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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. You'll do me in 15 minutes? Oh wait, I misread that. My bad.
  2. Queenslandah! Shame the border's closed.
  3. On the more serious subject of these faggots, I like most offal so I should look at trying to make some of them, and from the recipes I've seen they involve bacon, so they can't be all bad. I'm not sure that the ingredients would be available in most supermarkets. I've seen lamb and beef liver and hearts here but not pigs'. Perhaps a smaller specialty butcher's shop. I'm not sure how much of a thing the 'nose to tail' movement in meat consumption is in the US, but it is a thing here, even if not widespread. Its core principle is using the whole animal if you're going to kill it for food, so dishes that use parts of an animal that wouldn't be used in mainstream cuisine are relevant to it. In a less serious vein, when googling I saw that facebook had deleted posts that used faggot in this context.
  4. A cigarette is a fag, and that's not an abbreviation for a longer word. So never a faggot.
  5. Alaska flies to PSP from San Francisco and Seattle, so they might be an option that offers affordable fares with a routing through one of those cities. Remember they will be in One World by then so American may have code-shares with them next April. On my previous ventures to the weekend QF have routed me through SFO. This year I was booked in that way and out via DFW. I have an open QF travel credit to prove it. [uSER=8020]@Just Sayin'[/uSER], there's a chance that there'll be a vaccine but I wouldn't bet my house on it.
  6. Here's a video clip on some of the genomic analysis being done on the outbreaks in two Australian states and New Zealand. [MEDIA=twitter]1295556024502374400[/MEDIA] As an aside, the presenter in the video is the father of Axios journalist Jonathan Swan.
  7. Now we've solved that age-old question, the next burning question is where does strawberry milk come from.
  8. Eight hours later I still collapse into a fit of the giggles when I think of this one.
  9. This was the one I literally laughed out loud at: If you walk on all fours in the grocery store social distancing is not an issue.
  10. If you do a search in the forum, you'll come up with similar threads to this about previous years' meetings, including the ill-fated 2020 occasion. Or, indeed not only guys from the US. Or CBR for that matter.
  11. This guy has been posting dad jokes for most of the week, but this one alludes to something sometimes discussed in these forums. I guess I could have posted this in a Viagra thread, but here will do just fine. [MEDIA=twitter]1293752614618767366[/MEDIA]
  12. In Australia, like Canada, a census is conducted every five years (years ending in 1 and 6) by the Australian Bureau of Statistics. It is used as a baseline for population statistics, not as the final word. The ABS updates the official figures using surveys and samples between censuses. The conduct of the census is moving online (with a spectacular crash of the system on the night of the 2016 census). It is a snapshot of one night, and you complete it for the address where you spend that night regardless of whether that's your usual residence. An example of where the use of our census differs from the US is on redistricting. Whereas the in the US this happens every 10 years after censuses, here, the electoral commission uses the most recent quarterly population figures one year into the life of each parliament so the snapshot provided by the census doesn't have the political salience it does in the US. 2016 is the only time it became in anyway political, and that was because of the computer stuff-up not for the content. Even potentially controversial things like including questions on same sex relationships, and moving 'no religion' box to the top of the list of religious affiliations rather than the bottom attracted almost no political comment.
  13. I'll be there if I can and it's safe to travel to the US. I'm not confident in either of those just yet. There isn't even a target date for opening our borders yet, and the talk is that when they do open, we'll be subject to 14 days' quarantine on return.
  14. Doyle's isn't a three star Michelin restaurant or anything like that, it's just a place that does great seafood. In my days in the military it was the sort of place we would take visiting international military visitors when we needed to host them. As an aside, one time we had some high level US defence officials visiting, and we were told that no official hospitality was appropriate. On the day, it became clear that the advice we had was wrong. We took them to a pub with a blackboard menu, and we bought bottles of wine to go with the meal and they loved it.
  15. A useful caution is that hand washing with soap and water is an alternative to using a sanitiser. Don't fret on whether the hand sanitiser you use is 'safe', practise safer hand hygiene whatever it looks like.
  16. We know about that and for the most part can do our 12x tables, but that doesn't reduce our wonderment at the US health system. My hospital insurance which I'm not convinced is value for money is about $200 (AUD) a month (I could rely on the public hospital system). I know I can go to a doctor and either pay nothing or pay some relatively small amount that they charge over the medicare rate for the service. Specialists may charge a premium over the standard (free to the patient) amount. But on a reasonable, not high income I don't worry about it, and I have no reason to do so.
  17. Yes, that is one, and close by there is an iconic seafood restaurant, Doyles. I remember years ago telling my mother (who had spent time in Sydney in the late 40s) that I had gone to 'a little seafood restaurant' in Watson's Bay and she collapsed (figuratively) in envy, 'Ohhh, Doyles!'. God rest her soul. On the north of the harbour there is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelisk_Beach .
  18. Air New Zealand, if I understand correctly, may have relieved you of the need to make such a choice, as they don't currently plan to resume flying to LHR.
  19. Can I join you there? (Spoiler: No, I can't at the moment!)
  20. In the meantime, @RealAvalon and I are asking ourselves what this conversation even means.
  21. Is that your choice of sexual partners or of doctors?
  22. Lol, perhaps yes. In the original, 'A comma walks into a bar ' would have worked.
  23. Pfft, an Oxford comma wasn't what was needed, a list comma after 'television' would have been enough. But I digress, great list of grammatical hilarities.
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