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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Clearly you have to ensure that the first glass is very large.
  2. Apparently an April Fools Day stunt. One done badly in my opinion, you launch those stunts on the actual day, not a few days beforehand. I thought it was clever, but if done on the day it would have been great. Years ago when I was driving a BMW, they published an ad in the papers with a picture of two versions of the iconic badge, one correct and the other with the colours in the four quadrants reversed. They warned owners to check their vehicles and that those with the correct version were counterfeit.
  3. No, although I've read a lot about good things happening in Jugiong since the road bypassed it (and diesel is usually cheap at the Mobil there), so I must check it out soon. I'll be resuming frequent travel between my places in Tumut and Canberra in the next couple of weeks, although I don't need to stop on a two hour drive.
  4. I would say that the reasons why reviews were not permitted here still pertain, the more so since FOSTA/SESTA. Changing the reviews rule here can no longer affect Daddy, but such a change could place the admins in jeopardy and risk government closure of the forum. And, as AZDR noted comments here would be largely unmoderated, which could increase the risks to the site.
  5. I wouldn't worry about it, @HotWhiteThirties! You didn't hijack the thread with maths, that was what I did with a play on words. Whether it was your typo or they had actually written it, it was an opening that begged for a wise crack.
  6. Pure coincidence. And yes I did find them in the same place, if you consider Twitter to be one 'place'. I like jokes where the humour is indirect and you have to think your way through two or more steps of reasoning.
  7. When I looked the profile said 'dominated', I guess they remembered that the denominator is on the bottom.
  8. I've owned plenty of Parker pens, but I had never seen one for hire.
  9. Took me a couple of seconds...
  10. I am so sorry to hear this incredibly sad news, we have all been well served by Daddy's sites and the sense of community the Forum has engendered. May he rest in peace. My condolences to those who knew him and to those who have worked with him on this enterprise. I join others to thank you, @Cooper, for your tireless work over recent weeks to help him and to keep us informed.
  11. I don't need to hear about this. Now I have to go out and recreate some of these items for my quiet weekend at home.
  12. But he makes great devilled eggs. Maybe some with Sichuan spices is the way to go.
  13. I won't be there, so what do I care, but ... Guangdong food is good, but I quite like Sichuan cuisine. It's spicier. Are there such places in PS? Last year TB, AZDR and I went to a Sichuan restaurant in Rotorua and waddled out of it for a ridiculously low price, but being in a smaller city it had dishes from other regions in China.
  14. Sorry to hear that, AVG, although I don't know if I'll be able to attend, much less help organise.
  15. Small country, about 300k people, lots of Delta flights, what could possibly go wrong?
  16. I assume this was a typo as tomorrow (now today) is 26 March, which is when the change comes into effect. The date is listed towards the end of this Icelandic Government news item. https://www.government.is/news/article/2021/03/16/Exemption-from-border-measures-for-vaccinated-individuals-to-be-extended-to-non-Schengen-countries/
  17. Fair enough, it's probably one of those things that sparks an American puritan reaction. I'm in favour of salty language.
  18. WTAF? I choose to ignore people who disdain 'wtf'. I think it's useful.
  19. It's an awkward question especially if you have to give an answer to little people. There was a blog on (I think) Huff Post a few years ago by the mother of a gay six or seven year old. She explored the trials of navigating that minefield. The typical question she faced from adults was how her son knew about sex and that it was gross that he did. She was emphatic that he knew that he 'liked' boys not girls, and that there was not a hint of sex in his thought processes. Her message was that adults jump to the question of sex and can't wrap their heads around simple attraction. I'm glad I've never been asked to do that, but I'd hope I could explain that it was like mummy and daddy like each other, except it's when two boys or two girls like each other in the same way. If the kid has no concept of sex, they should be able to understand that. Sex isn't part of how they understand their parents' relationship, so it would not form part of how they understand the relationship between two other people, be they the same or opposite sexes.
  20. I meant savoury, some bakeries in country towns have amazing pies. But I wouldn't say no to a fruit pie with some ice cream. On my last long drive (Melbourne to Canberra) I stopped in a village where the bakery had at least a dozen varieties, good but not the best I've had, and did a decent flat white coffee. I love a good sausage roll, although they tend not to come in different varieties, just the house recipe. I must dig out a recipe I've made a few times for a Thai themed sausage roll, pork mince [ground pork] with garlic, ginger, chilli and coriander [cilantro] leaves.
  21. I recall a blooper tape of a very serious BBC or ABC news reader reading Lebanese in his script as Lesbian or Lesbianese.
  22. Gentlemen don't have periods. (Runs away laughing like a schoolboy.)
  23. Because I do so when I choose to. In this case because I have been doing other things so wasn't up-to-date with new posts it was his mentioning me that alerted me to the thread. I would have got there and posted in due course if he hadn't. He doesn't tell me what to do (/snigger/).
  24. Agree with all of that. I like Wellington with its hillsides around the harbour, but not so much for the wind that can make crossing Cook Strait to the South Island decidedly unpleasant. Thankfully that was not my experience last January! The city bills itself as the hippest little capital in the world, something that Canberra had a friendly debate about for the brief period when Singapore Airlines operated flights between the two, but sadly that flight didn't work out. Rotorua is a wee bit overrated, but worth a visit to see its volcanic springs. Queenstown is great, with jet boats and bungee jumping (not for me!), and three nights in an AirBnB with spectacular views of Lake Wakatipu was a highlight last year.
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