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mike carey

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  1. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from pubic_assistance in The death of the phone call as a method of communication   
    The question is not whether we like it or not, but about whether standard etiquette is moving away from phone calls without a heads-up being socially acceptable. I tend not to accept calls from unknown numbers now, but generally will accept them if I know who the caller is. Even then I'll decline if I can't conveniently take the call. Those of us who are in the dinosaur community need to be aware of what current social norms are for calls even if we can ignore them among ourselves!.
  2. Applause
    mike carey reacted to + Vegas_Millennial in The global minimum tax of 15% is here!   
    Because this is a personal finance forum and not a global politics forum (which is against the rules), I'll just say that I will comply with paying all the personal income tax I owe.
  3. Eye Roll
    mike carey got a reaction from Ali Gator in The death of the phone call as a method of communication   
    The question is not whether we like it or not, but about whether standard etiquette is moving away from phone calls without a heads-up being socially acceptable. I tend not to accept calls from unknown numbers now, but generally will accept them if I know who the caller is. Even then I'll decline if I can't conveniently take the call. Those of us who are in the dinosaur community need to be aware of what current social norms are for calls even if we can ignore them among ourselves!.
  4. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from + Charlie in The death of the phone call as a method of communication   
    The question is not whether we like it or not, but about whether standard etiquette is moving away from phone calls without a heads-up being socially acceptable. I tend not to accept calls from unknown numbers now, but generally will accept them if I know who the caller is. Even then I'll decline if I can't conveniently take the call. Those of us who are in the dinosaur community need to be aware of what current social norms are for calls even if we can ignore them among ourselves!.
  5. Agree
    mike carey got a reaction from nate_sf in The death of the phone call as a method of communication   
    The question is not whether we like it or not, but about whether standard etiquette is moving away from phone calls without a heads-up being socially acceptable. I tend not to accept calls from unknown numbers now, but generally will accept them if I know who the caller is. Even then I'll decline if I can't conveniently take the call. Those of us who are in the dinosaur community need to be aware of what current social norms are for calls even if we can ignore them among ourselves!.
  6. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + bashful in Vintage men   
    And there's a swimming pool named in his honour by Woolloomooloo Bay in Sydney Harbour.
    Google Image Result for https://accessabilityaustralia.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/0K1A2003-scaled.jpg
  7. Like
    mike carey reacted to CuriousByNature in Kathy Griffin divorcing husband #2   
    If I read carefully between the lines, I think I can tell you're not a fan.
    I'm not a fan either.  I have definitely heard her say funny things, but I find that the vulgarity she relies on gets in the way of any meaningful humour.  I'm not some Pollyanna - I do enjoy humour that can be dark and even vulgar, if it is done well.  Some of the grotesque and vulgar skits in Little Britain would have me rolling on the floor.  But rather than creating laughable vulgarity - which is not easy -  she aims low and goes for shock value and offensiveness.  It's sort of lazy in my opinion.  I almost think of her as the female version of Andrew Dice Clay, minus the biker persona.  
  8. Thanks
    mike carey got a reaction from pubic_assistance in Apollo Phoenix   
    'Guest' indicates that the comment was posted by a member who has since left the forum and had their account deleted. This step deletes their personal details but leaves their posts for posterity. Even if they choose to return to the forum it would be with a new handle that will not be linked to their previous account or content.
  9. Like
    mike carey reacted to + Charlie in New Zealand Itinerary and Sites recommendations   
    I think Mike was replying to Rod Hagen, not to you.
  10. Eye Roll
    mike carey reacted to + WilliamM in New Zealand Itinerary and Sites recommendations   
    I was visiting a friend in New Zealand, wasn't concerned with  points
  11. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + Charlie in Vintage men   
    And there's a swimming pool named in his honour by Woolloomooloo Bay in Sydney Harbour.
    Google Image Result for https://accessabilityaustralia.com/staging/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/0K1A2003-scaled.jpg
  12. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from + Charlie in Favorite Scotch?   
    Were you perhaps staying on the Isle of Islay?
  13. Haha
    mike carey reacted to CuriousByNature in Favorite Scotch?   
    Is that the Scottish island just off the coast of Saudi Arabia?  Part of the Extremely Outer Hebrides? 
  14. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from + Pensant in Favorite Scotch?   
    Were you perhaps staying on the Isle of Islay?
  15. Like
    mike carey reacted to + sync in Android smartphone difficulties with https://www.companyofmen.org   
    Just an FYI follow-up, I just now uninstalled and reinstalled the ExpressVPN app and it seems to have resolved everything (fingers crossed).
  16. Haha
    mike carey reacted to BuffaloKyle in Android smartphone difficulties with https://www.companyofmen.org   
    Glad @sync you are back in sync.
  17. Haha
    mike carey reacted to BuffaloKyle in Be careful in Miami   
    Thanks but on my last hepatitis test I didn't do too good, I only got a C!
  18. Agree
    mike carey reacted to Thomas_Belgium in Yuri- 20 Yr Old in Prague   
    When was that? Today 200 Swiss francs is almost 240 US$.
  19. Agree
    mike carey reacted to Simon Suraci in 2023 year-end numbers   
    Wow! Interesting. Thanks for sharing.
    I’m sure all are interested in the ‘y’ axis values! Good on you to omit those.
  20. Applause
    mike carey reacted to Kevin Slater in 2023 year-end numbers   
    Per annual tradition: 
    2023 revenue was down 12% from year prior. 
    44% of 2023 revenue came from the year’s top three clients, up from 36% in 2022. 
    Kevin Slater

  21. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from Luv2play in Getting the latest Covid vaccination   
    From the Shingles vax thread.
    Public health advice, in Australia at least, differs and recommends Covid updates in many cases, and is generally based on the value of the updated vaccines in mitigating the severity of the disease if you catch it, not preventing you from doing so.
    Herd immunity is a population level protection, and is different from a general level protection derived from the immunity that most everyone (you included) would have from exposure to the disease and from earlier vaccinations. That may have been what your PCP was talking about.
    Herd immunity results from a high enough proportion of the population having a level of immunity (however acquired) that means that it is unlikely those without, or with a low level of immunity will be exposed to the disease and contract it. It is also localised, not necessarily regional or national level. If you travel to a city or country where the disease is prevalent, your home herd immunity doesn't protect you, you depend on your individual level of immunity.
    By way of examples, most of Australia has measles herd immunity, but cases occur in regions with low immunity levels, or when unimmunised people travel to overseas regions where it is prevalent and bring it back. Pertussis, or whooping cough, has herd immunity (mainly from childhood vaccinations) but vaccinations are highly recommended for certain groups of previously vaccinated people who are not at risk of severe disease (eg grandparents) but who even with a mild case would pose a significant risk to unvaccinated people (their new-born children too young to be vaccinated).
    None of that is to diminish the importance of the advice of your PCP or your decision on taking their advice. Their advice would be tailored to you personally and not simply be a statement of general immunity in your community.
  22. Like
    mike carey got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Madonna's new face for the Holidays   
    "The only thing worse than being talked about is not being talked about."
  23. Eye Roll
    mike carey got a reaction from TruHart1 in Xabier Anduaga MET debut   
    And of course @nycman, as a renowned opera critic, can be trusted to know such things. Tee hee.
  24. Haha
    mike carey got a reaction from + nycman in Xabier Anduaga MET debut   
    And of course @nycman, as a renowned opera critic, can be trusted to know such things. Tee hee.
  25. Like
    mike carey reacted to CuriousByNature in Closeted guys   
    It might sound weird given my age, but I'm not 100% sure where I fall on the identity spectrum, which I do believe is a spectrum that can fluctuate.  People have asked me if I'm married or have kids, or if I'm dating.  Those questions have never bothered me and never flustered me.  What has annoyed me was when the follow up question would be, "Why not?"  That's more than anyone needs to know, whether they are speaking to someone who's straight, gay, bisexual, asexual or undetermined.

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