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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. In the past five or six years I've flown across the Pacific in economy, premium economy and business [all on Qantas], variously to DFW, LAX and SFO, all paid economy with points upgrades, and on A380s, B747s and B787s. Y is bearable if you have to, but not particularly comfortable. I slept fitfully in premium and well in business. I'd be happy to keep flying on subsonic aircraft and if I'm going to throw big money on a trans-Pacific trip to throw it at a regular business ticket not a supersonic one. I doubt that these new supersonic aircraft will offer the comfort of any premium cabin on a current generation aeroplane. I also doubt that the carbon footprint they will have will be acceptable or affordable (maybe renewable jet fuel will be thing by then). I agree on the A380 (I think we've had that conversation before), and there was a reassuring news story a week of so back that Qantas had flown one of its A380s from Victorville to LAX for maintenance at their base there. That points to an intention, at least for now, to bring them back into service. There was another story about QF engineers having to deal with rattlesnakes in the aircraft they have there.
  2. When the subject of followers and following was being canvassed a little while ago, I checked mine and a lot of the following seemed to have started at the changeover time, so that's likely a glitch in that process. First world problem though! Absolutely no need to 'fix' it.
  3. Not that I know of, but his accent could be impenetrable!
  4. I have read research here, that in NSW which has the most carbon intensive power generation sector in the country, using grid power to charge an EV causes less carbon emissions than using an internal combustion engine. Where I live in the ACT the grid electricity is 100% renewable.
  5. I should have said that this was not a random comment now the ad has been posted here, I had said this in reply to a DM about the image yesterday. At the time I speculated that my doubts could have been a result of the time since I had met Mike, so my memory could have been faltering or he could have changed. I'm glad that the identity of the man in the ad has now been confirmed.
  6. Serena says she handles post-match press conferences by reminding herself that she can play better than any of the journalists, none of them can hold a candle to her on the court. And at ABC Sport's web site, Tracey Holmes notes that the powers that be at the four grand slams have comprehensively lost the public relations battle they had been involved in over Ms Osaka. In fact, they have gone down in straight sets, then failed to show up at the media conference. https://www.abc.net.au/news/2021-06-02/grand-slam-bosses-respond-poorly-to-osaka-french-open-withdrawal/100185462
  7. I wish I could think quickly enough to ask a woman who asked me that sort of question about her wife.
  8. That was what I thought, looked a lot like him but something wasn't right.
  9. I don't know if it's possible to report someone when you are not logged into RM, but you can at least view his profile if you log out of your account.
  10. I thought I needed to make it clear that I recognise it's easy for me to be confident at a distance, and to implicitly acknowledge that close up it may not be so easy.
  11. Hell, why is this so difficult? You've been eyeing him off for ages, and he's now made an offer. Not the one you expected or probably even considered, but an offer nevertheless. If money hadn't been part of the equation you would probably have had sex that night, but not knowing you have hired before, he is conscious that hiring might be something that would be cautious about so gave you time to think. On your side of the table, you have been hiring since, oh, about forever, so the concept of hiring someone is not challenging. I totally get that you might have preferred an offer not involving money, but since that wasn't what you received, and you've already established a cordial relationship,, if you're going to hire, why not him? All that aside, I'm not you, and not being the one who was propositioned it's easy for me to have an opinion of what for me is a hypothetical situation, whereas it's real for you.
  12. If that is the case, what is the word for which S is the intial, that results in the abbreviation S-cort?
  13. As Dan Savage says, 'Fcuk first'!
  14. I echo the other comments, if Mike wants to be in an ad, whether that is in the 'acceptable' norms here or not, he can do that. I just want to meet @Mikegaiteagain, he is the hottest man I have spent any time with!
  15. Some Nicholas person didn't respond to one of my tweets! The very idea!! If I ever meet him, I will have to have a very candid conversation.
  16. I have met him too, although not in the biblical sense. Your description sounds just like the man I met.
  17. For me, personality is king, but you don't always know that until you actually meet. The other three all fit into an amalgam, there's a threshold for each as a starting point, but body is probably the biggest consideration. (And I use the word 'biggest' advisedly.) I doubt I would hire anyone based on any one of the criteria, I'd try to build a picture of how they factor into the person I'd hire. How any first meeting worked is also a big factor on whether I'd see them again. Tonight I contacted a guy who I probably wouldn't have picked based on any of the three physical criteria above, but there was something intriguing about his ad and reviews, and in his replies he sounds real and grounded. Doesn't mean I'll meet him (he's in Sydney) but I won't rule it out.
  18. Over at OMAAT, I saw in a thread about the B787 window dimmers (first world problem right there) where someone had said that was a reason they preferred the A350, another poster asked why on earth anyone would prefer a surrender monkey aircraft to a good patriotic all-Murican Boeing (or words to that effect, the Boeing bit; the Airbus part is a direct quote). Would it be too simplistic to suggest, 'Because they know what they are doing'?
  19. It's an oldie, but no less valid for its age, those that mind don't matter, and those that matter don't mind.
  20. A couple of days ago was International Bee Day, for all the reasons you'd expect related to climate change, the threat that loss of bees would have on crops that rely on them for pollination, and the prevalence of the veroa mite. i'd heard about it and got all the reasons that it was important, but then I heard it referenced without any context a day or so later, and my immediate (though thankfully brief) thought was, 'What the hell is an international bide... Oh, right!'.
  21. There are some things the world does not need, me having or even being part of an OnlyFans page is high on that list! Then again..
  22. If only I could meet you, we could provide a photo of how it was done. That is, assuming it is possible, but even if it's not, trying to achieve it could be fun.
  23. @rvwnsdI agree it is odd, but if he can churn through names and still attract a clientele, good luck to him. He does have a web site (that could use some professional help btw) and there have been respected posters here who swear by him. He does talk up a storm! I'd certainly give him a run, but there are other guys in the US that would be above him on my list, including a few in NYC. (And San Antonio.)
  24. You could always book him and ask him to demonstrate.
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