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  1. I told him I'd only pay market rate from NYC and didn't pay that price. So my curiosity didn't cost that price. I should add, it wasn't a terrible experience overall. Massage was decent, there was a good ending too. So the experience was not bad. But if I'm paying a premium, you best be sure you look like and deliver what is expected. I have no issue leaving you at the door.
  2. I'll add my two cents on Igor / Pedro (https://rentmasseur.com/Igor_Masseur)... I met up with him a few weeks ago. I think both accounts are correct. I am guessing that if you saw him when he first arrived in NYC, he may have looked close to those pictures. I think those pics were taken on the absolute best fitness day of his life, ever, lol. But the months he's been here in NYC, he must not have a gym membership or something. He doesn't look close to that form. And when you add in the fact that he's actually very very short (not close to 5'8 more like 5,5) , it sorta diminishes the appeal alot. That said, when I meet him a few weeks ago,, I happened to pay far less than $300. And if I did offer to pay that much expecting the guy in the photo's to answer the door, and saw the current shape of the guyt, I'd turn around and leave! My pro tip: Whenever I see "Ask" for a rate. I tell them what I want to pay first. If they come back requesting more. I tell them, I've sent out other inquiries to others in the area at my stated rate, and I'll get back to them later as they are more expensive than others. 9 out of 10 times, they'll take your rate to not lose business. It also helps if you are ready to meet them right away.
  3. So true! lol. What saves Pasha for me, is that he's actually gives a great massage and ending. I don't know how he manages to push all my buttons, every time. He has great pacing that just crescendo's at the end. It's not very sensual at all really, but very effective. So when you get that from a very good looking guy, it all just works. Pasha's greatest skill may be his consistency. I can't stand the "will he or won't he" game of newbies or the " skip the massage and straight to the fun" with some of the more known erotic or sensual providers. So when I want a great massage and ending without all the uncertainty, I know that Pasha delivers. What sucks is if he ever offered an massage+escort option, I'd be a weekly customer,lol. But he has never given the slightest hint of doing that. Especially, not with me and from anyone I'm aware of on the forum. And I'm in double digits the amount of times I've seen him over the years. It's like a minor miracle when a person says he got slightly aroused! So seeing him is great, but also very frustrating! That said, I'm looking forward to seeing him later today...
  4. You should give him a break. He's new to this remember? So knowing "standard protocols" and what's not going overboard will take time. I'm sure with him being booked constantly, he'll get plenty of prompts. He's not there to be an escort, offering up all that's possible. At least I haven't check If he is doing double duty...lol.
  5. Google is everyone's friend: https://www.instagram.com/ericalannyc/
  6. My Question...What NYC Spa has the most Diversity? It seems in all the posts in these threads no one seems to be able to just say. As if this is some sort of Taboo question. They'll tell you the geographic regions, vocal dialects, locations of the primary school, the guys vacation schedule, etc. Lol. I'd just like to know, what spas have the most diversity on their staff? Or are they are 100% staffed by people of Asian decent. Which is perfectly fine. However, I'd like to try a place that offers some variety, as I like variety.
  7. Was Adam a Russian & Mongolia mixed person as everyone has been alluding to?
  8. This is odd. I went to this place and asked for Adam. I did NOT get a Russian & Mongolia mix. I got a very competent massage from a very nice asian guy. I figured whomever "@King hunter" was that he probably was the manager/owner hyping the place up. So I didn't believe anything he said as his posting history has only been about this place. But I did think that you "Ravi69" were a real person based on your posting history on the site. So 3 things are possible... either you're colluding in some manner with this place providing false details. Or you failed to mention that you got the same Asian Adam I did. Or the most unlikely, there are two Adams at this place. That said, whoever it was gave a really great massage and offered an ending. But I was expecting a Russian & Mongolia mixed person, so I couldn't get into the finish being offered. So if anyone else is curious. You should describe the "Adam" you want to book an appt with at this place. Or if you want a really good massage from Asian Adam, then just book the one they seem to provide.
  9. Per Instagram, he and Garic are together and I believe engaged.
  10. Hey LA folks, Anyone have any experience with: https://rentmasseur.com/Averi Appreciate any insight!
  11. Agree with everything described. Totally happened to me too. Barely 30 minutes then flipped over. But he's pretty open to MT after the flip. So I think he likes to be touched too. But it would be nice to save the flip for a bit later. And yes, the language barrier is a bit of mood killer. But the body is a mood enhancer.
  12. Damn. That's a hot one.
  13. Please re-read what I wrote. No one called him a racist. The point was that when you have to deal with "racial" issues like this you begin to question every situation, as it's always in the back of your head. I don't assume that everyone I meet is racist obviously. But when you know it's "possible" and you have a negative situation with someone, it crosses your mind always. It's like being pulled over as a minority by a cop, you prepare for the worst and hope for the best. I'm not sure your life experience allows you to understand why someone's mind can start from that place of suspicion. Also note, I didn't even call Spencer a racist. I just said he had racial issues as an escort. We good?
  14. This issue is always such a sticky point. I'm sure people would be equally upset when escorts say "No Fats, No Fems" as well. My issue with these type of people is how I have to navigate their issues. Anytime I approach an escort who's of a different race, I have to wonder if they will either: Not reply back or say they aren't into my race. The worst is when they do show up and then don't perform. It makes you wonder why they can't perform. Happened to me with Mike Gaite who people love on here. Was it racial, no idea. but it makes me wonder why this person can't perform for me, but get glowing reviews. I think it would be more honest if he replied in every response to an inquiry, " So you are aware, I am not available for appts with the following ethnicities...." This way he's being upfront about his limitations. Instead he hides behind asking what race the inquirer is and then rejecting them or not responding. Thus causing the inquirer to feel negative and possibly inadequate. He should own his limitations, so that people can make a choice to deal with a limited person, or move on by full disclosure at every inquiry. Much like if you go to any other service provider and they say, we don't serve Gay people. That info would be good to know as early as possible.
  15. Be advised, He has some "racial" issues. So not everyone need apply. Ziggy is alot of fun and super nice. That would be my recommendation.
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