I sense that when the A380 goes there could be something similar. People noticed when first A380 flights happened into cities (Qantas flew those into LAX and DFW IIRC), something that didn't happen with other types. Will this new supersonic jet??
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