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mike carey

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  1. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from Luv2play in 411 basstiann?   
    Welcome to the forum! People here have a variety of opinions and yes, some if them might be disrespectful, but most will not. Take what you read with a grain of salt, but most of it will be well-meaning and supportive.
  2. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Boeing? Time to buy or time to sell?   
    I agree, but doubt that it is in any danger of bankruptcy. If it were a stand-alone commercial aviation company I would be less confident but with its substantial military division far less so. Still, it's a big source of US exports and a big employer and both of those are intrinsically valuable to the economy, both of the whole country and the regions where it and its suppliers have their plants. Recent events have illustrated that maximising profits can be at the expense of long term value and Boeing management would do well to take that lesson on board. If they can. Building mutually beneficial relationships with suppliers (if it persists in out-soucing parts of its manufacturing process to unfortunately named companies like Spirit), its work force and its local communities and to governments rather than rent-seeking for short-term profit might be a useful business model, even if it has a utility rate of return.
    I read a critique of management practices in a different context that said company management is prone to manage in their own best interests rather than the best interests of shareholders or any other stakeholders. I wonder if that is a factor in Boeing.
  3. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from samhexum in The most boring day of the year is upon us.   
    I first thought you were talking about ground hog day.
  4. Love
    mike carey reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Rates on the Rise??   
    We talk shop. 
    That's the kind of stuff I love. 
    Keep emailing 😀
  5. Like
    mike carey reacted to + Charlie in Cross-country trip!   
    I assume that this is a driving trip, so I hope you are not planning to do the trip as non-stop between those places,  or you are going to be too tired to do anything else. I would also vary the route somewhat west of St. Louis if it doesn't interfere with something important to you about Oklahoma City, and instead head through Kansas City, Denver and Las Vegas en route to Palm Springs. If you are interested in things like Presidential history in this election year, you can see the Lincoln memorabilia around Springfield, and the Truman and Eisenhower Libraries in Missouri and Kansas. If you must go to Albuquerque, the route south from Denver is more scenic, and I agree with Njguy2 that Santa Fe is worth the stop. Lucky is sort of joking, but Palm Springs really is hotter than hell in July and August, so most residents flee to the mountains or the coast, and BSR is right that it would be a shame to travel all the way from NY but skip the last hundred miles to the Pacific. What gay man would pass up LA and SF?
    Also, check out Oliver's postings about his drives here to Palm Springs from Columbus with Epigonos  and jawjatek.
  6. Haha
    mike carey reacted to CuriousByNature in Cross-country trip!   
    I haven't done a trip like that but your itinerary looks much more logical than some of the ones that are posted in RM... lol.  You could do it the way some providers evidently do it:
    NYC, NY Boise, ID Pensacola, FL Duluth, MN Riverside, CA Barrow, AK Leadville, CO And with a one day stop in Kinshasa between your day in Duluth and your day in Riverside.
  7. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from Simon Suraci in Rates on the Rise??   
    *Counts number of times contacting Benjamin*
    *I guess I haven't talked about rates, more often about fares*
  8. Like
    mike carey reacted to Simon Suraci in Rates on the Rise??   
    Nothing wrong with asking for info not listed on the ads, even from a dozen providers at once. As long as there’s not a lot of back and forth wanting free random conversations or sexting behavior, or “negotiating” behavior, I have no problem responding to inquiries. It means someone is considering hiring me and I want that. Be direct, ask for specific things and you’re good. Maybe you hire me tomorrow, maybe you hire me next year. Maybe never. That’s fine. Just respect the provider’s time as best you can, and you’re golden.
  9. Haha
    mike carey reacted to CuriousByNature in How to be cirCUMspect?   
    If you take this direct approach just make sure you're texting the correct number.  It could get messy if it's sent to guy who cleans out your septic tank.
  10. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from Asterisk in CroatiabigXX NYC   
    Rather than continue this delicious tangent in the Deli and risk being called out for being off topic, I've started a thread on Sarma in the Cooking Forum here -
  11. Haha
    mike carey reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in Super Bowl LVIII   
    It's interesting that it's called Super Bowl LVIII, when it's only the 1st Super Bowl to be held in LV, not the 3rd.
  12. Like
    mike carey reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    just my opinion, but I think denigrating people based on looks is always in poor taste & shows a certain ignorance. especially when it’s men discussing women who are aging in a very public environment 
    as they say, beauty fades - but stupid is forever 
  13. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from MikeBiDude in The Seemingly Infinite Variations of Sarma   
    Although a Deli may be an appropriate place for food, the one here is reserved for other delectable morsels. Hence the food element of this Deli thread belongs elsewhere, and by 'elsewhere' I mean here in the Cooking Forum.
    I had not heard of the Serbian and Croatian dish Sarma, so I googled it. Turns out that it is one version of a whole family of similar dishes (it's a Turkish word for 'wrapped') that includes stuffed vine leaves. It seems that in parts of the Balkans both types, vine and cabbage, are used depending on the season. For your culinary pleasure:
    Sarma (food) - Wikipedia
  14. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from CuriousByNature in CroatiabigXX NYC   
    Rather than continue this delicious tangent in the Deli and risk being called out for being off topic, I've started a thread on Sarma in the Cooking Forum here -
  15. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from MscleLovr in Will it ever fly?   
    I'm wondering if Qantas is regretting ordering more B787s as well as the Project Sunrise A350s. They've gone all Airbus for their narrow-body replacements. 
  16. Agree
    mike carey reacted to + azdr0710 in Theodoros   
    of course, that designation is a promotion purchased by the advertiser.......reviews and past comment have nothing to do with it!! 😉
  17. Like
    mike carey reacted to + Snbrd in 411 on Ripped Dave Visiting DC   
    It seems to be an issue in the U.S. In Europe RM lists rates.
  18. Like
    mike carey reacted to Walt in CroatiabigXX NYC   
    As someone who also reads between the lines, I find most of our co-hobbyists are very, very literal.  😉
  19. Agree
    mike carey reacted to + azdr0710 in CroatiabigXX NYC   
    well, sure, of course......but, reading between the lines, my point was we didn't need a new thread about the same person
  20. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from thomas in A message from King Charles III: check your prostate!   
    So, a prostrate prostate check?
  21. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from Simon Suraci in A message from King Charles III: check your prostate!   
    So, a prostrate prostate check?
  22. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Are YOU better off now than you were before COVID-19?   
    Yes, the government pension (funded from the current government budget not prior individual contributions, and open to everyone but means tested on a sliding scale based on other income and on assets), is poverty level. I don't qualify for that. Mine is one funded by my lifetime pre-tax contributions, and employer contributions over my career. It started out as a military retirement scheme but was rolled into a fund that complied with the mandatory national superannuation scheme when it was implemented in the 90s.
  23. Like
    mike carey reacted to + José Soplanucas in Why so many providers from Brazil, Venezuela, and Colombia?   
    It's understandable that you might have reservations when it comes to intimacy with straight guys. The dynamic between someone who identifies as gay and someone who identifies as straight can be complex. However, sexual orientation doesn't necessarily dictate someone's ability to connect emotionally or physically.
    Sometimes, we may have preconceived notions that can affect our experiences. It's possible that you may have had encounters with straight men who genuinely cared about your pleasure and satisfaction but you assumed they were gay.
    At the same time, not every gay man will provide the same level of intimacy or authenticity. It's all about finding someone who truly connects with you on multiple levels, regardless of their sexual orientation.
    Furthermore, when we talk about men who belong to a different culture, perhaps categories like gay and straight become less relevant.
    PS> Editing just to make my point extra clear. A straight guy may deliver a horrible experience because he is a horrible provider, not because he is straight. At the same time, hiring a gay guy does not guarantee you will have a quality experience.
  24. Haha
    mike carey reacted to SirBillybob in A message from King Charles III: check your prostate!   
    Such a straightforward analogue is digitally performed from a pro state.
  25. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from SirBillybob in A message from King Charles III: check your prostate!   
    So, a prostrate prostate check?
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