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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. You're absolutely right, there is a variety of escorts offering different things, and there are clients out there looking for escorts at every point on that spectrum. Not all escorts convey the range of their capabilities (or preferences) in their ads. I've had exchanges with escorts in person (social settings), in here and on social media that convince my they are the sort of man I want to hire (and a few that push me in the other direction). I had one of those good conversations just last night in RM messenger (shame about the border restrictions).
  2. He's been discussed here for quite some time, but his RM ad only dates from 26 Jan, so you're looking at four months' worth of RM reviews. It would seem that unlike some other escorts who change their handle on an existing ad (and all their history, including reviews, carries over between different names), he closed his previous one and started afresh.
  3. What they can achieve is situational. In many circumstances it achieves nothing. Up until today, the contact tracing people in Melbourne were able to identify and isolate all the contacts of a case (both people they knew they had been with, and people who had been to places the cases had visited) within 24 hours, and second level contacts in an additional 24 hours. When they could do that they were confident that they had identified everyone who was likely to have been in the chain of contact from each positive case. So, they were confident that on the balance of probabilities there were no undetected cases out there. Today, the number of locations of concern, and the number of people they needed to contact exceeded the number they could contact within the 24 hour limit. So, they are no longer confident that they can identify everyone who might be infected, and therefore likely to be a vector. So rather than tell a known list of people to stay isolated, a lockdown treats everyone as a possible contact and reduces the number of people anyone who was an actual undetected case of disease can pass it on to. The intention is to slow the spread so contact tracing can keep up again. The lockdowns have typically been three to seven days, in which time any cases that had slipped through the contact tracing system should have manifested. So far, these have succeeded in stopping outbreaks in their tracks. (During the lockdown what they are concerned are new cases with no known source, not those that can be linked to a known source. After a week of no 'unknown' cases the health authorities will be confident that they have the outbreak contained.) The debate here hasn't been whether it should have been done, but whether they waited a day too long. Clearly this can only work well here because the background level of community infection is effectively zero.
  4. I had the impression that there are some members whose only contribution to the forum was to attach a 'bomb' to other members' posts.
  5. Multiple monarchs? The US has had multiple presidents, two at the moment since both Trump and Biden are president now. We don't, as I thought I had made clear, celebrate the birthday of the late Queen Victoria.
  6. Even without knowing the distances and transit options involved (and @Nakedchihas talked about those) I would have thought that the available air fares would have been the biggest criterion, and ORD the most likely airport to use.
  7. Ok, so this isn't ROFLMAO style funny, more like smirk-worthy. QR codes are pretty much universal here and no one seems to baulk at using them (except for the one person who tweeted that their mother had been photographing them rather than scan them). Naomi Wolf complains that having to scan a QR code to enter her NYC hotel's rooftop bar makes NYC 'actual hell'. Predictably the thread under Dr Wolf's tweet contained a mixture of agreement and ridicule, but I liked this retweeted take from a student at my alma mater. https://twitter.com/SavvyBeeBen/status/1397491901289275397?s=20
  8. It was pretty much a matter of moving on from Empire Day as 'Empire' had been supplanted by the Commonwealth, so commemorating the Empire seemed outdated in the 1960s. The idea that it specifically commemorated the birthday of VR rather than the Empire had already faded. The bonfires and fireworks moved to the Queens Birthday holiday in early June (except in WA where the day for such things had been Guy Fawkes Day).
  9. I've never been called for jury duty, in part because during my time in the Defence Force I was exempt. Not sure how good a juror I'd be! We have no equivalent to US grand juries, only trial juries.
  10. Harumph! Of course I like to think that I have aged well, not quite to the extent of a vampire or the undead, but in less fanciful terms.
  11. No holiday in Australia this weekend (just passed). Our days of remembrance are Anzac Day (25 April), a holiday where everything is closed, at least until lunch time and 11 November, Remembrance Day or Armistice Day. it's not a public holiday but there are commemorations at war memorials and many radio and television station pause their programming at 11am. Up until about when I was in about second grade, Queen Victoria's birthday was marked as Empire Day, and it was a half holiday, with bonfire night in the evening.
  12. Last night's episode was about the transgender team at Melbourne's Royal Children's Hospital and the doctor who leads it. It talks about its program and tracks some of the children it has treated.
  13. That's a kind of transmission I hadn't thought of. I guess the worries about 5G connectivity were true if your friends are now fully faxed.
  14. My use for olives is in cooking not in drinks, and for most purposes stuffed olives are not my choice. I do like them for salads, though, as they add a different type of complexity. I think they would also work well in dishes like Spaghetti alla Puttanesca, which I'm now planning for tonight. But with some olives from the 1.7kg bottle of Kalamata olives I have in my fridge.
  15. mike carey


    Yes they are clearly different people, and although JoshHung raises some questions, JoshNinePlus, from his pics and some of his reviews, looks like quite the catch (even if only for a passing tryst). Another reason for me to regret (but not resent) our border regime this side of the pond.
  16. There was a comment up-thread about a particular image that the poster thought not ideal. That may be so, but it doesn't imply a broader dislike of the images used on the opening page. I don't have an issue with the pipe-smoker as the image for 'ask a provider' but I understand that some members may not like it. If you are one of them, suggest a replacement!
  17. Fair point, I knew you travelled to South America, but wasn't sure how much you travelled to the west coast (or even to Chicago). I guess a lot of people wouldn't even notice that the time stamp on posts was out when travelling in the US, but with a 14, 15 or 16 hour difference depending on the time of year, I do.
  18. @latbear4blk I have forums that I read and some that I don't. I alternate between two methods of dealing with that. One is to only open the forums I am interested in, read them and disregard the others. The second is to open the ones I'm not interested in and mark them all 'read' then go to the 'unread' view of the whole forum. That second approach doesn't work as well in the new software as it continuously updates the 'unread' list whereas the old software only updated if you exited and re-entered 'unread' territory. That combination still works well enough for me.
  19. Good question. BsAs is what, 2 hours ahead of DC (one hour US summer time)?
  20. With the old software, the time zone that is used to display content was set manually so, for example, when I travelled to the US or into a different time zone here or there, I had to tell the software where I was so the time and date would display correctly. I have just had a look at the various options and settings in this software and cannot find a place where I can specify a time zone. Am I correct in assuming that this software uses the system time zone on the device I'm using rather than its own internally set time?
  21. I've rewatched this every time it appears in my feed, and laugh every time. https://twitter.com/JonDeeOz/status/1395945994320105476?shttps://twitter.com/JonDeeOz/status/1395945994320105476?s=20
  22. I just looked for a post I made in the last few hours before 5pm Friday EDT (not sure which side of 24 hours it was) and couldn't find it. It had randomly appeared as the latest post in an unrelated forum on the opening page, but wouldn't open from there, and is no longer there. (It was in the thread about an Australian having died in India, which I also couldn't find.) The fact that I couldn't find the post or the thread doesn't mean they weren't there, of course. Either way, I'm not worried about it, I was only looking for it because you had posed this question. Rather than attribute that to the content being lost, I suspect it's just the vagaries of the order in which content from the before times is being indexed, not a sign that it has been lost.
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