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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. Who are we fooling? Let’s quit beating around the bush and just admit this thread is directed specifically at one Forum member, maybe two. If you see that a specific member has created a thread the obvious solution is to not view the thread. Since you’re proposing to limit the number of threads a member can post why not simply start a self-imposed limit of threads that you’ll personally look at. I’ve had my fair share of snarky comments in this Forum but there are many who should be ashamed of their downright hate and animosity directed at a couple of Forum members.
  2. If this is a big concern for some Forum members I think there is an ignore feature in this software that can be employed so that members don’t have to view frequent postings by other Forum members.
  3. Yes, I’m frugal but there are times in life when spending money makes good sense. It is prudent to spend money for good legal and tax advice if your situation warrants it.
  4. Sophia couldn’t have told the story any better than you did... Picture this.....
  5. This is very sage advice. I had a complete set of legal documents prepared for me including a revocable trust with incapacity clause, will, appointment of guardianship, power of attorney, medical directives, etc. A legal services plan thru my employer only covered preparation of a simple will. If a simple will is all you require then sign up for the legal plan. However, if your financial and medical situations are more complex secure the services of a good estate/trust attorney. Otherwise the State will decide for you what happens. I’ve seen what a couple of my friends have had to go through without these documents when dealing with other people in their families. It was both time consuming and expensive.
  6. Did you you even read the entirety of my post? Granted! I’m not a comic writer but I think most people understood the point I was trying to make. I’ll go back to my cave now and remember that I’m nothing more than a retired accountant.
  7. This may go down as one of the best advertising stunts in history. Before AW’s video recording 99.99% of people never heard of him. Now 98.98% of people have never heard of him. I can see airlines using this little episode as a training tool for flight attendants in what activities NOT to engage in....especially United Airlines: Instructor: This is not what the company slogan “Fly the friendly skies of United” means. My small attempt at humor aside, Mr. Wolf is a jerk and to be avoided.
  8. His RM ad has a web address in it that directs you to a GoFundMe page. It appears, in addition to escorting, he’s raising money to fund his art projects. Ahh...to be 18 again and pursue one’s dreams.
  9. MD 20/20 and Annie’s Boone Farm come to mind. All I can afford these days on a fixed income.
  10. Did anyone else watch this documentary on Eugenics last night on PBS? It was the most fascinating show I’ve watched in a long time. It dealt with a part of American history about which I was totally oblivious. Edit: Eugenics was an attempt to creat a superior race of people by cleansing society of undesirables.
  11. Perhaps the biggest bottom Dallas has ever known or will ever know. Tops will no doubt enjoy his work.
  12. Based on the location in his ad I’m assuming he operates out of an extended stay type of motel. If it’s the one I’m thinking of it is indeed sketchy with a lot of nearly homeless people staying there. Not a place to go after the sun goes down and highly questionable when the sun is out.
  13. Looking forward to your Texas travels, specifically Dallas!
  14. This post should should have been prefaced with the following notation “Not suitable for all audiences. Viewer discretion advised”. :p:p Now I think I’ll go vomit my Sunday morning brunch.
  15. Picture #7 almost looks like he’s got a surgical scar running diagonally across his butt cheek.
  16. I’ll bite. What is so obvious about it being a fake account? I’m not very good at analyzing fake and non-fake accounts.
  17. Bump. One final attempt to see if anyone is acquainted with JJ.
  18. Beancounter


    We gay men are our own worst enemies. How, exactly, does a faggot act?
  19. This gentleman is coming to Dallas soon and he has piqued my interest. Searching threads here in the Forum yielded some banter from 2007 but nothing else. Thanks in advance for any information. https://rentmen.eu/JockJosh
  20. I don’t think you really want to go down that road.
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