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  1. Like
    peter831 reacted to steve in Review or Not Review   
    Thank you for providing that response.
    As far as I am concerned, I would reject another meeting with him in the future.  I don't buy the bad-day excuse because he chose to jack off in the middle of the day.  To me that is an intentional decision.
    I want no further communication with him, so I will not reach out before submitting the review.
  2. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from Yukon21 in Review or Not Review   
    If he agreed in advance to two hours and kissing and had performance issues then I would leave a review. Stick to the facts. If they go through the motions and fulfill the time, even if disappointing, then I don’t leave any review. If they are engaged and I have a good time, then I leave a positive review. 
  3. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from MaxMuscle9x6 in Review or Not Review   
    If he agreed in advance to two hours and kissing and had performance issues then I would leave a review. Stick to the facts. If they go through the motions and fulfill the time, even if disappointing, then I don’t leave any review. If they are engaged and I have a good time, then I leave a positive review. 
  4. Agree
    peter831 reacted to Chancealot in Review or Not Review   
    Feel like he did you wrong in several ways.  I’ve gotten better at making sure it’s discussed and agreed what’s what prior.  That way I feel like I’m not assuming anything which would be on me 
    nice guy is great but you didn’t hire him to be a friend 
    the I jacked off earlier  is lame btw - bad form by him 
    I’d review and stick to the facts - agreed upon prior and what actually happened 
    Otherwise others could fall into the same trap 
  5. Agree
    peter831 got a reaction from + Italiano in Review or Not Review   
    If he agreed in advance to two hours and kissing and had performance issues then I would leave a review. Stick to the facts. If they go through the motions and fulfill the time, even if disappointing, then I don’t leave any review. If they are engaged and I have a good time, then I leave a positive review. 
  6. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from + DrownedBoy in Review or Not Review   
    If he agreed in advance to two hours and kissing and had performance issues then I would leave a review. Stick to the facts. If they go through the motions and fulfill the time, even if disappointing, then I don’t leave any review. If they are engaged and I have a good time, then I leave a positive review. 
  7. Agree
    peter831 got a reaction from Chancealot in Review or Not Review   
    If he agreed in advance to two hours and kissing and had performance issues then I would leave a review. Stick to the facts. If they go through the motions and fulfill the time, even if disappointing, then I don’t leave any review. If they are engaged and I have a good time, then I leave a positive review. 
  8. Like
    peter831 reacted to + purplekow in I offended a provider on a hookup site   
    If you were interested in meeting him, then you should just have proceeded without the question as to whether or not he is a sex worker, unless there was some urgency in the contact and you wanted clarity fast.  Otherwise, that aspect would eventually. become clear.    If you were not interested, the question of whether or not he was looking for a job or a blow job is moot.  
  9. Applause
    peter831 got a reaction from Huxley in 'Gen' on GRINDR   
    I have had a couple of hot guys reach out to me on Grindr at different times without me having anything on my profile about generous. We made arrangements in chat including the rate for their time. Both were great experiences.
  10. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from + Pensant in When traveling do you “shop local”?   
    Always good to get immersed in the local culture, including the men 🙂 
    Or sometimes fellow travelers are also fun if no local is available or interesting. 
  11. Agree
    peter831 got a reaction from BtmBearDad in When traveling do you “shop local”?   
    Always good to get immersed in the local culture, including the men 🙂 
    Or sometimes fellow travelers are also fun if no local is available or interesting. 
  12. Agree
    peter831 got a reaction from BonVivant in When traveling do you “shop local”?   
    Always good to get immersed in the local culture, including the men 🙂 
    Or sometimes fellow travelers are also fun if no local is available or interesting. 
  13. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from TorontoDrew in 'Gen' on GRINDR   
    I have had a couple of hot guys reach out to me on Grindr at different times without me having anything on my profile about generous. We made arrangements in chat including the rate for their time. Both were great experiences.
  14. Like
    peter831 reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Opining on the appearance of escorts   
    Yeah, I don't care if someone likes tattoos or not, or if they think someone is too thin or too heavy. The only time I think a comment about a provider's appearance is warranted is if you meet them and they look significantly different from their photos. Because in that case, they are being deceptive. Even then, you can simply say "when we met,  the provider was heavier, smaller, etc. than his pics." 
  15. Like
    peter831 reacted to BtmBearDad in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    Rentmen reviews, for me at least, have been a useful tool in one regard. Say I come across Provider X, if I’m on a VPN, and can read the text of the reviews, I look for a reviewer with a filled in RM profile, and if said reviewer matches me in terms of likes, stats, etc., I often check who else they’ve reviewed. Then I come here, search the provider(s) to see what say you all, sometimes I may PM a poster for a bit more info, and then make my decision on engaging the provider. 

    It’s also useful when a reviewer leaves 5 star glowing reviews, then you come here, and read feedback from guys who have met the provider(s) in question, with experiences FAR from glowing. Helps determine legit reviews from fake one. 

    At the end of the day, it can be one of many tools one can use to determine whether or not to engage a provider. 
  16. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in New Rentmen Site Design   
    Maybe they don't appreciate the fact that most of the clients are dinosaurs who don't appreciate change so much.
  17. Like
    peter831 reacted to jtwalker in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    If you can’t afford RM, I don’t see how you can afford escorts.  Like it or not, this hobby is not for everyone.
  18. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    It's like when you read a review of a Broadway play or a new film. You value the opinion of someone who has seen more than a few. The opinion of someone who has just dabbled is relatively worthless.
    Same goes for restaurant reviews and escorts, IMO.
  19. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    Another point I would make is that while there are no stats to support it, I think the fee paying clients of Rentmen probably hire more providers on RM than non premium members. As such they are in a better position to make comparisons and offer better assessments in their reviews.
    One thing I discount is reviews by clients who are inexperienced at hiring.
  20. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I favor the new rule that only premium clients, such as I am, can contribute reviews to enhance the hiring experience. By paying a fee we are showing our commitment to maintaining the standards of the organization.
    While some non premium clients may be of the same best intentions, others may be trying to undermine the system. After all they have no skin in the game. I would rather not hear their voices frankly.
  21. Agree
    peter831 reacted to jtwalker in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I am glad for the new rule as it makes it harder for providers to create accounts for bogus reviews.
    as much as I pay providers, the cost of RM is very reasonable.
  22. Applause
    peter831 got a reaction from + Italiano in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I also pay more attention to the reviews with comments and where the reviewer has submitted different reviews over time. It would be helpful to others if you did not have a five star experience to not leave a five star review. Maybe just don't leave one if you don't want to leave something less than five stars. 
  23. Like
    peter831 reacted to + Romani in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    PART 2 OF 2
    (Again, if this is considered "off-topic," kindly inform me and I'll delete it.)
    In addition to analyzing reviews, I always analyze a provider's ad in its entirety.
    I begin by zooming in to their photos and analyzing the details. If they have an interview, I read it. If they have social media, I analyze that too. The entire time I'm doing this, I'm judging them. Are they here because they want to be here? How intelligent are they? Do they have health and hygiene standards? Do they have boundaries? How much effort have they put into all of this? Do they appear to have at least basic morals/values?
    — — — — —
    Now that you've completed your research, it's time to initiate contact. First, let's put ourselves in their shoes.
    Many providers, myself included, receive hundreds of spam messages per day. Bots, trolls, flakes, harassers, stalkers, con artists, LEOs attempting to entrap them, other providers “booking them up” so they won’t have any availability… They have to deal with just as much, if not considerably more, nonsense as you do.
    If you want a non-desperate provider to respect you, then you have to respect them too. If you treat them like merchandise, they're going to treat you like an ATM. 
    - - - - -
    Rather than:
    hey/hi/sup/how are you/you available
    How much do you charge for [insert any sex act here]?
    Try something along the lines of:
    Hi there. My name's [insert name/alias]. I found your number on RM.
    I enjoy [insert preferences/activities here].
    I found your profile intriguing, so I figured I'd reach out. If you'd like to connect, I'd be more than happy to gift you a donation for your time. Just let me know how much you'd like for X hour(s)/day(s), and we'll go from there. Thanks.
    — — — — —
    There'll always be risk in this industry—for both of us. Clients will lose money and providers will lose time. Some will lose both. All we can do is figure out where our limits are, do our research and treat people how we want to be treated.
    If the majority behaves professionally and respectfully, regardless of how others behave, it'll become the new standard.
    I'm hungry and lost my train of thought. Happy 4th, everyone!
  24. Like
    peter831 reacted to + Romani in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    PART 1 of 2
    Some of my patrons regularly entrust me with procuring additional talent. Here's my two cents.
    If I'm violating any rules, please inform me and I'll simply delete this. I don't wish to hi-jack the conversation.
    — — — — —
    For those of you who aren't aware, you can view the reviewers' profiles. Simply click on their usernames. You may have to do some scrolling to find it, but every profile on RM publicly lists the date that it was created. Make judgements accordingly.
    Clients can choose to display some, all or none of the reviews that they've given on their profiles.
    Some clients are comfortable discussing explicit details with others, most aren't. Remember—the members of this forum constitute a fraction of the overall market. Most of my clients weren't even aware of its existence, until I shared it with them.
    Occasionally, reviewers will leave comments to the webmaster, when submitting a review. In sex-worker-friendly countries, those comments are published. In non-sex-worker-friendly countries, those comments are hidden. To read those comments, log in to a VPN and connect to the Netherlands or any other sex-worker-friendly country. I use ProtonVPN, but there's dozens to choose from.
    - - - - -
    A client may review a provider only for in-person meetings and pre-paid services. Reviews given for any other reason are subject to removal.
    When submitting a negative review, it's imperative that you remain concise and objective. Do not direct your frustrations towards the webmaster, or bombard them with a novel. If the client is emotional and irrational and the provider is calm and collected, the webmaster will be inclined to side with the provider.
    If you have relevant photos, screenshots and/or documents, send them to the webmaster via RM Messenger after submitting your review.
  25. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I know  you said you were stupid but writing a review before you even met him was unethical and deceptive. You lost any credibility by admitting that.
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