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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. mike carey


    There have been posts with them all in but I couldn't find one of them now. You may need to wait until the data base here has stabilised in the new system to find one of them. (Edited) Or you could read the list that Rob just posted.
  2. mike carey


    A laptop, but that's about the same as a desktop and different to a phone, so that may be it.
  3. mike carey


    I am seeing them there. Looking at your post, your handle is there with your rank (Earl) under it, then your avatar (7). then 'Members' followed by your scores.
  4. Further to my reply just now, it all looks good. Congratulation on the conversion, and the progress so far in data base rebuilding, you've done a remarkable job. It seems as if we were up and running a couple of hours before I tried to log in at 5pm Saturday here.
  5. Didn't happen for me, so I had to sign in. No problems doing so!
  6. @Benjamin_Nicholas is quite the theatre aficionado, so perhaps he has.
  7. The problem with the media was that it wasn't on their terms. Now it is on their terms.
  8. I actually have no idea about this, but I'll take her word for it, and it is something to allow you to have a bit of a laugh should you hear someone pontificating about 'cocaine-fuelled sex parties', or as Dan Savage quipped in retweeting this, perhaps they should have said 'cocaine-foiled sex parties'! (I like the little droopy symbol.)
  9. Interesting article, and as it notes the traumatic nature of intubation makes it a potentially attractive option if it works. The fact that it uses dissolved rather than gaseous oxygen raises questions about what technical difficulty it might present and how easy it might be to use in highly stressed ICUs. One thing that has come out here in recent days is an observation that in Australia, where intensive care units were not under stress, patients' blood could be externally oxygenated, which delivered more oxygen than intubation. (The reporting didn't indicate if it was chosen instead of intubation or as a backup if that was inadequate.)
  10. I had only vaguely heard of him, but I got a sense of his notoriety from the segment.
  11. In a coincidence of timing, I heard an episode of This American Life on ABC Radio National last night about his involvement in trying to convince Trump voters to take the vaccine. I know he is a somewhat notorious GOP pollster so on that basis his statements could be suspect, but as the episode explains he suffered a stroke and recognised that it was in part due to his having ignore his doctor's advice on the risk factors, so he thinks it's important that people take the medical advice in this instance. He was seen by people trying to spread the messages as a poacher turned gamekeeper to persuade Trump voters. The segment documents the Zoom focus group he ran. https://www.thisamericanlife.org/736/the-herd/act-two-4
  12. Thankfully my <$5K credit is with Qantas and is valid until December 2023, so I'm less worried about it. I should have plenty of time for the border to open, but I'll be able to use it for domestic flights if the clock starts to run down on it.
  13. That's like ties in a way, there are people who love, who are indifferent to and people who hate them. None of them really care what members in a different group do or think. With any luck, attitudes to masks will be the same.
  14. Pus, Sam, you have all those masks you bought to complement various outfits and you can't let them to to waste. I have bought a few, and researched others, for example football teams and indigenous designs. I agree that mask wearing will be seen as more normal (even if the MAGA Karens don't agree), and I can remember suggesting in about April last year that as a result of the pandemic people will no longer look at you as if you have two heads when you wear one. (Or words to that effect.) It occurred to me a couple of days ago that masks might replace (or add to) ties as a way men can make a fashion (or other) statement. A journalist on TV the other night was wearing a fetching tie with quokkas on it, and thought I want one of those, but remembered I almost never wear a tie now. I decided that a mask of the same fabric would be a great idea. Now all I have to do is find one.
  15. Some comments on the descriptions. Although the starting premise is that the descriptions should not set out rules for the forums, the Lounge description should retain the No Politics, No Religion, No War notation, as this is part of what the forum is for (or not for) not just a rule. Agree with what Joe said about the Cabana. The 'No Arguments' comment needs to stay in Ask an Escort. Comedy and Tragedy no longer needs to include the reference to Literature. Great that there is a reference to AFL in the Sports Desk even though I suspect most interest here is in photos of the players rather than a discussion of Australian rules football!
  16. An own goal by the mother, you could say.
  17. WTF indeed, that's certainly starting to emerge into the debate here, but it's still very quiet, except for the inbound international tourism and higher education sectors, previously two of our biggest export earners. Over 40% of Australians do not hold a passport, so that's a portion of the population that won't care about this news. Some context here, though, this flurry of announcements (from a government that is starting to be seen as a government of announcements, not of follow through) has been in the context of the Federal budget that was brought down on Tuesday evening here. So the discussion about the border is mainly as one of the assumptions that underlie the budget. That is because whether the border is open or closed will affect the economy. The budget overwhelmingly relied on very cautious assumptions about the economy, so they have assumed low levels of growth, low iron ore prices, and a closed border. The strategy seems to be under-promise and over-deliver with an election due by next May but can be called any time from August this year. If they can announce better news in, say April, that would suit them just fine. With that in mind, I am reading this travel prediction as being the government's view of what is the worst case scenario. Time will tell.
  18. If it's not, you can stream it live from their web site (button top right). You may also be able to find a story about Colombia that had aired previously. https://www.aljazeera.com/ I miss it not being aired here on the ABC News channel in the middle of the night. Their News Grid program that aired at 1500UTC was very good.
  19. Same here, but here's the rub, when I log out the forum content is visible. Now I think about it, the card view of the site was visible before I logged in, but not afterwards. At the time I had put it down to operator error in navigating the forum. (I love the opera house photo for the Asia/Africa/Australia forum [for obvious reasons, but it is a great shot], and had a laugh at the sausage image for the Deli, entirely appropriate on a number of levels.)
  20. It was labelled 'Love Sex Durex Play' and described as 'massage 2 in 1' but it's a New Zealand/Aotearoa brand, so that's probably not much help to you.
  21. I've been intrigued by it but never gone beyond that so I may have to broach the idea with an escort or other partner here. I have chatted with @COLLEGEDOM but not met yet, and that seems out of the question right now.
  22. My last meeting my partner used my bottle of lube/massage gel to massage me but I don't recall him using it for The Act. Smoothest eight inches I've had in a while.
  23. I've spent too much time over the last few days watching election results in Scotland, so I read MSP as Member of the Scottish Parliament, not what the abbreviations was intending to convey!
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