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Posts posted by rustyrex

  1. Funny....I just got a phone call from someone I texted. I don't have an account on RM. Imagine my surprise when I got the call. The guy on the other end told me his name and was calling me to see if I was interested. I let the call go to VM just incase it was a robocall. He then texted me and started giving me all this info, but I totally forgot who he was on the website. I think it pissed him off and he hasn't responded to my texts.

  2. First time I hired, I asked for pics and they were like "sure"....I met up with one of the guys again a few weeks ago and reminded him of this. He was totally shocked...I told him he even posed for me and showed the boogina… he giggled and told me that he never does that for just anyone. I still need to send him a copy...said he wanted to see how perfect his hole was. I told him, it's not how it looks but how it feels. ;)

  3. Well I got my room booked and have started the process of setting up some encounters with some guys in Vegas. I have to say everything I've read has made me a little wary but most of what I've encountered so far is on the mark. I've contacted at least 15 guys and from this I can tell the following:


    going rate is about $300 very few charge less than this, one guy wanted $400 for a little extra special request...I haven't contacted him back.


    one guy wanted me to do a prepay to "hold my spot" and continued to text me that if we didn't meet up he would give my money back.... I guess someone has done that for him in the past...not going to be me


    the one guy I definitely want to meet seems kinda flaky...I'm crushed by this because I REALLY want to meet up with him, his pics really get me hot and bothered.


    There are a couple guys that are really sweet and have been helpful with recommendations of where to stay and things to do off the strip. One in particular is really a sweet guy and very cute I definitely want to meet him.


    My muscle fantasy may not happen....again I'm crushed by this because I have a thing for roided out dudes that like to have sex. Unfortunately most want me to worship them while they treat me like shit....and I ain't paying for that.


    I have yet to contact masseurs...kinda want a rub down being that I'm driving into town and could def use a massage. Any recommendations would help.


    This is going to be trickier than I thought and I'm nervous that I'll get burned, this trip ain't going to be cheap. I can still back out of the hotel reservation and pick a different city....but I'm not sure I want to do all that work again for a different place.


    So far my experience has been ok...but as I get closer to the trip weekend I'm getting nervous.

  4. I'm going to Vegas myself and considered hiring him but changed my mind. Seems very niche and likes to play the role of master or slave. Not really my thing but to each his own. His vids are definitely hot, but the idea of him going buck wild on my ass and spitting on me and such just ain't my thing. Just wish he would take off the mask and let us see those gorgeous eyes.

  5. Anyone else notice that A4A Adam4Adam use is up significantly. I just noticed last night. Typically there are between 56,000 and 70,000 users online at anyone time. That figure is now over 200,000 users. My small city usually had about 18 pages of users on at one time and now that number is between 40-60 pages of users on. I'm really surprised...anyone else notice this? Did a website or app close down to increase users to A4A? Not that I'm complaining....;)

  6. I recently went through this a couple weeks ago. I pulled up and texted the guy that I had arrived at his hotel. I assumed he would come down to get me but it took him 10 min to respond to me. I ended up going up in the elevator without realizing I needed a key. A couple of people in the elevator scanned me in and I guessed a floor that he was on. Totally wrong floor, he texted me and said he was on his way down....long story short. I ended up taking the stairs from 3rd to 8th floor exhausted. I get to his door and he comes out of the elevator...the experience with him was ok, but I wish I had known that the hotel was like that. I would have just sat in the lobby or waited in the car. Usually when I see a guy they give me the layout and tell me to go up. This was totally new to me having to have a key to ride the elevator. Worst time was the time I was in the wrong hotel all together. It was funny...I'm all trying to find a room and he texted me and said I'm not in that hotel. Even crazier was the fact that he was in a private condo with access from an elevator on a street corner. He told me that most of his clients have a hard time finding him. His condo was amazing....I never would have guessed it from the elevator on the street corner.

  7. Damn....oh well....i guess it is the Vegas norm. I was about to contact him too. But if you notice the pics are slightly different. Balls a normal size one pic and then the size of a baseball in another....I get a little crazy and look for moles on their body to see if they match in another picture, same with tats, but when you don't see a face with a body pic it's a bad sign.

  8. I just returned from LV.


    Hiring depends on frame of mind... and I simply wasnt in the mood while there.


    I had reloaded Grindr, Scruff and other apps for the trip. Ive commented in other threads that Id never once been contacted via an app by a potential rentguy. Not so this time.

    • It was actually encouraging to see the prevalence of gay guys around me on the strip. There were always 5-10 guys within 200 feet, and dozens within 1500 feet. Thats just app-users! (When Grindr reports a hot guy is 34 or 56 feet away from your hotel room.... gotta remember that gps doesnt report altitude. Nice to think theyre one door-down....but they could be sitting at a bar directly beneath your room down in the casino.)
    • At least three-four guys contacted tme nightly as escorts. Maybe its a vegas thing... maybe FOSTA... or.???
    • First ever contacts to buy drugs via app too.

    I wasnt in the market... had a few brief chats, but no other contacts.


    I also saw a few guys out and about that triggered my "rentguy-radar"... shredded, tanktops, trying to discretely converse on their phones, but I could hear them describing themselves, or even mention money. Maybe my "wishdar"


    Overall, it felt like LV wouldnt be too challenging to arrange a rentguy... even as the playing field changes


    I'm planning a trip to LV 1st weekend of June. Planning on staying off strip for a better room rate. I've seen enough of the strip to know I don't really want to be around a lot of people. I've reached out to a few guys. So far the going rate is $300 and so far the one I really want is a little aloof. I sent a text asking some basic questions and got a one word response. So I have my backups and plan C's accordingly. I don't like doing that but Vegas ain't a cheap trip and I'm determined to have some fun even if it doesn't go as planned. I've never used the app thing though. Is it worth the trouble to make a profile? Is it worth it to stay on or off the strip? I'm even open to meeting up with locals that aren't RM. This is the guy I want to spend some time with: https://rent.men/LV_CAstud

  9. Wow! Your willing to drive to a client! I was always under the assumption that if you want to bring in talent, the client pays for the convenience, all of it! I wanted a guy so bad I almost did it too. Flight, staying at my place and meals...if he can stand my cooking....one night only. Instead I'm driving to him this weekend....a whole 6 hours, same time zone but better city than where I live. I've only met one guy I would do this for and unfortunately he's moving out of the country at the end of the year :(

  10. It's been 2 years since I last went to Denver. Since two years have past almost all of the guys I went with are no longer advertising, except one. I was lucky he's in town the weekend I go there. I've talked to a few guys, I at least want to see two while I'm there, one for each day, but there is no intel on them. Anyone know these guys? You know the saying, cast a wide net and your bound to get something you like :)








    and these for massage








    I'm really curious about this guy




    and this one but the pic is old



  11. Recently reached out to a guy about possibly setting up a meeting. Pretty young guy, 21, and cute. His price was more than I wanted to spend so I let him know in a gentle way and he got a little offended. I told him that I would contact him when I got my plans finalized and he seemed like he wanted me to commit right then and there. I told him again that I would let him know as soon as I booked my hotel room. 2 weeks go by and he texts asking if I'm buying his plane ticket for a visit. I told him he had me confused with someone else and then he puts on this game of how he remembered me and that he might be busy on the weekend I visit the city he's in. I let him know that it was totally okay with me not to meet and he still continued to see when I'm booking a room and when he can come over. I'm not typically a rude guy but damn.... Anyone else experience this?

  12. The real question is what happens after all access is removed. Some assume that it’s back to bars and streets and bath houses but even that’s changing. Many gay bars I’ve been to have closed, there is no bath house in my town anymore, as far as strolling....I’d rather not, it’s more dangerous and who knows what your setting yourself up for. Darkweb...maybe...but it’s more of a hassle most likely it won’t be used. It’s tough wondering what happens next. Things are starting to happen quickly with sites closing down and features being altered. Time is almost up.....

  13. Wow that was quick. I hardly looked at m4rn, it just got so silly with the non advertisement ads. Now that it's gone..... well it makes me wonder who's next? I'm debating whether or not to save web pages like crazy to preserve who I want to see in the future. It's a matter of time....the throw away sites get targeted first, then the gays will get targeted next, then the mistresses and madams to the powerful and elite (those secrets will cost the elite dearly). I'm not sure there is a solution to this....driving it underground makes things worse. There is Nevada or offshore for a server but who knows....this is a first. Will porn be wiped away too? Who has time to enforce such laws? Law enforcement is stretched thin as it is. They took affordable internet away, my bill jumped to $95 for internet only, then they took my favorite pastime, and next who knows? Anonymity?

  14. Mom had international male catalogs coming to the house. I saw them in the trash, so I grabbed them. I had no idea what I was doing but as I was rubbing myself against the mattress I could feel myself cumming and thought I was pissing. I freaked when I saw white, sticky stuff coming out of my dick. I almost panicked and almost ran to tell my dad, I thought something was wrong with me. Ended up not telling anyone but remember it felt so good. I was making messes so much my mom forced me to wash my own laundry at 12.

  15. When I got to the house I noticed a cam at the front door...no biggie everyone wants to be more secure...then when I realized one was in the bedroom I thought to myself why? I asked him and he gave a weird non answer. Something about being safe. Should have been more vigilant to begin with but this is my first time experiencing this type of situation.

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