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    peter831 reacted to secgoo in Extortion advice?   
    A provider tried to blackmail me (in London)
    RM took his profile down as soon as told them.
    I also went to the police for an initial report but didn't follow through with a full witness statement.
    I have since had 2 other companyofmen forum users saying the same provider did it to them. Whilst he didn't get any money out of me (because I'm out anyway and I sent his letter to my HR department telling them up front someone was trying to blackmail me) he did get a lot of money out of the 2 other users because their life is different to mine.
    My recommendation is to prevent the situation use a burner phone. Fresh email address and mobile number so that bad actors can't connect to your social media.
    Do a general sanity check on your existing social media. Can you be found by your email or number on Facebook, twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, ticktok and all the other such apps. Who can see your profile once it's been found without requesting to follow you?
    Finally, if you do get blackmailed, go to the police. You're probably not the first he's tried it with and probably won't be the last.
    If the guy is London based (I didn't spot your location) message me privately about who he is
  2. Haha
    peter831 reacted to Jamie21 in donation requested for viewing private gallery?   
    I’ll give you my opinion on this once you send me a donation (details below). 
  3. Like
    peter831 reacted to KennF in Extortion advice?   
    So, I'll speak in the minority (maybe).
    You are giving your power away.  You are turning yourself into a victim and you should take a breath for a moment.  Regardless of the fact that we don't have all the details, that's not important.  We aren't involved and can only respond to the details you've shared.  We are neither judge nor jury.  My opinion is only based on your current information.
    You need to accept that you are giving him your power.  Sorry.  And I know it is scary.  It is probably because you are 'embarrassed', 'ashamed', 'afraid', <fill-in-the-blank> of him revealing or outing you.  This is really about him stalking you and taking advantage of your giving him your voice and power.  That doesn't mean ignore it and hope it goes away.  You do need to take your power back.
    Three possible suggestions:
    Suggestion 1: Tell him you owe him nothing and that if he continues to harass you, you will go to authorities.  You consider his behavior bullying, abusive, and harassment, and unacceptable.  You are ceasing all communication and further attempts by him will result in you going to the police.
    Suggestion 2: Stop ALL communication.  If he calls, hang-up without saying anything.  If he texts, block the texts.  However he communicates, do NOT respond.  You're reaction is a lever for him to control you.  If you don't get riled, then he has no control.
    Suggestion 3: Go ahead and report it to the authorities.  Talk to an attorney and listen to their advice.  You do not have to lie about it.  You don't have to obfuscate.  If need be, tell them the truth.  The issue here is about escalating behavior and stalking. 
    Just my tuppence.
    Just for the record, I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.
  4. Like
    peter831 reacted to RandyVue in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    I hope that you receive this in the spirit in which it is intended. I retired from being an escort in 2014. I retired from it young. I'm also Black, so you might appreciate my perspective in a different way, but maybe not. Here are 9 actionable things that you can do to help make your life better in my opinion:
    1) Think about if you want to stay in the business, and for how long.  Think about whether the pros of the business outweigh the cons for you.
    2) Move! If you want to stay in the business, you'll need to move to a different city and quickly! You mentioned that you wanted to take care of some things before moving, but you might find it easier to take care of those things if you move first.  If you have the means to move, make it a firm goal to do it within the next 30-60 days. 
    3) Be very selective about where you move to. I did not experience nearly the level of grief that you are experiencing and there are many reasons why I think that is, but I think a lot of it has to do with where I lived and operated the business. 
    4) Screen out flakes as best as you can. There are things you can do to limit the amount of time wasted with flakes. Be sure to control the conversation and guide them to the details of the appointment as soon as possible.  If they are dragging it out, that is a red flag. Move on! 
    5) Don't engage with people who flake or cancel at the last moment. They are not paying you at that point, so cut off the contact; otherwise, you are donating your time, and engaging will only aggravate you more. If someone flakes, put them on your "do not book" list, and move on quickly! When they contact you again, (and they likely will), do not give them the time of day.
    6) Have at least one other source of income. This isn't something specific to just you, but I think everyone should have multiple sources of income. You are less likely to tolerate nonsense from clients when you know you aren't relying on them for your bread and butter.  Having more than one source of income is empowering and good for your overall well-being.
    7) Therapy. You mentioned having gone to a counselor. Make sure you are working with someone who is giving you actionable steps to help you deal with your responses to frustrations, feedback, and helping with develop a plan for a fulfilling life. Sometimes when people give you very sound feedback on this forum, I sense a sharp defensiveness from you. Defensiveness can be a natural response to protect oneself, but if it is unwarranted defensiveness it can indicate underlying emotional issues. I'm not saying you have emotional issues, but a good therapist can help figure that out. 
    8 Have an exit plan. I have a handsome face, smooth skin, a nice smile, a 9 inch dick, and a round bottom. I made a lot of money, put it in the stock market, and got out.
    9) Make sure you are doing activities and pursuing interests that you are passionate about and find joy in.
    Okay, that's all I have to offer. I hope it helps.
  5. Like
    peter831 reacted to Monarchy79 in Addressing the Epidemic of impatience and passive aggression when book   
    Stop being mean and nasty. 
    if the man is frustrated and need a sounding board, give him the grace to do it here. 

  6. Like
    peter831 reacted to + DrownedBoy in donation requested for viewing private gallery?   
    My reply would be "nice try."
    If I'm considering someone on RM and ask to see their gallery, and they decline the offer, I immediately write them off as stupid (for ignoring a Premium user's request) and arrogant (for thinking his pictures are that good).
  7. Like
    peter831 reacted to TorontoDrew in donation requested for viewing private gallery?   
    I agree.  If he wants cash for pictures he should set up an OF page.  Sounds like his pricing will be a la carte.
  8. Agree
    peter831 reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Extortion advice?   
    Something is amiss.
    You hired him a few times and wasn't a great experience?
    So after your first not-great experience why did you have a second?  After your second not-great experience why did you have a third? So on and so forth.
    How many is a few? Five? Ten?
    Do you live in an area where this guy is your only option?
    There has to be more here that you aren't telling us. This story just doesn't pass the smell test.
  9. Like
    peter831 reacted to rvwnsd in CASH APP FRAUD?   
    A few things:
    Cash App is not a Google product. It is a product of Block, Inc which was formerly known as Square (now one of Block's divisions). The best place to learn about safeguarding yourself and your funds when using Cash App is their Support page. There you will find a plethora of information.
  10. Like
    peter831 reacted to jeezifonly in Share GPS Info?   
    “My map  says I’ll be at your address in xx minutes. Do you need more time?”
  11. Like
    peter831 reacted to Jamie21 in With everything gone up, are people expecting escort prices to go down   
    Demand and supply. Nothing to do with what you think you’re worth or need. The market decides the rate. You and your clients decide whether or not you’re participating in that market. Nothing else is relevant. 
  12. Like
    peter831 reacted to bdmarkny in Boston College Guys   
    See. That’s what I mean.  All those colleges and not one college jock to play with! 
  13. Like
    peter831 reacted to pubic_assistance in Ideal example of the perfect booking process: take note 📝   
    Quote: "You must did not read the ad before hand."
    Is this your idea of perfecting your message ?
    Maybe some grammatical efforts would help people understand your messages.
    But in all seriousness..although your argument for deposits-paid-if-you-want-to-get-laid,  may be valid. Most everyone who's been in the game for a while as a client, has been burnt or knows someone who has. So there's no reason to get all flustered and indignant when someone says NO. Most everyone with experience is in that category, no matter how much you try and validate your pro-deposit business model.

  14. Like
    peter831 reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    As @caramelsub stated in an earlier post, it is possible, or even probable, that the switch to having X-rated material visible to only Premium members was as a result of legal action, or threat of legal action being taken against them. Or it could be to increase their profits. Either way, both reasons are legitimate. 
    And anyone who calls this business decision a "money grab" has absolutely no concept of what a money grab is. For example, I am a member of numerous hotel, airline, and rental car elite membership groups. These companies are constantly changing their rules regarding freebies, upgrades, points, etc.  Rarely, if ever, are these changes made to the benefit of the member. It happens everywhere all the time. It is not a money grab. It is a business decision. Get over it already!
  15. Haha
    peter831 reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Just to be clear, a non-paying member like yourself, who still has ability to browse escorts personal profiles for FREE, unlimited ability to send and receive DM's from escorts for FREE, and can get a FREE Rentmen.com Personal Page, is going to call up Rentmen and complain that in addition to all of those free benefits, you also want to be able to view X-rated for free?  lmfao.
    When they stop laughing, and put your profile into the "Entitled Freeloaders" folder, please report back to us.
  16. Like
    peter831 reacted to Your Man in Arlington in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    This is exactly what I see on my paid account.
    On another note: I'm happy to be on a paid plan if it lets advertisers know that I'm at least $9.95/mo (my current rate) more serious.
  17. Like
    peter831 reacted to blck37 in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    IMO, rather pay premium and got automatic access to premium (nude) pics than having to ask to be granted access to private album....which in my experience often got ignored, even when request is accompanied with short private messg explaining the request.
    For me only ads showing goods will be considered....its always awkward to ask providers to share frontal pics privately on WA (especially if its turn out that am not interested with the goods after viewing).
  18. Like
    peter831 reacted to Decatur Guy in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Maybe this will all catch up to me at any minute. But as of 4 p.m. ET Monday, I can still see full frontal in public pics. Private pics are still a thing in some profiles. And I can access videos. I'm on a premium membership at $19.95 (which is a recent big increase; I've also had an issue a couple of times with the credit card not going through).

    And please don't shout at me in boldfaced, enlarged type. I'm just reporting what I can see at the current time and what has been happening in my account. I'm not responsible for these decisions, the mess ups at RM or anyone's frustrations over them happening.

    Perhaps by tomorrow, it will be different on my screen. It's hardly the first time in the history of the internet that different people in different places on different browsers and on different plans see different things. 
  19. Like
    peter831 reacted to + BOZO T CLOWN in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Sorry to be the ant at the picnic, but Rentmen.com raising its membership price is neither greed nor a cash grab. It is called free enterprise. This is how capitalism works. Rentmen.com is a private company. It is in business to make $$$. It is not a charity. Rentmen can charge whatever it wants, and the consumer has the option to pay or not.  If you are so outraged at the membership price, open up your own rival company offering the same services with a lower monthly membership. See how that works out. Good luck!
    Paying $19.95 per month to have access to Premium photos, unlimited videos, etc. in addition to Rentmen.com's basic services doesn't seem to be an inordinate amount, especially when one considers the the price for the services of an escort these days is $300+ per hour. So to those who are in the "hiring business", who are offended at the idea of having to pay $240 for a year's subscription to Rentmen.com, should do without it. Or, in the alternative, have one less escort session next year. That will pay for 12 months of Rentmen.com, and you will have $$ left over for a nice dinner and cotton candy for dessert.
    And for those escorts clutching their pearls at Rentmen.com's policies, here's a thought: A few years ago, Bozo was paying $150 - $200 for your services. Your prices have since doubled. Where is the real greed and cash grab? And please don't whine and kvetch about your expenses going up. Do you think Rentmen.com's expenses have remained the same all this time?
  20. Like
    peter831 reacted to + azdr0710 in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    RM is still charging $19.95/mo for new premium subscribers.....if members are lucky enough to have locked in a recurring auto-bill membership at the old $9.95, they should be grateful 😉........note to $9.95 members:  DON'T LET YOUR auto-bill payment get screwed up with an expiring card or similar card snafu at your end!!
  21. Like
    peter831 reacted to Bokomaru in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Seems like a plausible possibility. But I’m not sure what the point would be. You can easily create a shortcut on your Home Screen and it then functions separately from your browser, like an app. If going into the Apple App Store they’d have to give Apple 30% of in app purchases. I agree with others. The new policies read as a cash grab. 
  22. Like
    peter831 reacted to curiousbynature12 in 411 on David_CALE   
    Probably best to limit this to pictures on David's public profile, especially if he is sensitive about discretion and privacy.
  23. Like
    peter831 reacted to BuffaloKyle in 411 on David_CALE   
    That wasn't a shot at him at all. It's just not possible for him to have 100% privacy. People are entitled to share their opinions and reviews on people and businesses. There was a restaurant by me that had a ton of patrons get really sick off it's food. It was on the news. Then the next time I drove by the place they had changed their name to try and hide from it. Or if you hired DJ Dave who was terrible for an event and you posted online about it and the next day you saw him advertising as DJ Steve. You say he's a great provider so good for you to get the word out then. I just prefer to find out info on a provider first through word of mouth and like to hear the truth about someone. I never post anything negatively about a provider that is a lie or totally unfounded.
  24. Agree
    peter831 reacted to big-n-tall in 411 on David_CALE   
    Isn't this the same guy that as soon as he discovers he's being discussed on ths forum he alters his rentmen name. He keeps the David_ and changes the part after.
    So he has been discussed.
  25. Surprised
    peter831 reacted to coriolis888 in Rentmen made newer and tougher rules for advertising providers   
    Rentmen is the largest provider advertising site in the U.S. and Canada.
    Most of us already know that Rentmen recently put in new rules that require a fee from non advertisers (clients) in order to send in a review about an experience with a hired provider.  The fee is $240 yearly to rentmen, not to a provider.  
    This requirement of paying rentmen a fee to write a review does potential harm to clients and providers who use Rentmen because of the inability to warn other clients (via reviews) of good or bad experiences from a provider. 
    Moreover, there are some providers with fake photos and other dishonest claims advertising their services on rentmen.  Unless a client is willing to come up with $240 per year to give to rentmen, no review is allowed about the encounter between the client and the provider.  For the $240, a client is allowed to write reviews and watch some sort of animated video that are free on many world-wide sites.  
    Now we have a new strange requirement set up by rentmen.  I was advised by someone I know who advertises on rentmen that all advertisement photos that show any genitalia in the advertisement photos must be removed.   
    Such a requirement is bound to have a negative effect on providers who pay rentmen to advertise on their site.    
    Rentmen is making many negative rules for both their advertising clients and the readers of rentmen who pay to hire the providers paying rentmen.  
    I realize everyone wants to make money, however, the changes made by rentmen seem like a one-way street in favor of only rentmen.  
    If this disclosure has already been made elsewhere on the site, please excuse the repeat.  I cannot find any other mention of this travesty.  
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