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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. https://m.facebook.com/magnumdallas/
  2. And a variation on the legged man saying here in Texas is “Busier than a one-armed wallpaper hanger”. Both idiomatic sayings convey their intent very astutely.
  3. Close but not exact “Colder than a witch’s tit in a brass bra”. Gotta love regional differences.
  4. Verizon sells Tumblr to Wordpress owner six years after $1.1 billion deal. UPDATE: For those who are interested in Tumblr...Verizon has sold it.
  5. Simple advice that had always worked for me.....buy the dips in the market. Invested heavily back in the 2007-2009 years. Has made my life much easier these days. This will make sense to long-term investors. The market is what it is. Trump and his policies are only one of a multitude of things that impact the market.
  6. A few options to consider: Dixie Normous Ben Dover Mr. Morehead Willie Stroker Jack Swallows Pat Uranus Dick Head Harry Balz Jack Goff Seymour Butts One Hung Lo Fonda Dix I personally like ScratchnSniff. Has a nice ring to it.
  7. https://instinctmagazine.com/ever-wonder-how-much-coin-onlyfans-performers-can-make/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=facebook-page Hope this link works. Interesting read about Austin Wolfe and others about onlyfans.
  8. An old Iowa saying.....it’s colder than a witches tit in a brass bra.
  9. In honor of @marylander1940 this thread would not be complete without mentioning “yinz”. Do yinz agree?
  10. Worthless as tits on a boar! As exciting as a turd in a punch bowl at a boring party.
  11. Sadly, he’s no longer on Grantchester. This season’s Grantchester premiere has him falling in love with an American civil rights activist and moving to America. Read in an interview with him that he felt he had done all he could with his character and it was time to explore other possibilities. I’d give anything to sit down with him, sip a scotch and listen to some jazz.
  12. While not an object the term “rush hour” is contradictory.
  13. No need to start a new thread on Hunter Williams. He was in Dallas this past weekend. Two thumbs up! Passion personified and a quintessential cock against which all others should be judged.
  14. Perhaps a valid link would produce an answer. Original thread is from 2011 and references Rentboy, defunct for several years now.
  15. Where’s the padlock when you need it?
  16. Well, that didn’t take long. Profile has been taken down.
  17. One of the best around, bar none. I’ve heard he likes to read the morning paper while enjoying a cup of coffee, too.
  18. One hour for BFE ...... $400 Two hours for BFE .... $850 @jawjateck would love this type of reasoning :D:D
  19. Into role playing maybe....doctor/patient fantasy? Seriously, though. That’s an odd picture to include in your ad. If you call and ask him you’ll get $50 off his regular rate.
  20. https://www.kiplinger.com/article/retirement/T032-C000-S002-new-law-could-change-rules-for-ira-withdrawals.html It appears new legislation will be passed regarding IRAs and when required minimum distributions have to be taken. I realize everyone’s situation is different but I view these changes as positive. Of course, those that might inherit anything left of my IRA might not like the changes.....screw ‘em! I’ll be dead.
  21. Personally I’d stay in the Montrose/Westheimer gay area or the Medical District área on the west side of Houston but those areas of Houston are a bit of a distance from IAH. As @bordeauxfan states Houston is a VAST metro area with some of the worst traffic in the nation. The city itself is nearly 600 square miles. However, if you’re just in the area for a quick over night stay then you’re probably best to stay near the airport. Other Forum members from the Houston area may be able to give you better guidance. This is my experience as a Dallas traveler to Houston. As for Houston providers.....I’m clueless.
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