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Everything posted by Beancounter

  1. FWIW.....he has a partner here in Dallas. Was perusing Scruff ads one night and came across his partner’s profile. The partner made no bones about it and stated in his profile that he was Dallas Steele’s partner. I thought that was interesting.....odd, interesting.
  2. Beancounter

    Big Pecs

    https://rentmen.eu/PhattBooty Look at pic #10 of this currently being discussed guy. Nips don’t get much bigger than that. Of course, the lattice-work arm coverings may not be to your liking.
  3. FWIW...baby oil is not a good oil for massage. Massage therapy schools abstain from its use although many therapists use it because it’s cheap. I suppose dousing yourself in baby oil to fulfill a sexual fantasy isn’t going to kill you though!
  4. For goodness sake! Get a grip, honey! Mr. Hassan couldn’t care less about your arms. Hire him, indulge your popper fantasy and move on with your life. You’re overthinking this. Sounds like this is your first hire. If you think every meeting you’re going to have will be perfect you’re sadly mistaken. This “woe is me”song and dance won’t play in Peoria. Again...take the Hassan plunge and report back to us.
  5. I read a red book once. Does that mean I’ll read a red book again? @mike carey , please proofread my post as I proofread it an hour ago and I’m not sure it’s correct. I’m already ready for your reply.
  6. I don’t think I’m talking out of school here but it’s fairly well-known to many that Eric enjoys men with big muscular arms. But when you think about it so do many of the rest of us.
  7. Flaked on me last year, too. And then he had the nerve to send me a shitty text when I called him out on it. Lesson learned.
  8. As was mentioned previously by another Forum member, contact Eric Hassan for a couple of reasons. First, he’s into poppers. Secondly, you mention that having the escort fly in to see you is not a major obstacle. Eric will fly to you on his dime if the client, in turn, pays for 2-3 nights of lodging. More details on his promotional offer can be found on his website thedudenextdoor.com. Now if you live in Marfa, TX as opposed to Dallas, TX I’m pretty sure Mr. Hassan’s offer would not apply. However, if you live in a major metropolitan city there’s a good chance he could accommodate you. In the interest of full disclosure I have used poppers with Mr. Hassan.
  9. But I feel I must! It’s my duty as an unofficial news reporter to keep Forum members informed of the up-to-date comings and goings of RM advertisers. @azdr0710 I clueless on how RM operates its ads, too.
  10. Unfortunately his RM profile has expired
  11. https://rentmasseur.com/JustininLA
  12. I’ve seen Jake numerous times on his trips to Dallas. One of my top 5 hires ever. @desertguy1954 , I highly recommend Jake. You’re in for a HUGE treat.
  13. You’re an outstanding sleuth. Am I close?
  14. Am I the only one who doesn’t understand the poster’s second sentence? Is that an inside joke or simply the worst constructed and grammatically incorrect sentence in the English language?
  15. In the Oak Lawn area of Dallas (predominantly gay neighborhood) there is a well-known homeless woman who has been dubbed Crazy Mary-Queen of Oak Lawn. The Oak Lawn area has adopted her and looked over her for the past 30 years. In face, a Facebook page has been set up to report on her comings and goings as well as her current needs. Search Facebook for Crazy Mary Quuen of Oak Lawn. Not too long ago she was presumed dead since no one had seen her in a very long time. The local gay newspaper The Dallas Voice even printed an obituary about her. She was subsequently found to be alive. Even the Dallas Morning News ran a story on her. She’s quite an interesting lady.
  16. WOW! Romann was my very first hire ever when he lived in the West End of Dallas. At that time I thought a C-note was incredibly expensive. Sadly he moved to Chicago a month after our get together. One of my best hires......EVER! Trips down memory lane are good for the soul.
  17. I’d be asking to see an id. But then again im not very good at judging a person’s age. Looks barely legal to me.
  18. Uhmm...discretion is not your strong suit, is it? I think it would be best if you did what Puff did....sadly slip into your cave.
  19. https://rent.men/LandonMycles The above link will take you to his expired RM ad. Not sure if he’s still in business or not.
  20. I can tell you who not to see....Soldier. One of my top three worst hires ever. One of my much earlier posts in the Forum explains why.
  21. I found this on the internet several months ago. Pretty funny. http://thechive.com/2016/07/19/that-cant-seriously-be-your-name-28-photos/?utm_source=Keywee&utm_medium=Paid&utm_campaign=Slideshow_Website_Click&utm_term=September2016&kwp_0=331017&kwp_4=1250859&kwp_1=558490
  22. https://rentmen.eu/AshCole
  23. Tylerthebadwolf from NYC encouraged me to sign up for ProtonMail. He explained the benefits of it to me when we met in person but I never followed up with it. Maybe it’s time I explored this option once again.
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