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mike carey

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Everything posted by mike carey

  1. Hey @joshnineplus welcome to the forum. You have posted in exactly the way to make people here consider your offering. I wish I could travel right now, but we can't leave the country. Best wishes!
  2. I can understand that. As a student, I had a holiday job as a labourer on the railways and I found myself swearing far more than I had previously.
  3. @BasketBaller my heart rejoices for you. I'm with NT.
  4. I agree with @big-n-tall (although as I'm not a doctor, seek your own professional advice), every exposure to a pathogen adds to the library of them that your immune system is programmed to recognise and combat. Every time you had a cold or the flu it added a bit to the range of those diseases that your immune system recognises, but they both mutate so there's always a chance that a new version will get through your defences. The flu vaccine gives you a chance to develop immunity to any new variations of flu without contracting the disease.
  5. There's a potential trap with that, you potentially mark as read new posts in the earlier threads you perused that were made between when you read the thread and when you hit that button, that you might otherwise have wanted to read. Not a big deal, of course.
  6. For any future trip on that route, I think I'll stick to the car ferry I used last time!
  7. Well, now you know! [MEDIA=twitter]1273812946125115393[/MEDIA]
  8. I'm so happy for you, Victor. Seems it's been good while it lasted and that you were going to move this way eventually, but it's sad that your timing has been forced by the pandemic. But that happens, and you were in a position to make the move now, so that's a positive. Good luck in your new adventure. I hope our on-line paths continue to cross, and that we even have a chance to meet for a drink or a meal when this is all over.
  9. Yes, you do, at least from my experience. And at the time of our first contact I was an unlikely person to meet you. I wasn't in Vegas and didn't have a clear time when I would be, but you maintained very civil contact over the long time between then and when we were able to meet.
  10. I'd like to think it was deliberate!
  11. I love Australian consumer law that mandates that the advertised price is the final price. Small print 'additional charges' are illegal.
  12. No, it won't appear here! I saw it here as a discussion piece on TV here, not as an ad. It talks about consent and about internet porn not being the best way for teens to learn about sex. I think it's a great ad, and I'd be happy if it were broadcast here. Derrick could visit me any time he wanted to.
  13. God willing! Like others I have met a number of forum members at various functions (DC and PSP), many are people I look forward to seeing again when the plague is over. Are they friends? Perhaps not to the full extent of the word. There are, however, a small number that I like to think are real friends. One I tweeted that we needed to meet for lunch again and got a Shit Yeah response (not in as many words). Separately, three of us spent a fortnight travelling in Aotearoa/New Zealand and parted on friendly terms, so I'm sure that counts! But not just them. The sad part is, I don't know when the pandemic will allow any of us to travel across the Pacific, or when I would feel comfortable travelling to the US.
  14. There are other dudes in Hartford, perhaps not quite so built, but ...
  15. Am I a bad person for laughing at this? [MEDIA=twitter]1272087262927323138[/MEDIA] I suspect it's an urban myth, but still.
  16. Rates are allowed for ads outside the US.
  17. The ACT government and the two big universities in the territory have worked out a plan to run charter flights from overseas into Canberra for students, then place them in government supervised quarantine for 14 days, as returning Australians have been for a while now. Initial federal government reaction to the plan is said to be positive, but it's unlikely to happen before July.
  18. When I watched Queer as Folk I was not quite out, even to myself, in a career that didn't cope well with gay people, although I lived in, or at least near, the gay centre of Sydney. I don't know if it reflected what Pittsburgh was like but that really doesn't matter. It depicted a gaybourhood in a city somewhere, and that was what mattered not whether it accurately represented the city it purported to be in.
  19. I don't know if you saw this video that I posted elsewhere on the Kansas flu in Australia. We did relatively well.
  20. Your date of birth would be on you visa card file, but I have no idea about your auto dealer. Unless you supplied it in the finance agreement when you bought the car. Or they saw your drivers licence.
  21. To take a momentary trip out on a tangent, I met a gentleman a couple of days ago here in Canberra. He texted me the details of the hotel where he was staying at about lunch time. I did a quick calculation of how to get there, what with parking or taxis and quickly decided to book a room in the same hotel rather than run the gauntlet of getting to and from the meeting. I didn't intend to, and didn't, see him for anything other than our intended time together (it went well, thanks for asking), but it was a relaxing way to spend the time before and after the meeting. It only cost me $AU100. Back to the issue raised in this thread, booking a room in these hotels might not be much more expensive than a day pass right now, so if you want to use the other facilities, why not do that?
  22. I have used Faceplant far less over the last couple of years, but when I did use it there were two groups of people who would routinely wish me a happy birthday. One was members of a gay camping group here in NSW who I knew well from our various outings at the beach or in the bush, and the other people I knew from my service in a USAF unit in Hawai'i in the 1980s. I really appreciated the thoughts when they came in from both groups.
  23. Further to that, only Australian citizens and residents are eligible to return and go into quarantine. I agree with sydneyboy that general travel to the country is unlikely to open up this year, although there could be exceptions like foreign students enrolled in Australian universities.
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