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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. Thanks for letting me know that I’m not the only one experiencing this behavior. Hopefully it will correct itself in the future.
  2. Thank you, @sync for your help. I checked out the link you provided. I went to my zoom settings and it was already turned off as the apple thread suggested. Problem is still occurring. Ugh!
  3. Total non-technical person here so be kind to me.... Recently when I’ve clicked a RentMen ad the ad will pop up and display properly on my Apple iPad. After a couple seconds though the ad resizes itself and becomes smaller. This downward display resizing behavior continues three or four more times until the ad is almost too small to read. After the ad finally stops resizing I can use my fingers to expand the ad to completely fill my iPad screen. My questions to Forum members are these: Have I inadvertently screwed up any display settings? Is this problem unique to Safari? Is this a RentMen system problem?
  4. I know! I know! As I enthusiastically wave my arm waiting to be called on.
  5. And so begins the game of 20 questions. Lol. I’m sure the sleuths on the site will have this mystery solved within 24 hours.....23.59.59...23.59.58...23.59.57...23.59.56.
  6. I’ve stayed at the Vista Grande/Mirage twice (albeit 10 years ago) but had a GREAT time on both stays.
  7. https://www.pureformen.com/ I know several men who use (and are satisfied) with this product. And as has been mentioned by so many posters before me in this thread.....please douche completely before you bottom. Otherwise you’ll come across as a complete douchebag (pun intended).
  8. Thanks everybody for your thoughts on the subject. After 3 days of usage I’ve learned that increasing my dosage seems to be more effective in combating my insomnia. It takes a couple of hours to take effect for me and it’s a subtle difference but I do think it’s been effective for me. Jury is still out though on whether I’ll continue after I’ve gone through the remaining CBD oil I have.
  9. I, too, have used both Advil PM and Aleve PM. While they both work well at helping me sleep I find that they both give me night sweats. If this CBD oil doesn’t work for me I’ll go back to the Aleve PM. I took my first dose last night two hours before my bedtime as directed by the pharmacist. I slept well but it took me a while to fall asleep.
  10. If there are previous threads on this subject I couldn’t find them. If there are please point me in the right direction. After researching CBD oil I decided to take the plunge and try it out to see if it will help with my occasional bouts of insomnia. Tonight is dose one for me so I’m not sure if it’s going to benefit me or not. I was wondering if anyone has used it and what their results were. I talked with my physician before trying it and he indicated to me that several of his patients use it with differing degrees of effectiveness.
  11. I read the article (hilarious by the way) and the comments that followed the article. In one of the comments a guy commented “between 40 and death” when asked the age of the wine. Supposedly this is code for gay. Take my gay card away from me....I don’t get the connection. Help!
  12. You first! Go ahead and tell everyone in this Forum how much you make. I WANT NUMBERS! I can’t believe your gall. Let me put this bluntly: It’s none of your frigging business. Yet another newbie blunder.
  13. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/erotic-hypnotist-411.112046/#post-1062913 Here’s a previously thread on this guy. @Eric Hassan knows him personally according to a post in the thread. Hope this helps you.
  14. I’ll be there, too. Arriving on the 12th. It’ll be fun being a rookie attendee. Don’t forget to file your taxes before leaving home! No beancounting for me in PS.
  15. In anticipation of our meeting I’ve purchased, for you, a small gift I hope you like. As for being ready to work I hope that applies to you, too.
  16. Thanks for the responses. I think this may be the perfect opportunity to simply put my iPhone in my dresser drawer and leave it be. No need for pictures.
  17. This will be my inaugural PS weekend and am truly looking forward to it. I’ll be attending the Saturday evening dinner at Trios and the Sunday afternoon pool party. While I assume this is a “What happens in Las Vegas, stays in Las Vegas” type of weekend is it alright to take a picture or two of people we meet or is that taboo? I almost always ask if it’s ok to snap a pic unless it’s a landscape type shot? I don’t want to be the one everybody gossips about after we all go our separate ways. I certainly wish to respect the privacy of both clients in attendance as well as escorts.
  18. You’re probably right but the RM reviewer is Badscout and the OP is badsocut. A transposition of letters?
  19. We both need to contact @Epigonos and have him give us a refresher course. I think it would be fun.
  20. I used to play cribbage as a child but have totally forgotten how to play. The scoring was something like 15-2, 15-4, etc. You will have to teach me how to play again, @Epigonos
  21. We may have enough players to fill two tables. I’ll bring the cards with me.
  22. Midwestern guy here....canasta, pinochle, euchre, spades, hearts. Used to play them all.
  23. Great! I’ll bring the bridge mix and popcorn.
  24. I was wondering if there are any bridge players among those attending the PS weekend soirée. Yes, I realize our collective minds will be focused elsewhere but I thought a rubber or two of bridge might be fun, too.
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