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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. Beancounter


    12:30 pm here in Dallas. Scruff is up and running here.
  2. I wasn’t referencing your post, rather Mr. Monroe’s. Your post are quite acceptable I think. Someone will come along and let us know. I’m sure it’s in the terms and agreements. Perhaps I need to reread them. It’s been awhile.
  3. I wasn’t aware we were now allowed to post personal information.i.e., Instagram website references now. Am I wrong or has this always been the case?
  4. I think you’re probably right. Sorry you rented a room for a no-show. He’s represents flakiness personified
  5. OMG....this really hits home with me. I have literally sucked a cock in Kenya with lions watching. It’s all my fault there are gay lions.
  6. Okay......I’m confused. His profile narrative says “no sex, no oral” yet there is a laundry list of things he says he’ll do. I suppose since he’s into dominating people he makes the final decision on what he does. The person being dominated becomes his rag doll.
  7. Projected overnight low in Des Moines is -21 degrees. If this guy is as hot as his profile indicates I can overlook the frigid forecast and venture up to the Hawkeye state.
  8. I could swear that this guy has been discussed here in the past year but I couldn’t find anything using his current screen name. Hopefully another Forum member will come along and remember another name he might have been using in the past. My recollection was that a lot of the comments were negative. If I’m wrong my apologies in advance.
  9. https://bananaguide.com/article/106554/scruff-puts-stop-to-sexy-poses-and-jock-straps I found this interesting and though Forum members might be interested as well.
  10. https://rentmen.store/fetish-underwear/bottoms/rm-mesh-bottom/ I’m looking to buy a good escort friend of mine some RentMen underwear as a gift when I see him in April. I know the underwear size he wears based on American sizing to be medium (32-34”), however, the RentMen sizing chart indicates I should order size XL based on this 32-34” American-sized underwear. I’m not sure what size to buy. Any suggestions?
  11. https://www.getroman.com/swipes/?utm_source=&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=WMS_200672_pewipes-otc There was a time in the past I need these, not so much anymore. There used to be a lotion available for this purpose but not sure if it’s still manufactured.
  12. He’s still in Waco. He just edited his profile to say he’s located in Dallas. He stated in his text to me that it was an easy drive for him to come to Dallas. For non-Texas Forum members Waco is 100 miles due south of Dallas on I-35. I continue to maintain this guy just toys with potential clients and never has any intention of meeting them. I wish someone would prove me wrong but I’ve got a long litany of texts that prove me right.
  13. One of my first hires when he was living in Dallas. This guy is the quintessential escort. Glad he’s back.
  14. America’s Test Kitchen on the Create channel had an episode of making brown bread recently that looked delicious. My grandmother used to make it all the time and it was always a treat for we grandchildren. I’m from the Midwest so the recipe traveled west at some point.
  15. I recently got a pop-up ad on RM that took me to realmen.com. It appeared to me that RM now has an app similar to Scruff, Grindr, GROWLr, etc. They were using their RM platform to push their new app.
  16. I’ll bet you the farm he flakes on you.
  17. Here’s a link from Forum member @jawjateck https://jawjateck.tumblr.com/tips It contains some useful information.
  18. Biggest flake since the invention of Frosted Flakes.
  19. Totally agree with your assessment. There was no lack of action when I stayed there. Hopefully it hasn’t changed much.
  20. Both times I’ve visited Palm Springs in the past [10 years plus now) I stayed at the Vista Grande and enjoyed it very much. I believe it may also be known as the Mirage. It’s located in the Warm Sands area right next to All Worlds Resort. Can’t speak to its current condition but at the time it was well-maintained and I’d recommend it to anyone. I rented one of the 4-5 apartment suites in the back that looked over the jacuzzi hot tub, the wet sauna and the waterfall area. A bit pricey for the suites but well worth it. They have much more reasonable accommodations as well. It is clothing optional if that’s important to you. Hope this helps. But like I said it’s been many years since I’ve been there.
  21. You have yourself a deal. Something tells me you would be a great investment.
  22. It’s official! I booked my flight on Christmas Day and will be attending my first PS weekend. Thanks to @Epigonos for his invaluable information and what to expect. I look forward to meeting many of the Forum members.
  23. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-hungluke.133908/ Seems to me there was another thread about this guy but I couldn’t find it. Something about performance problems.
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