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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. I found it interesting that pricing information is included in his ad. I thought RM had done away with that practice. Maybe it slipped by the RM administration. Or have their policies changed?
  2. OK....perhaps I need to address this to the administrators but I thought I’d run this by [uSER=19485]@Karl Lutgens[/uSER] first. Did you delete your initial post that I replied to where you stated “They are con artists...warning to stay away.” or did the site administrators delete it? Perhaps a glitch in the software that your original posting got lost in cyberspace.
  3. Sorry, @dauterman but I’m with the escort on this one. You should have at least picked out a date for the escort and a time you could be sure to meet. You stated that your meetings were from 8 am to 5 pm and perhaps a dinner obligation after that. Surely a dinner obligation would not run past 9 or 10 pm. It sounds like to me you were asking him to be available at your beck and call during your entire stay in Atlanta and have him turn down any other business that might come his way. My advice to you and all others....when setting up an appointment do not leave things open ended. Be very specific and ask “Are you available to meet at this time and on this date?” They either are or they aren’t and they will/should communicate that to you. Btw...I noticed you’re a newbie to the Forum. Are you also a newbie to hiring?
  4. It’s interesting you joined the Forum three days ago just to tell us this. Not saying they aren’t but something’s not adding up here. If you’re going to post such a thread you should at least provide the scam.
  5. Showing my age here but when I see the word “Gay” I automatically think of two female friends of mine whose first names are Gay. Not many parents name their children Gay anymore. And it wasn’t that long ago that the word gay simply meant happy. But I digress.
  6. Perhaps he is using the metric system. 11 centimeters equates to 4.78 inches.
  7. I had a similar situation only in reverse. THANK YOU CRAPPY ESCORT.
  8. In addition to Snake Alley, Burlington, Iowa is the birthplace of William Frawley a.k.a Fred Mertz of I Love Lucy fame. Burlington is a very hilly town and Snake Alley was built to make it easier for horses to go up the hill before the advent of cars. Additionally this southeastern Iowa town was the first territorial capital of Iowa. Now that I’ve bored Forum members with useless trivia about this Mississippi River town I’ll own up to the fact I grew up there and still visit occasionally. Can’t believe I just replied to an Avalon posting. Love ya, Avalon!
  9. Beancounter

    Dallas Steele?

    My experience, too. The consummate professional.
  10. Beancounter

    Dallas Steele?

    He updated his RM profile a couple of weeks ago highlighting his move to Palm Springs.
  11. I now regret clicking on that link. :D:D There’s a vision in my brain now that won’t go away and it’s not a pretty one.
  12. OK, I’ll bite. What’s a spinner?
  13. I’m assuming in this case DMV means DC, Maryland and Virginia.
  14. @wbtravis....I, too, remember the days when I was confused about my designated Forum moniker and to tell you the truth I’d forgotten the chart highlighting the various participation levels. If I remember correctly I had to do a bit of digging in the site but I eventually found it. As for the trophies, that information is out there somewhere but I’ve forgotten where. Another Forum member will be along to explain in detail. I’m now a Baron which only tells me I’ve spent way too much time (albeit useful time) here in the Forum. :D:D.
  15. I thought so but you never know in this Forum. I lived in Kenya for two years. Very dismal gay environment and very closeted.
  16. Perhaps the worst movie ever made was a joint American/Russian collaboration entitled The Blue Bird. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Blue_Bird_(1976_film)
  17. I, too, met up with this guy in Dallas years ago. I hardly recognized him though in his current pics. He’s really bulked up since I saw him. Looks better now but I’m with you TDAkers....not a fan.
  18. Here’s a timely thread about Lucas Weston that was posted just yesterday. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/tired-of-the-transaction-drama.140390/#post-1582509
  19. Normally, I discount “newbie “ responses but it appears you joined the Forum in Jan. 2016 and this is your first posting. Must have been a really bad experience for you to decide to make this your first post after nearly 3 years of joining the Forum.
  20. https://www.google.com/search?q=spotted+dick+sponge&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&hl=en-us&client=safari#imgrc=--HkQYbjd8vviM:&ip=1 And the quintessential British dessert....Spotted Dick.
  21. Well I don’t think they ended up at the Tin Room, Marty’s or Zippers. Dancers of late have really gone downhill. Back on subject....Mr ChristianoDavid can be fairly aggressive at times with customers trying to rope them into a private dance. Very off-putting.
  22. While I have never engaged this provider’s services I do have rudimentary information on him. He is a frequent dancer at the world famous Tin Room here in Dallas. In the past I have talked with him at the Tin Room and his English is proficient. He quoted me four C-notes for an hour which is totally ridiculous for the Dallas market. He seem offended when I declined and he’s subsequently blocked me on RM. Additionally he’s friends with a another Tin Room dancer and RM provider Kyle West who has foolishly followed Mr David’s pricing structure. And, his endowment is no where near what he states unless he’s got the biggest grower in the universe.
  23. I’ve experienced the same problem. As I understand it in order to post a review you have to had emailed the provider using the RM email service. I tried to post a negative review one time and it was rejected because I hadn’t contacted the provider via RM. I had contacted the provider using his cell phone number I found in his RM ad. Very frustrating. I find it interesting though that I’m always able to post a positive review even though I don’t go through the RM email service. Are you trying to post a negative review?
  24. Your description of Mr. Justice is an understatement. He was the quintessential escort and to this day he is the gold standard against which I judge all others. Thanks @TruHart1 for reminding me of my numerous AJ encounters.
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