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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. https://rentmen.eu/Travis_Youth
  2. A quick follow up to Marty’s dance bar here in Dallas. The Texas Alcoholic Beverage Commission did an inspection of 200 various bars all over the State of Texas to ensure compliance with Covid19 operating guidelines and revoked the liquor licenses of 3 of those 200 bars due to non-compliance. Marty’s was one of those three bars. The revocation of their liquor license is for 30 days.
  3. According to his Twitter video he states that the amount stolen was $14,000. Still, no small amount.
  4. The Tin Room is open again. I believe it opened as soon as was possible and in accordance with the governor’s reopening plan. Jay, the dance manager, moved to Chicago a couple of weeks ago so I’m not sure who’s in charge of hiring dancers now. Marty’s, the other dance bar (and owned by the same folks as the Tin Room) is also open. Zippers is now closed and will not reopen. Both venues are as trashy and filthy as they come. I won’t be frequenting.
  5. What if you don’t want to spend two hours with an escort? While I fully understand it’s the going rate and the provider is free to set up his business model as he sees fit this guy would be a pass for me too. First hires for me are always one hour for me. I view an initial meeting as a test drive. And let me apologize to [uSER=8020]@Just Sayin'[/uSER] for deviating from your goal of securing information about this guy. He certainly is hot and you have impeccable taste.
  6. https://forums.newart.com/phpbb/viewforum.php?f=8 Here’s a link to a Forum that may be of interest to you @DickAndDash Hope this helps you.
  7. https://www.pumptoys.com/menu. This website used to have a Forum for pumpers to discuss pumping techniques, etc. It appears that it is being revamped and not available now. However, this company has an extensive selection of equipment to choose from. An old friend of mine was into daily pumping and swore by this company. He was also part of an online pumping group but haven’t seen or talked to him in a couple of years. I’ll try to touch base with him again and see if he know anything. Perhaps an email to the owner of PumpToys might yield the information you’re seeking.
  8. Interesting to note he was able to put his $300 hourly rate in his ad. Must have slipped by the RM censors.
  9. My initial thought after visiting this website is that the site is accessing each state’s publicly available list of licensed massage therapists. While it’s entirely possible that the entire State of Texas has 40,000 plus licensed therapists I seriously doubt Texas has 40,000 gay therapists. The site shows California to have 80,000 plus massage therapists.....statewide, possible. 80,000 gay therapists, highly improbable. I’m a licensed therapist in Texas (no longer practicing) but I’d proceed with caution using this site to find a gay therapist. I’ll try to do a little more research if I can find the time.
  10. Political Forum, BLM is racist thread, posts 151and 152 may answer your question.
  11. @Unicorn .... your FICO score should be fine in retirement. Continue to practice sound financial principles and your FICO score will take care of itself. Make payments on time. Limit personal debt to a manageable level. Pay off credit cards in full monthly, if possible. As many have indicated before me, FICO scores are more concerned about debt management than personal income. Credit scores are a fact of life in this country. Love them or hate them they’re not going away.
  12. Except that this is The Lounge part of the Forum.....A place to gather and exchange ideas. NO politics. NO religion. NO War. I’ve read @latbear4blk’s comments on BLM and they’re exactly where they should be...in the political forum. @Unicorn ’s post is where it should be....in the lounge. You insinuate that a discussion on FICO scores is silly and trite in these trying times and then try to pit two Forum members against each other. This country has one bully. We don’t need another one.
  13. As a one time deal for Mexico City clients if you are a card carrying P.A.N. member will you receive a discount similar to your Seattle offer in your travel section ad in the Travel Forum?
  14. As a one time deal for Mexico City clients if you are a card carrying P.A.N. member will you receive a discount similar to your Seattle offer in your travel section ad in the Travel Forum?
  15. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Soy Boy I, too, had never heard this term so I looked it up in the Urban Dictionary. Who knew? My first thought was it meant “I am” from the first person conjugation of the Spanish verb “ser”.
  16. I’m old enough to remember the McCarthy era. I’m not ready for a repeat.
  17. I wonder how the Dixie Chicks feel about all of this. Maybe we should ask Earl!
  18. It’s always been one of my favorite tv shows. If memory serves me correctly it ran for 7 seasons in the late 80s and early 90s. I’m not sure how old you are @Pensant but many Forum members here in their 50s, 60s, 70s and beyond identify with each of the characters in some way. The show was extremely well written and wasn’t specifically geared for a gay audience but the gay community certainly latched on to it and in many ways was responsible for its success. I’m 75% Blanche, 10% Dorothy, 10% Sophia and 5% Rose. ?
  19. Yep...Dallas gaytown aka Oak Lawn and the Strip are boarded up including bars, retail shops, restaurants, grocery stores. Several gay bars were planning to open today. Not sure if that’s still the plan or not. However, only downtown and Uptown areas were under a curfew. Difficult times in Dallas.
  20. Yes, that’s right! And when Rose is describing the moment she thought it was strange Charlie was screaming “I’m going, I’m going”. And Dorothy chimes in “Talk about your mixed emotions”.
  21. Just don’t overthink the situation. I’m sure you’ll have a good time. Hiring in these types of situations is difficult at best. Your situation reminds me a bit of a Golden Girls episode. Rose wasn’t sure if she should go on a cruise with Miles because she would be in a stateroom all alone and the possibility of sex might arise and she hadn’t been with a man “in that way” since Charlie died. Dorothy’s advice was spot on....if you don’t take a chance, nothing will happen. But if you take a chance, you’ll know and great things might happen (or something to that effect). Btw...this guy has my quintessential cock.
  22. There’s nothing abysmal about that cock. Seriously, though, just be yourself and enjoy your time together. I wasn’t sure what you meant when you said “Should I act normal?” I’d just make sure you didn’t act abnormal.
  23. My mobile phone provider, Verizon, has given me an additional 15 GB of data per month due to the COVID 19 pandemic. I’m not sure how long they will continue this.
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