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mike carey

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  1. Like
    mike carey reacted to Simon Suraci in Attention! – 21st Annual Palm Springs Weekend, 2024   
    I have a room to myself at InnDulge for incalls. Should a pool gathering materialize closer to the date on Friday 4/12, count me in. Otherwise excited to meet everyone at all three main events! 
    Newell (RentMasseur: MuscleGingerXL) will be at the Hyatt in downtown PS staying Fri and Sat nights. We are available together and separately for massage and/or more. Unfortunately he is not attending any of the events.
  2. Applause
    mike carey reacted to + David-SF in Early-Bird Pool Party 2024   
    Once again I’ll be hosting the early bird pool party during At my home in Cathedral City. 
    Friday the 12th this is a great ice breaker intro for any newbies or 1st timers at the annual Oliver’s weekend event. 
    Bring yourself your date your favorite drink
    There will be food soft drinks some wines and beers if you have a cocktail request please hit me up. 
    Time: 12-4pm & beyond 
    Just note if you show up early you will be put to work helping get the place ready 
    68445 Terrace Road  Cathedral City CA 92234
    Please park in areas on the corners of the 3 blocks that have clearly lots of open space  try not to clog up Terrace Rd. Makes it dangerous for traffic. 
    accessibility: if you have mobility devices please let me know we can open the big gate for easy access to my house. 
    clothing is always optional at my home during this event. 
    hanky panky always ok please please please remember consent and respect is imperative 
  3. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + azdr0710 in Led by its youth, U.S. sinks in World Happiness Report   
    The thread title leads with a loaded assumption, as if something the US and specifically its young people have done is somehow the 'cause' of what is perceived as a decline. Young people being less happy than their elders is an almost universal global phenomenon. To pick one issue, home ownership in Anglo countries at least is more difficult than it was, and as new entrants to the market this affects young people more, to the point in Australia that many of them feel completely excluded. So of course they are less happy than their elders, who are already home owners, and perhaps less happy than they themselves were last year. Young people in the US aren't on their own. Second, this survey is about the relative standing of countries. There is nothing that I could see that said the aggregate absolute level of happiness in the US has declined, only that it has fallen in the list of countries. Even if the overall level of happiness in the US had increased, the US would still have gone down the list if the happiness levels in other countries had increased by more.
    So, probably nothing to see here, but don't let that get in the way of a clickbait thread title. In some ways things never change. Old people who've created the problems and insecurities that many young people face (and, granted, many of the positive aspects of our societies) rail, as ever, over the ingratitude of the young. How very dare they feel unhappy with the world their elders have wrought.
  4. Haha
    mike carey reacted to Thomas_Belgium in September in Europe. Where should I go?   
    What a bargain because I thought it was even more expensive.
  5. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + MysticMenace in Limb-Lengthening Surgery - Go or No-Go?   
    Just under 6'2".
  6. Haha
    mike carey reacted to + APPLE1 in Mpox Re-emerging in Toronto   
    Besides @Vegas_Millennial it is easier for you!  You are blessed to love those hardy Midwestern boys. No matter their age, if they have pulled enough tits, they already have exposure immunity to smallpox!
    (in case anyone wonders, that's anecdotal levity)
  7. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + APPLE1 in Limb-Lengthening Surgery - Go or No-Go?   
    I'm not too tall, 187cm, but that thought came to mind today. I was on a coach (rail track work so they'd replaced trains with buses) and observed that I was at about the upper height limit to fit in the seat with any degree of comfort. I already check the seat pitch when I book flights. There was one five-minute stop where I could have got off, umm I mean disembarked, but didn't feel the need to, so I still had a slight margin!
  8. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from samhexum in Try not to be TOO jealous...   
    That's probably why there was no need to camp out for tickets.
  9. Like
    mike carey reacted to DWnyc in Thoughts on deposits   
    No - it just doesn’t constitute an appointment 
  10. Like
    mike carey reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Negative vs Negative on Prep   
    But the whole point of this thread is to take personal responsibility for your health, which negates whatever your sex partner does or doesn't do.
    Sure, anything can be faked.  Anything at all.  We know this.
    It doesn't change the fact that I still take the time to use every single tool in a medical arsenal to protect myself.
  11. Applause
    mike carey reacted to + JEC in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    As we approach the 3rd anniversary of Daddy's passing, I want to acknowledge the great work on behalf of a small team of volunteers who keep this community active and thriving!  The days and weeks following daddy's death were fraught with uncertainty - and this community nearly perished.   This community pulled together and found our way through - got access to the site code, migrated the site to new technology, and developed a new support structure.  We even came up with a new name for our community!  While every volunteers' contributions are valued, I wanted to especially acknowledge @RadioRob our tireless webmaster.   He does his work with no fanfare, no drama and almost no downtime; and he seeks no recognition.   @RadioRob we are grateful!     ....CompanyOfMen 
    RIP Daddy

  12. Like
    mike carey reacted to SirBillybob in Negative vs Negative on Prep   
    It’s a loose guideline. Even if all true (not wilfully distorted) to the best of lister’s knowledge, the sole unequivocal “status” delineation is ‘positive’, unless you deem the not listed option as equivocal in terms of a binary: inquire further, or … accept a range of equivocal along with the one unequivocal and optionally inquire further.
    If you require absolute specificity upfront, go with the HIV poz provider. The more ambiguous the listing the greater the justification for cracking open a dyadic conversation. The alternative is to second-guess, depending on the context of activity, and be subject to overthinking and fretting about it. The drop-down menu MO is more to stimulate and encourage dialogue than to completely assuage health concerns at point of attention to ad. 
    You may be essentially paying to undertake a complex task. That’s the way the cookie crumbles. The outcome of the exercise further separates the wheat from the chaff.
  13. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from Marc in Calif in Gurrelieder at the Sydney Opera House   
    I heard Simone Young talk about the performance a couple of days ago on ABC RN (on the Music Show, I think). I'm glad it lived up to her ambitions for it.
  14. Like
    mike carey reacted to + nycman in Thoughts on deposits   
    Gentlemen, take note.
    This is how a man responds to someone who’s being a cun-t
    Bravo, Little bro.
  15. Haha
    mike carey reacted to + nycman in Chicken cacciatore   
    You joined a website about male escorts 14 hours ago…… to tell us this?

  16. Like
    mike carey reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Negative vs Negative on Prep   
    The reality is that you need to be on a form of PrEP if you're fucking or being fucked by another man.  It's readily available almost everywhere now.
    Both escorts and clients alike lie to themselves and each other about their sexual responsibility.
    Only you can protect you.
  17. Like
    mike carey reacted to + stevenkesslar in Inflation continues to fall   
    Agreed about the gorilla.  Although I would word it differently.  I'd just say massive government deficits are the 800 pound gorilla.
    We have been here and done this before.  The phrase "bond vigilante" is being resurrected from the 1990's.  It's only a matter of time until some smart political operative cleverly updates Carville's line about how if he is reincarnated he wants to come back as the bond market.
    One way to interpret Carville's line is that these problems tend to solve themselves, in several ways.  One, if we don't have inflation and we do have a booming stock market (spoiler alert:  the stock market is booming) that creates capital gains tax revenues that can be used to reduce deficits.  But that depends on something even more basic:  that people agree that this is a problem that needs to be solved.  The polls say most Americans agree that a soaring federal deficit is a problem that needs to be solved. 
    We're polite gentleman here, so we don't talk about politics.  But that's the point.  Polite gentleman do polite and sensible things.  Somehow, in the 1990's, polite and sensible gentleman did that.  And ended up with a budget surplus even.  Surely polite and sensible gentlemen can figure out how to do it today, SO AS NOT TO HAVE MORE INFLATION AND FUCK UP THE  STOCK MARKET AND THINGS.  I mean, it's not like the polite and sensible gentleman who were alive way back in the 1990's were that much smarter than we are, right?  By the way, weren't at least a few us alive back in the 1990's?  🤔
    As far as whether those two asset classes will not be "on fire" for much longer, do you know something I don't?  
    I actually did think we'd have a correction by now, similar to the multi-month one that ended last October.  My go-to guy on this stuff is Glenn Neely, who practices a form of voodoo I don't understand  call Neowave Theory.  For whatever reason, he has correctly called every major bull and bear market going back to the 80's, when he got started, quite accurately.  He was saying until a few weeks ago that a correction would start in February.  February 13th, to be precise, when the S &P dropped by more than any day since this current rally stated last November.  Anyway, he has now recanted, and is saying the market clearly wants to drift higher.  And may be poised for another rally to 5700 or more.  It's all voodoo, so what do I know.  But he tends to right.  
    My nerdy nephew thinks the 15 year bull market will end soon.  When I asked him why, he gave me three good answers:  1) Boomer retirements, 2) Job losses, 3)  Tax changes in things like corporate buybacks that draw money out of the stock market.  All three are great reasons that the stock market could flounder, in theory.  None of them seem imminent now.  If I had to choose, I'd go with Neely and S & P 5700.
    My best argument for why a bull market could end soon is a commercial real estate crisis that could ultimately trigger a banking crisis, like in 2008. 
    In fact, Morgan Stanley predicted that commercial real estate values could drop 40 %, triggering a crisis just as bad as the 2008 GFC.  That's the bad news.  The good news is this.  That prediction is now a year old.  The stock market is higher, inflation is lower, and the recession we are all desperately looking for is still to be found.  Jesus Fucking Christ!  We are all polite and sensible.  Can't we at least find this recession?  How difficult can that be?
    If April 2023 - when Morgan Stanley said that - were like 2008, it would now be 2009.  We would all know that we are in deep doo.  Instead, we're in the money.  Middle class net worths are higher than ever, and rising.  This is not like 2008.  What am I missing?
    Right or wrong, I've been buying stock in regional banks and REITS with high dividends.  If Steven Mnuchin and Pals and Tim Geithner And Friends and other hedge funds think it makes sense, they may have a point.  
    My guess is what is happening is some vacant office space is being sold for cheap to hedge funds or investors that will turn it into badly needed housing, at a profit.  Is that a crisis, or an opportunity? 
    A Record Number of Office Buildings Will Be Converted Into Apartments in 2024
    Where's the crisis?
    If we are going to be polite and sensible gentleman, as we should be, we should all conspire to make shitloads in the  stock market, pay our capital gains taxes, and force the assholes in Washington to spend it on deficit reduction, like in the 1990's.  Is that really too much to ask, guys?
  18. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from Luv2play in Fitness Influencer, 23, Dies After Falling into a Ravine   
    Ouch! But well said, we can so easily lament someone's misfortune, not just their death, because they have some quality we admire.
  19. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + Charlie in Gurrelieder at the Sydney Opera House   
    I heard Simone Young talk about the performance a couple of days ago on ABC RN (on the Music Show, I think). I'm glad it lived up to her ambitions for it.
  20. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + azdr0710 in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the idea of travelling to meet guys rather than flying them to me. Two or three days in New York or Toronto (or both) would give you the opportunity to meet two, three, or however many you choose, of these fine gentlemen. If you're expecting to pay a return fare across the pond, it may as well be your bum on the seat.
  21. Thanks
    mike carey reacted to TorontoDrew in NickXXL   
    I've hired Nick 4 or 5 times and am looking forward to his return from his current tour.  He's a great guy and always delivers.
  22. Agree
    mike carey reacted to Hen in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    I can also speak highly and recommend Russ, but as others have said I would hesitate booking a two day with anyone unless I have test driven them before hand 😁
  23. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from liubit in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the idea of travelling to meet guys rather than flying them to me. Two or three days in New York or Toronto (or both) would give you the opportunity to meet two, three, or however many you choose, of these fine gentlemen. If you're expecting to pay a return fare across the pond, it may as well be your bum on the seat.
  24. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from jrbjcr in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the idea of travelling to meet guys rather than flying them to me. Two or three days in New York or Toronto (or both) would give you the opportunity to meet two, three, or however many you choose, of these fine gentlemen. If you're expecting to pay a return fare across the pond, it may as well be your bum on the seat.
  25. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from + JamesB in please help in who you think I should hire for 2 days   
    Maybe it's just me, but I prefer the idea of travelling to meet guys rather than flying them to me. Two or three days in New York or Toronto (or both) would give you the opportunity to meet two, three, or however many you choose, of these fine gentlemen. If you're expecting to pay a return fare across the pond, it may as well be your bum on the seat.
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