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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Lol, some of @RadioRob's late afternoon (five hours ago my time) posts perhaps indicate a both-ends-of-the-candle person!
  2. Thanks, I had been meaning to go back over my private conversations and make sure I had saved any phone numbers or e-mail addresses people had sent me. More impetus to do so now I know I'll be saving a small amount of space on the site. (Although the stored site data being in double figure Gb when 1Tb is $5.99 a month, perhaps that not as significant as I thought it might be!)
  3. I may have missed something but my observation is that it's not possible to delete a private conversation, we can only 'leave' them, which implies to me that they stay in the data base. Is this not the case?
  4. It's 5pm so not the ideal time for this old brain to start fiddling around with a beta of the site in a new operating system, but I plan to give it a go on another day. An observation, though. The site has managed well with the old software, but that doesn't mean it's the best it could be, I simply don't know. But in any system, the people operating it become accustomed to what it can do. It can take a new person in a job, or in this case a new administrator, to see opportunities to change the system, improve it or add to it. Or in this case be aware of a different propriety solution that offers new possibilities. From what @RadioRob has outlined in the post above, the possibilities from Invision Community sound great. The ability to load images directly rather than simply links would be very useful. Although the storage that needs was probably the main reason for the current capability, I recognise that petabytes of storage probably cost no more than megabytes 10 years ago, so its salience as an issue is declining. (It might add a copyright issue by having the image on the site's servers, and it means that an image would no longer disappear from here if the copyright owner took it down.) From what Rob says above, my approach will be to assume we should proceed and in kicking the tyres of this software be looking for reasons 'why not' rather than the opposite approach.
  5. Yes, it was for a fifth of mayo not a gallon.
  6. OK, I take your point that this may not be a 'funny' as such, but whatever. I saw it on one of those compilations. Dear Atheists: How is it that cavemen survived the asteroid but the dinosaurs didn't? Reply: Social distancing, they stayed 65 million years apart.
  7. Perfect, I'll make plans to go to the shops at 2pm AEST!
  8. I watch some soccer but more as an 'event' than for love of the game. I will watch world cup games on TV even at odd hours of the morning, something that's inevitable in this time zone most times, but I don't watch the A League games on free to air TV here (it's the national competition in Australia). I have been to an Australia game against France here one year, and in what is probably one of my most memorable sporting experiences I was at the final qualifying game Australia played in 2005 for the 2006 world cup. It was in the days when Australia was in the Oceania confederation and had to play the fifth placed team in South America for a place. We had lost 1-0 to Uruguay in Montevideo and after extra time in Sydney we were ahead 1-0 so the for and against had us level, and it went to penalties. I have never seen an explosion of joy, both on and off the field such as there was when John Aloiso kicked the decisive penalty that saw us qualify for 2006.
  9. @Daniel84, is there a distinction among photographers between those doing fiction and non-fiction
  10. Is that the place I saw written up on OMAAT that has a $420pp r/t seaplane transfer to get there?
  11. Of that I have no idea. Possibly an errant piece of code in the XenFora software? If it's random, as it appears to me to be, it would be difficult to track down, I suspect.
  12. I've had that happen to me once in a blue moon for quite some time, so it's not just a new thing.
  13. There have been other discussions of this in the forum in the past, and I'm sure others will direct you to them. I've always taken the view (without proof) that what an escort puts in their ad is what they are prepared to do with a client, not necessarily what they are prepared to do in other circumstances. So 'safe only' isn't a guarantee that they only play safe any time, only that they only want to do so with clients. Likewise with whether they are tops or bottoms.
  14. I disagree, it's not an 'exclusive upper crust', it's people who have demonstrated a commitment to the site. It's something they have earned, not a 'right' they are claiming.
  15. That's about a feature of the site in the past (before my time) but that doesn't mean that there is no need for an exclusive nook in the forum for trusted members (however defined, and donations may not be the best criterion). Of course, I should be part of that (that was a joke, I have no more claim than anyone else). Who should be there? That's difficult, and who would decide is also difficult. People who have a broader perspective and understand why the site is here and what it can do, rather than just what it is.
  16. I just knew I should have gone to see Hamilton when I was in Sydney a couple of weeks ago just so I could come on here and talk about it.
  17. I missed the chance to take that flight. When I was researching fights to NZ last January a QF codeshare on the EK flight came up as an option for the return leg. It would have required an overnight in Sydney, but wasn't showing as an option when it came time to book and I ended up flying back via AKL and on to Canberra on the same day. It would have been nice to fly CHC-SYD on an A380 (but in J not F, and for cash). Probably won't be an option in the future. /End of flying off on a tangent from the thread topic./
  18. Yes, I understand that, and if I contact someone a long time out it's only to see if they would be interested. After that, I've only chatted enough to let them know when my plans firm up, not once a week or anything like that. I never say I'll be there in say eight months on this day, or anything like that, I'm never organised enough that far out to say that anyway! I also realise they may not be in town when I'm there, if so I just have to live with that. Likewise if they have stopped escorting.
  19. Grammatical joke lifted from Twitter: Wife: You need to do more chores around the house. Me: Can we change the subject? Wife: OK. More chores around the house need to be done by you.
  20. Lucky you! I've hired three guys in Canberra (visitors to the city) and Sydney, all were good or even great. Of course the pandemic is much less of an issue here than in the US.
  21. Or your love for the WC could lead to a trip to the WC.
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