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    peter831 reacted to + keroscenefire in Rates are back on RM!   
    I can see rates for several escorts on RM. I don't know if this will be temporary, but they are definitely there. Here's a screenshot of one escort in Denver. They're accurate with my experiences with him. It's not on everyone's ad, but definitely on several.
    Very exciting if this is permanent!

  2. Like
  3. Like
    peter831 reacted to MikeBiDude in TallBeachBoy San Diego   
    This is why I tend to ignore all RM provider’s “I am into…” and “ask” during a convo with the gentleman. I’ve met TallBeachBoy twice and he certainly enjoys kissing. YMMV
  4. Agree
    peter831 reacted to CuriousByNature in What's your story when you offered a non-provider to be a provider?   
    I agree that adults have the right to say no to anything.  But some are unable to say no because of the circumstances they are in.  I'm not suggesting that you or others are being predatory, but 'cultivating' someone sounds like they are being trained up for a specific purpose they otherwise would not be interested in.
  5. Agree
    peter831 reacted to CuriousByNature in What's your story when you offered a non-provider to be a provider?   
    Call me what you will, but some of the examples cited in this thread are really sad and seem to take advantage of people's desperation.  😔.  (Yes, I fully expect a bunch of 'eye-roll' and 'verbose' emojis)
  6. Agree
    peter831 reacted to coriolis888 in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    A large portion of rentmen clients are not in a country where rates are allowed. 
    Therefore, for you, it is fine but for the mass majority, a client must ask the rate.  
  7. Like
    peter831 reacted to AngusStevensxxx in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    As a provider I can say this - we receive MANY MANY MANY messages daily and very few from actual clients and there are a few ways for us to spot the time wasters and fakes - I have spent 8 hours in one day interacting with fakes. 
    1. they have not read the stats in our profile.  "How big are you? Where in the city are you? Do you host or do in calls? Do you top?" 
    All of this information is listed on my profile - by asking this it shows me you have not bothered to read it why means you are not serious. If I am spending this amounts of money I would read the profile.  its a HUGE red flag. you will get a short reply "Check the details on my profile!" 
    2. Asking what city am I in.  This drives me crazy - when traveling the RM site LISTS THE DATES. I like to advertise 2 weeks before I travel to a city - but people do not bother to even look at the travel dates when clicking the profile.  often I will put "DC - 3rd/4th/5th" and people will message and then we go to lock in address and it is in DC and it is the 1st and I am in NYC. 
    3. Messaging asking "What are you into?"   when you are contacting a provider and you are paying for a service - you should be telling us what YOU are into.  I enjoy a WIDE range of activities and am very sexual - that's why I do this job! I do not have the time to list *EVERY* thing that turns me on.  Tell us what you are looking for so we can save you time as well. 
    4. Rates?  the amount if times you get a one two word message is really shocking.  you will get a more attentive reply with "Hi there- saw you add on RM, was wondering about your rates? Im interested!" instead of 'Rates?" 
    The BEST first messages have a few things in them - 
     include your name. That you saw our add on rentmen. briefly say what you are looking for, and rough estimate of time you are looking for, where you are located if it is an incall you are wanting.  SIMPLE! 
    For eg. Hello Angus, I hope you are well. I saw your profile on Rentmen. I am in lower east side, and am looking for a bottom who likes to kiss. Is there a time you are available tonight, and what are your outcall rates?
    This shows me that you have seen are looking for something and it matches my profile. gives me a time, a place, and a name. It will grab my attention. 
  8. Agree
    peter831 reacted to Todd Jenkins in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    This is a VERY common occurrence and how you, the provider, responds tells me all I need to know about you. MANY times I have messaged a provider because I DID see that he was listed as being in my city. If a provider is curt with me when he informs me he is not in my city, I won't hire him, EVER. It takes the SAME amount of energy to be nice as it does to be rude. A very simple 'Hey there. Not sure where you saw my ad but I am currently in _____. But, hey, you never know when I will be back in the area. Keep a watch on my travel schedule and feel free to shoot me a text again. Would love to make a meeting happen!'

    You can easily put this on a notes doc and reply.
    One time, I messaged a provider and said "I see you are in my city, _____. Would love to see about possibly setting up an appt."
    Provider writes back: "Where did you see that I am in ____?"
    Me: "attaches screenshot"
    Provider: "That's so weird. I haven't been there since ____. Thanks for telling me, I will fix that."

    See how easy it was to be nice?

    Now, same scenario happened with another provider...
    ME: "I see you are in my city, _____. Would love to see about possibly setting up an appt."
    PROVIDER: "Wrong, not there."
    ME: "attaches screenshot"
    PROVIDER: "Not there."
    ME: "Will you be here soon or not at all?"
    PROVIDER: "I just said I'm not there."
    ME: "Sorry, just like your profile and think it would be fun to hangout. The profile said you were in town. Didn't mean to bug ya, sorry"
    PROVIDER: "I was thinking about coming so I put my ad there for a few days. But not enough business."
    ME: "Oh, ok. Well if you had said THAT in the beginning, I wouldn't have bothered you."
    PROVIDER: "OK, I dont have time to text all damn day"
    ME: ((note to self, NEVER HIRE THIS GUY!"

  9. Like
    peter831 reacted to Scott Virginian in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    It's all about presentation.  These two lines say basically the same thing, but one sounds arrogant and the other sounds kind.
    "Tell me what you want in the first message, my time is valuable."
    "You can tell me up front the kind of experience you want. I want us to figure out right away whether I'm the right guy for you, or not."

    And you can put stock lines like that in your smart phone's NOTES function and cut and paste them into a text in seconds.
  10. Agree
    peter831 reacted to Beancounter in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    I see my regular guy once a month.  This guy is extremely popular, well-thought of and very much in demand.  We actually discussed this very topic after one of our sessions.  He whipped out his phone and told me that he received 50-plus text messages in the 2 hours we were together.   He also indicated this was the norm and that while texts slowed down during overnight hours he’d still wake up to a ton of messages.  I guess the point I’m trying to impart on Forum members is that it may not be humanly possible to rely to all texts with a lengthy text exchange.
    These guys have a life outside of escorting, too.  They have their daily routines as we all do.  Put yourself in their shoes and how would you react to hundreds of emails on a daily basis?  
    As an aside…..I learned a long time ago that the paltry $300 I fork over for a session is peanuts to the more popular providers.  He may be the center of my universe but I can guarantee you I’m not the center of his.  I’m a financial transaction, nothing more.  
  11. Agree
    peter831 reacted to + Coolwave35 in Anyone feel like a lot of providers are rude via text?   
    I mean no shade with this post. I think in any business, the salesman learns to weed out the tire kickers and time wasters, and lose patience when their radar blips. 
    I’d be curious to know the ratio of how many providers the OP reaches out to “inquire” versus how many providers he actually hires and has a session with.  
    Some of us on the boards have different experiences with setting up a session. Over the years I’ve surmised that those of us that close the deal 90% of the time have a different experience than those that hit up, audition, engage and evaluate dozens and dozens and various escorts before deciding on a hire. 
    When I’m looking to hire, I go in on the one escort tickling my fancy and he has to do or say something incredibly outrageous to lose my business. That’s just me. 
  12. Agree
    peter831 reacted to dbar123 in What/ how much can I expect?   
    Maybe this goes without saying but as a client, you also have some responsibility for helping create the mood. That included dressing on point (interesting underwear never hurts), making sure your body odor and breath are up to code, taming your hair etc etc. If you have a beard, make sure it was well trimmed a few days earlier so it’s not overly sctatchy ( or use a beard balm). If you are visiting a provider in call it never hurts to offer to bring coffee or something similar to show that you’re considerate.  I once brought a piece of chocolate cake to a provider who let it slip that it was his birthday. We had the best time “eating.”
  13. Like
    peter831 reacted to Walt in What/ how much can I expect?   
    This is 100% true...but you still need to pick wisely, because it will not succeed 100% of the time. This approach will bring out the best in providers capable of a connection, but alas, some providers are simply incapable (consciously or unconsciously) to make that connection.
  14. Like
    peter831 reacted to + bashful in What/ how much can I expect?   
    It happens.  Sometimes you two are not a match.  Sometimes they're not at their best.  Sometimes we're not at our best.    
  15. Like
    peter831 reacted to ChasingGirth in Kindness can never be overrated - who is the kindest?   
    Such a great thread. I have been lucky and most guys were very kind, between few jerks 😂
  16. Like
    peter831 reacted to Trick in Best of Boston   
    His intos on the ad includes kissing.  Did you mention that to him when he wouldn’t kiss?
  17. Agree
    peter831 reacted to + nycman in would you hire if...   
    Take the hint and move on. 
  18. Like
    peter831 reacted to + StLouisOct in Seattle Escort Recommendations   
    My favorite in Seattle is Marco. https://rentmen.eu/MagicSEA. He’s versatile pro and a good guy. I’m met up with him three times and look forward to a fourth visit. - Here’s a guy I’ve met twice and enjoyed his skills as a bottom. https://rentmen.eu/PacificBoyXLHe’s not a muscled athletic stud; more of a lean mountain hiker and a nice guy. - -https://rentmen.eu/SeaJock is a good bottom and I enjoyed my two hours with him earlier this year. - - This guy gets good reviews and he’s a stud bottom. I haven’t met him yet, but we’ve communicated and I’m impressed. https://rentmen.eu/ChaseTheJock   
  19. Like
    peter831 reacted to KeepItReal in Do you discuss hiring guys with friends?   
    No. There are some things I consider private. My hobby of hiring, my net worth/annual earnings and the Justin Bieber blow up doll I have in the back of the closet in the hallway are a few examples of things I do not share with anyone. 🤫
  20. Agree
    peter831 reacted to TorontoDrew in When does embellishment become fraud with providers?   
    I could really care less about languages spoken. I've managed quite well when neither my partner or I spoke the same language.
    All I care about is that the pictures are reasonably accurate and that they do what they say they will.  
  21. Like
    peter831 reacted to pubic_assistance in Milo's opinion: Paying a deposit or upfront   
    No. They're not.
  22. Like
    peter831 reacted to pubic_assistance in Milo's opinion: Paying a deposit or upfront   
    I hire people from out of town and in town and also when I am out of town. In the past 10 years I have never paid anyone a deposit and see no reason to do so except to provide revenue to scammers. I have never cancelled any appointment. But this is why providers need to foster relationships with reliable clients..not spend their whole life dealing with strangers
  23. Like
    peter831 reacted to pubic_assistance in Milo's opinion: Paying a deposit or upfront   
    Paying upfront is a scam 90% of the time and clueless providers 10% of the time. You decide your chances.
  24. Applause
    peter831 reacted to Chancealot in Fingernails polished   
    Nice try 
  25. Agree
    peter831 reacted to 56harrisond in Fingernails polished   
    It makes no difference to me. I think some color combinations are better than others, but when hiring his fingernails are the last thing I notice. 
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