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Everything posted by borgerback

  1. I'm out in California. We instituted social distancing or lockdown or whatever you want to call it only about 48 hrs after New York did; yet our known rate and our death rate are vastly lower. Earlier infection from China? More spread out lifestyle? The data's not in yet; but I believe (Los Angeles Mayor move yesterday to extend until mid May notwithstanding) that California in general would be safe to move back towards 'normal' by the end of this month (April).
  2. This crosses over to another set of threads that are related, but the behaviors in general are still a complete head-scratcher to me. These younger guys are willing to put these photos out on social media, but they are the same guys who take extreme pains to cover themselves completely at the gym before and after cleaning up. I know a lot of folks have 'locker room fantasies' but I'm not speaking to that - I'm speaking to the fact that I'm mildly amused and mildly irritated that the younger guys in the locker room are doing the surfer towel dance to put on their underwear in a locker room! I'm not even trying to look; I'm feeling like an exhibitionist for my relative immodesty!
  3. Hm. I had a pretty enjoyable afternoon with Killian in New York about 4 or 5 years ago - our connection was almost an afterthought for me, but for the short time we met he was engaging and, I felt, client-oriented. Not qualified to judge on the sociopath aspect.
  4. Gents - search here shows interest in him as a porn star, but does anyone have experience from RM? No reviews there! Thank you! https://rentmen.eu/devinfranco
  5. No, I never met up. One of my requirements is that the provider have in-call ability and bondage gear of his own (although I make exceptions for some exceptional providers and rent a play space). At the time we spoke, nearly a year ago, Masterjames didn't have either in-call ability nor gear.
  6. It's pretty 'artificial' but I absolutely love the walkable community area in DC Ranch (the sports bar has excellent food and a fantastic assortment of whiskey); my dad used to have a second home there before the '08 crash. Was just this January (it seems like a lifetime ago) staying nearby and it's the only snobby place I'd ever consider actually living.
  7. Fear does a lot of nasty stuff to our brains. When you experience the fight-or-flight response and can't fly (you're already at home) and can't fight (the real enemy is too small to hit), it gets elevated to a mental battle. I only hope that people in general will not carry it outside. Another reason for bringing a semblance of normal back 'on line' as soon as reasonably feasible. My prediction: civil unrest in the United States in May if we are still required to remain on lock-down. My recommendation: re-sanitize all your touch surfaces. I live with three other people, one of whom is high-functioning autistic; training him to constantly wash his hands and sanitize surfaces has been an interesting and diverting challenge during this time.
  8. Photos look somewhat familiar. Just to make it clear, I'm NOT currently hiring!! https://rentmen.eu/Ruggedbro Thank you as always . . .
  9. Victor, this is actually very cool, but were you a track athlete or were you guys just bored . . . ?
  10. This is why we should have a much deeper and healthier suspicion of what the government tells us to do 'for our good' than we actually exercise . . .
  11. Whoops, sorry guys! Having trouble manipulating the quote feature! I TOTALLY miss Lief/Eric; he did have a great gear collection and was a great dom. He moved out of the LA area; I hope he's OK.
  12. In OC right now - so 'bump' again!
  13. I had one local guy who advertised for over a year. I met him twice and he was always #1 on my list if I had free time. He started seeing someone last fall, and took his ad down, and (very politely) told me he was unavailable - at least for as long as he's with the person he's now with; or perhaps I should say 'as far as I know.' He might be seeing others (and not me) but I doubt it. We still text occasionally and he's super polite. I'm guessing I'll hear from him if they break up. Not hoping for it (or at least trying not to hope for it). Just realized this didn't really answer the question, but I feel like it's just tangentially relevant enough that I'll leave it in here.
  14. It's the jock peeking out of the top of the shorts that makes this so hot . . .
  15. They still have open gang-style showers like that anywhere anymore?? And yes, I know there are some threads on the sorry state of showering in America today . . .
  16. So . . . I think I've been blocked by him. First time ever. We talked about 6 months ago when he was back in LA via text, and we had a misunderstanding about his ability to accommodate some of my requests, but as far as I knew, we left it off fine . . . then I have him on my RM buddy list and click on it occasionally when he's heading back to LA - but just this morning - boom. Have no idea why (no communication more recent than 6 months or so). Guess I'll let it go.
  17. Bromance, but damn funny. I had buddies in college who did this, knowing where my interests lay . . .
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