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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. That set me off, I'm still giggling. On line merchants still have some refining to do of their customer interfaces. Be thankful you were ordering beans and not peas.
  2. In googling it when this conversation was well under way, an explanation I read was that it purports to include marginalised groups. To me that is bullshit, 'folks' does not inherently include or exclude anyone.
  3. Interesting that you see it that way, I would see it as, well 'folksy', familiar or dialect rather than demeaning. I guess it can depend on who says it and how they say it.
  4. I would have thought another word for 'Californian going back to 1848' was 'Mexican'.
  5. I had noticed that about you. Among other things ...
  6. I thought this was a very profound thing when I saw it posted in the context of a discussion on mental health. In most countries (r added later) there are phone services you can call for help, in Australia one is Life Line on 131114.
  7. I'm so sorry we have to meet again in such trying circumstances, and this compounds my regrets that I came so close to being able to meet you when I was in DC for the 2016 forum lunch. People come and go from here and we often don't notice until someone, be it the poster or one of our other co-conspirators in this enterprise remark on it. You are one of those whose absence I had noted and wondered about, and missed their presence. Strength to the hands of your doctors but more so to you as you fight this. I know I am not alone in looking forward to your safe and healthy return both here and to a normal daily life. My fond thoughts are with you.
  8. Growing up I just drank milk, there were no different sorts of it, just full-cream pasteurised milk in glass bottles that the milk man collected to be refilled when they were empty. Cartons gradually became a thing as I got older, and milk started to be homogenised as an alternative to pasteurised. After moving between full cream and reduced fat milk over my life, always cows' milk, I've now settled on full cream homogenised. Reduced fat is a bit better in tea, but I don't like it in coffee, it's too thin. Recently I've seen regular pasteurised milk again, but the supply chain is longer so it's been in the bottles (now plastic of course) for a couple of days and the cream sets on the top of the milk, unlike the locally bottled milk of my childhood on which the cream at the top was still completely liquid. I also have a kilo bag of milk powder in the cupboard that I will use in cooking if I'm short of fresh milk, but I can't stand it to drink or in tea and coffee.
  9. Oh, I am also incredibly shallow, I love the wit and wisdom of Mr Nicholas (not Nichols), but I only dream of meeting him. Ok, so this post was incredibly cheap and shallow. Guilty. I know Ben will now unfriend me and ignore me, but I can cope. Sort of.
  10. Oh my God, salad and main at the same time? The inhumanity!
  11. I rarely if ever use cash day-to-day, but for hiring, my last two have preferred electronic transfer (as I think I have previously posted in these forums). One I used bank transfer and the other I paid in cash because his options didn't work for me at the time. It's legal here so that's not one of the issues, and an electronic trail doesn't bother me. Most of the electronic options I could use are Australian, so if I'm in the US (not a possibility for the foreseeable future) it would be more difficult.
  12. Yup, although I don't know how you would settle on the how to decode it other than by guesswork. I googled 'find the number puzzle'. ANSWER : 1 SOLUTION :In the given number sequence puzzle 1st row = 17*17 = 289 ; 2nd row = 18*18 = 324 ; 3rd row = 19*19 = 361 ; So, answer is 1.
  13. Mock or make fun of. It's both British and Australian slang.
  14. I someone asked me that, I would ask them if they were taking the piss (in a tone of bemusement, not annoyance). I'm glad you said that, I would have made the comment if you hadn't (I guess I just did anyway). 'Is there something I can help you with?' also works. That invites you to tell them what you're looking for without potentially seeming to be asking for an explanation why you're there.
  15. I rarely watch much commercial TV so although this ad has been around for almost 12 months, at least on YouTube, I hadn't seen it before. In a way befitting this thread it does a nice job of shattering a stereotype.
  16. I very much doubt it, but you never know. I have certainly seen other ads that say they are open to women or couples. I imagine the information would be useful for a straight couple who were looking to hire a male escort for a threesome. I'm sure I've seen escorts here comment that they had been hired for just that.
  17. 25? My calculation: Consider the top level. There are three triangles, then the left two and the right two are also triangles. Then the three together are a triangle. So six. The same calculation applies to the top two levels taken together and also for and another six for the top three rows and for the whole four rows. That makes 24. Then there is the grey triangle around the grid. Total 25 I'm not sure that I haven't missed some there, hence the question mark.
  18. Me too. Same with the link you posted, @poolboy48220
  19. This and some of the responses in the thread raise a serious issue about sanitisers. The first consideration is that they are effective, but once we know that they are other considerations kick in. Like anything that is perceived as being essential, preferences for which one come into play. I don't see anything wrong with someone who can choose opting for the lemon myrtle infused one. We've seen something similar with masks. After the initial rush to use surgical masks then any cloth mask you could get your hands on, people started to use them as fashion statements and for political slogans. Case in point, that Q-nutter from Georgia who probably thinks the whole idea of masks is a socialist conspiracy.
  20. I stand corrected, Liubit, I wasn't sure but chose to say you did live there rather than you might still do so. My apologies for misrepresenting you.
  21. My mother taught me how to knit when I had a series of inner ear infections when I was in first grade that kept me out of school for about half of the year. I still knit and have made several jumpers for myself (sweaters) including Aran style ones. I haven't ventured into Fair Isle.
  22. I'm not an escort so I won't presume to answer the question, but it does raise the interesting question of whether 'you're just paying for my time' is true or if the fee should vary according to what an escort is expected to do. I do realise that the 'fee for time' mantra is driven by the legal status of sex work in the US.
  23. You may recall that @liubit lives in Prague so he may have some awareness of he topic himself. But by all means czech with Tasso.
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