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Everything posted by borgerback

  1. This is quite irritating - and I find it happens quite often. Having said that, it's cool that guys I'm attracted to are interested/willing, but I'm usually on the hunt for someone with skills, safety, and trustworthiness. Also equipment (meaning bondage gear).
  2. Shawn, that helps me understand why I often did not get follow ups to email threads when the provider was 'on line'. I like the supposed privacy of the messenger system, and I've generally been impressed with how frequently I get responses; but I understand the issues now, and will probably stick with text or via the messenger system just asking for the provider's email.
  3. This is an interesting one for me - I definitely grew up in the era when tattoos were something you got if you were (1) in the merchant marine/navy/marine corps; (2) were in a biker gang; (3) had been to prison. Some of my high school buddies then got tats that we thought were so 'daring' at the time - and they are a brushtroke compared to what we see now. Then I started working with some younger people who had very large, very expensive, personal tattoos - and realized it was a generational thing. My issue with tattoos now is in some sense the message - which is personal to each person of course (and often it's just 'yeah I thought that was a cool design') - but I've been attracted to some guys who have tats that are clearly or subtly satanic (pentagrams, goat's heads, etc) and I just can not and will not 'go there' with anyone who has that sort of message on their bodies. I think this might be dense/unfortunate because it could be that such is NOT the intended message of the person bearing the tats.
  4. Mike is FANTASTIC - body and personality!
  5. Gents, just curious. I've never met Russ (although he's been a long-term fantasy meet) and EVERYTHING I've heard of him (and from him in vids & etc) has been top-notch in terms of quality and humor- and then the last time I logged on to RM, there's a one-star review. I'm going to believe it's an anomaly, but thought I'd ask anyway. Here's his RM link: https://rentmen.eu/Russ_NYC Thanks!
  6. As always, if anyone has any info: https://rentmen.eu/BKLATWNK
  7. Gents, There appears to be a thread on him as a masseuse - or perhaps it's his own post? I'm interested in any experiences or insights as an escort: https://rentmen.eu/AndrewGage/ As always, any info appreciated!
  8. No search gives me anything; also on Friendboy.pro: https://rentmen.eu/BradyBrady Thank you!
  9. Any experience? He appears to be fairly new: https://rentmen.eu/LoganWildeXXX Thank you!
  10. and here's his link: https://rentmen.eu/MuscleBoyJohn
  11. hello gents, any info or experience? https://rentmen.eu/LukasTyler/ thank you!
  12. Bondage, tickling, cum control, post-orgasm stimulation.
  13. Gents: this gentleman (whom I never got a chance to meet) is apparently back! Hope he makes it to the Left Coast . . . https://rentmen.eu/abramhunter
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