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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. https://thepointsguy.com/news/hidden-city-ticket-crackdown/ This may or may not apply to Mike’s situation but if he booked the cheaper flight to save $4,000 AUD he could end up in trouble with the airline if he decided to forego the last two legs of the cheaper flight and simply stay in LA. I’ve read several articles about airlines cracking down on this practice. The above link is just one of any you can find on the internet about this type of thing. It sounds like Mike has things well in hand though and his arrangements are set. And now to get this thread back on track....Mike, I won’t be attending this year’s get together. Will miss seeing you. Hope you’ve been able to put those Texas coasters to good use.
  2. If I understood his post correctly he would save $4,000 AUD by flying Delta. The Delta flight lands in LAX but then he has to continue on to LAS, SLC, or PHX. He would then have to fly back in to one of the other LA area airports. Mike will correct me if I’m wrong. I got the feeling he was looking to save $4,000 AUD by choosing this “unique” option.
  3. I flew into Ontario last year which is about an hours drive from PS. Rented a car in Ontario and motored on to PS. While I’m not a Californian I think Ontario would be your best bet since it’s on the east side of LA, thus avoiding driving through LA. @Epigonos will have the definitive answer.
  4. Anyone remember the milkman delivering milk and putting it in your milk box? Cloth diapers and the foul smelling diaper pail?
  5. Post 78 RPM record speed and pre- TV remote control guy here. Yep! I’m that old.
  6. While the elimination of the email function on RM is mildly annoying to me I’ve been told by many providers that they seldom used the RM email service anyway. It’s my understanding that the vast majority of providers prefer a text or a phone call. Of course, I’m curious about leaving a RM review now. Previously you had to have communicated via email with the provider in order to leave a review. I’m too lazy to try and figure out how reviews will be handled in the future. Perhaps an enlightened individual can let us know. I’d be interested, though, in what providers think about the elimination of RM email services.
  7. I had to google Facetune to see what that was. I originally thought you meant Facetime. At least I’ve learned something today. I must admit I’m not adept at figuring out when pictures have doctored up.
  8. Any information is appreciated https://rentmen.eu/CelestialTwink
  9. We are talking “hung” vs “obese”, aren’t we? Ignore my comment. I failed to read your last sentence.
  10. I was a licensed massage therapist, having completed the prescribed course of study and subsequent state licensing test. These stories have brought back a lot of memories....both good and bad. First off, as a massage therapist you get used to “aromatherapy” from clients. It just happens and I have smelled some of the wettest, raunchiest farts that mankind has ever produce. And all with a smile on my face as I silently gagged myself to death. Such was the life of a student intern. Perhaps the thing I never got used to was the distinct smell of a menstruating woman and, in particular, the woman who spotted my brand new massage table sheets. Ugh! Those sheets subsequently took up residence in the local landfill. Lastly, and quite sad, was the gentleman who came to the school I was studying at to get a reduced price massage from student interns ($35 at the time). That was all he could afford. The guy was heavy-set and had a severe skin condition that wasn’t contagious or anything. His skin was simply unpleasant to look at. He confessed to me one day that he liked to get massages because that was the only human touch and interaction in his life and it made him feel like a human being. I learned something about the human condition that day.
  11. I’m an avid genealogist and also look forward to the release of the 1950 census. I believe by law a U.S. census cannot be released to the public for 72 years making the release of the 1950 census in 2022. Before chiseling that in stone I should probably verify that factoid. I’m old and the mind is the first thing to go.
  12. I always enjoyed the House of Pies on Kirby Ave. Used to be a popular gay after-the-bars closed place. Of course, that was many, many years ago. I did eat there there about 4 years ago on my way to Galveston for a cruise. The food was still quite good.
  13. He had a 5-star review by “Marylander”. I wonder if that’s the same forum member “Marylander” on this site. Worth a shot to ask him.
  14. In an effort to bring some levity to this disturbing thread I offer up the following 198 names. What is common in one country may not work in another. https://www.boredpanda.com/funny-unfortunate-names/?utm_source=google&utm_medium=organic&utm_campaign=organic
  15. If not utilizing Venmo or PayPal is the sign of a broke client then I should file for bankruptcy. I would never consider using either service. Please be aware and understand that this may be a generational thing. Older people may prefer cash or checks to the new electronic payment methods. And, for the record, I’m far from being bankrupt.
  16. Never really enjoyed getting stoned. The rocks always hurt when they hit my body and they left bruises.
  17. You mention he well reviewed. Had the same experience with I guy I hired. Wonder if it’s the same guy. My hire was also very well reviewed. I’ll private message you.
  18. I thought you had indicated you hadn’t hired in many years. Or am I dreaming I read that here on the Forum. Apologies in advance if I’m wrong.
  19. The place needs to be demolished. The last time I was there there was a huge rat (yes, as in rodent) on the back patio scavenging a meal. If you enjoy a total dive bar this is it it. Plumbing doesn’t work half the time. Hell, even the dance manager quit and took the last train to the coast.
  20. Surely you jest. The TR is a shithole of late with dancers to match.
  21. Unless I completely misunderstood something I think the poster was referring to working at a local school educating adults and not an adult bookstore. Am I wrong?
  22. My post was directed at the site’s administrators.
  23. https://rentmen.eu/Ontoplatin
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