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Everything posted by rustyrex

  1. rustyrex


    One final thing that I forgot to mention....besides a dirty hole he also had a camera in his bedroom. When I noticed it I damn near freaked out, I didn't expect to be on video. He said it wasn't on but I'm not sure I believe that. He put a sock over it the rest of the time we were together but by then we had been busy for a little while. Also wanted payment up front. Now that I think about it, the way the whole thing started should have made me leave, but I wanted him and now...who knows I may be on xtube when I didn't want to be.
  2. This guy is coming to through town....looks really nice but seems like a set up. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/dreambig.shtml The reviews are from the same guy and multiple times. Seems kinda pricey for a rub down....for that price I can go to a spa. He's from Vegas....which in itself seems to raise some red flags to some but I don't know. Anyone know this guy? Rusty
  3. Happened just this weekend...payed thru an app....he gave a lengthy explanation of why, said some guy took off without giving him a dime. I gave him his donation up front but after reading this I feel like that was a dumb move. Next time I'll do flash the cash as proof until the goods are delivered.
  4. rustyrex


    I recently saw a guy that has been on my list for years. I liked him so much, that I didn't mind that the pics of him were quite a few years old (he had put on some weight) and he looked older than his 30's. I like a regular looking guy, gut and all, usually I prefer it to someone totally ripped. When we started doing the deed (he bottomed) he started making a little bit of a mess. We stopped and he went to clean up and we got right back into it. Then more of a mess started to happen. I'm not one to totally stop and gross out, hey I know what that hole's primary purpose is, but he had assured me that he had taken care of business before we met. He even kept me waiting outside a good 10 minutes past our appointment time while he got ready. Crazy enough I enjoyed the fuck out of him...he even woofed at me when we finished. Despite the mess, he didn't offer me a shower afterwards, which I wished he had. I think it's only considerate to offer especially if the sex has a dirtier context to it. Am I crazy?
  5. Adam definitely....that ass is amazing. I love me some campy queens!
  6. Every one of those ice dancers was hot last night!
  7. Contacted Blondie too. Pricey but very cute. I didnt see reviews for him either.
  8. Sorry meant KadenTaylor https://rent.men/KadenTaylor Also seriously thinking about this guy... https://rent.men/XxxDKnightsxxX
  9. Headed out next weekend to PHX, even though I swore I would never go back. Last time was a serious bust. This time I have a couple guys I want to meet. Just one thing....one is vers/top and despite the ad seemed like he would do it but that mostly he tops. Very friendly guy and we’ve even set up a tentative plan to meet. Kinda pricy $300 and now reviews here. KadenJames..... I’ve been eyeing his pics for years and hope he’s what I imagined. But I get a nagging feeling it may not be all that. I don’t want to spend that kind of money to be finishing up myself because he’s had enough of me back there. So I’m putting it to group. What do you guys think? My other choice was going to be Rickydecker but he only have a one word reply to my text. Any helps appreciated. Rusty
  10. Thanks for the intel, he seemed to good to be true.
  11. Damn...he was going to be a definite meet up if I ever got to LA. I figured it was too good to be true.
  12. Jim is someone I would definitely go back to. He came thru town a few years ago and gave an amazing massage. Amazing perks too!
  13. I'll be in PHX next weekend and was looking at him too. Hope he has a nice ass to go with the meat.
  14. Stars must have aligned...this is the most chatter I've seen on this guy. He asked for my face pics too, even though I met him on A4A and I have my face plainly visible. Hopefully the "perks" involves him showing way more than his face.
  15. Thanks for the advice, I will just take the trip and enjoy myself. Viva Las Vegas!
  16. Recently stated to consider the idea of flying someone in to have some fun. This would be instead of taking a road trip to see all the someone's I can in 3 days. I'm not sure of the logistics of even attempting bringing someone to me. I know I'll be doing a lot of paying but I was thinking they are staying with me and we'll be doing a lot of bang for the buck. I was trying to compare this to driving to a town, paying hotel stay, and seeing maybe 3 to 4 guys in a 3 day period plus food and maybe sight seeing. $1500? Would this be the same as flying someone in for one night, eating in and maybe watching movies in between some fun and flying them out the next day in the afternoon. Maybe it is cheaper to go to a city and enjoy myself but is having one person all to yourself for a night all it's worth? Just an idea I'm throwing around.
  17. I'm so bummed reading the reviews. I was seriously thinking about heading to Vegas for a weekend of sin and had no idea that it was considered a place of buyer beware. I've been burned a few times and can read between the lines nowadays but seeing all this makes me think twice about going. I was settling for Vegas because LA is way too expensive to visit. I even had a few of the same guys on my list that nycman had and like him I haven't really found reviews for the ones I'm interested in. Last years trip was a bust (Phoenix) and definitely don't want a repeat of it in Vegas.
  18. It's crazy but someone is asking for pics from me for a massage....what kind of BS is that? His is excuse is so he can recognize me...I'm like your coming to my house and I'm the only one there! Didn't even ask for my real name! I just don't understand...I feel like someone that asks for pictures can definitely hold it over you later. Like I have pics of you asking me for my services...now give me $100 or I spill it to your family, employer and on social media. If you need a pic to do a massage...you better be implicit about your intentions and you need to at least ask for my name before you ask for the pic. It's like every other guy is asking for damn pics and info without putting themselves out there, like their real name, vers?, BB?, total fees, expectation from the experience. I asked him if he was Vers and he was like huh? Fuck that....I'm not doing all this for a massage. Unless there is explicit offering of something else, there is no need to go there. Do women do this type shit to their clients too?
  19. Black Mirror is my show! Even with it's twisted story lines it really makes you think about how far is too far?
  20. Did you ever meet him? I'm curious about him too.
  21. It depends on the guy and the moment. If a guy takes me in a way that is romantic I'll be more receptive to doing it. One guy was very passionate and even ran his beard down my back, it gave me chills. He then put his dick right at the back door and started grinding... I don't bottom and I'm pretty tight but he almost succeeded. Then I have guys that think forcing their finger, snaggled nails and all will make me give it up. For me it's a journey...I'm not against bottoming but if a guy wants it he has to spend sometime getting me relaxed.
  22. I love to cum, there is only one way to make me scream without making me cum. I never tell a guy what that is, but if he finds out on his own it ain't difficult to make me happy. If he's exceptional....he can do almost anything to me.
  23. Music most of the time, I never listen to local talk radio because here its all ultra conservative, pro guns, anti-gay, racist BS. I do listen to podcast once in a great while. I work with people for a profession and most of the time I get my fill of humanity and it's musings I don't really need to listen to it in my free time.
  24. Not exactly from a dentist but I do go through optometrist like crazy... they try to do the upsell, every single one of them. I've been told I'll be blind by tomorrow if I don't do some mumbo jumbo bull that they want to do to my eyes. I listen and then say the magic words "how much will that cost" they typically say "oh it's just $500" and my reply is no thanks. Then they charge me for everything they can think of from sitting in the waiting room to using the pen to write my name on the check in list. I have practically been to everyone in town! So shop around, it may be tedious but at least you know you have options and if you end up finding someone you like, all the more reason that you looked in the first place.
  25. I was thinking about this very thing...should I or not buy a part of a bitcoin. Then I youtubed a video of a guy trying to actually use the damn thing. What's the point of having the currency if it's a hassle to spend and hardly anyone uses it for day to day. It's like apple pay. Nice to have and show off at the store (look I can buy stuff with my phone!) but hardly necessary. If it catches on....and that's a big IF, then maybe it will be worth the investment. But like the example I used ...a lot of IPhone users have the ability to use apple pay and not many actually do, and it uses actual dollars!
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