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  1. Like
    peter831 reacted to + azdr0710 in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    yes, lots of controversy re: RM reviews.....long-standing discussion here in the forum about their accuracy and the company's policies.....
    this forum, and PMs with forum members, is always the best......seems like many RM reviewers are hesitant to answer inquiries....I can think of only one forum member who didn't reply at all to an inquiry I made of him....
    if you are in the US, learn to use the hide-me-proxy VPN to read the text (if offered by the reviewer) of reviews beyond those yes/no questions.....a knack for reading between the lines of RM reviews is helpful (only comes with experience)......checking the join-date of reviewers and reading their own profiles (if they offer one) and their past review history can help in determining review reliability.....reviewers who have been around since before 2019 or so are usually reliable.....
    still, this place is the best.......
  2. Like
    peter831 reacted to FewBricksShy in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    @DrownedBoy, if they’re still removing negative reviews even after the new policy went into effect, it’s not a helpful picture. 
  3. Applause
    peter831 got a reaction from + Italiano in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I also pay more attention to the reviews with comments and where the reviewer has submitted different reviews over time. It would be helpful to others if you did not have a five star experience to not leave a five star review. Maybe just don't leave one if you don't want to leave something less than five stars. 
  4. Like
    peter831 reacted to manorbrown in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    ...agree 100% about success rate with un-reviewed newbies...have had great experiences with newbies...the inverse is also true...have had some mediocre to poor encounters with highly reviewed/rated escorts...
  5. Like
    peter831 reacted to TorontoDrew in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I don't trust the reviews with no description.  As long as all the comments don't sound all the same I have found them to be helpful.  In my reviews I say exactly what happened.  I've been asked for a review but was always honest.  I don't review a less than stellar experience as it's not worth the aggravation of them whining about it.
  6. Like
    peter831 reacted to + Pensant in Rent.Men Reviews are Pointless   
    I find the presence of positive reviews with notes to be helpful, especially those reviewers with a few years of membership. That said,  I’ve engaged newbies with no reviews who have been great.
  7. Like
    peter831 reacted to LookingAround in Nail polish   
    This is evolved thinking and gets away from the old fashioned thinking so seemingly dominant here. Breath of fresh air. Thank you. 
  8. Like
    peter831 reacted to + azdr0710 in Nail polish   
    holy jeez, was trying to stay out of this moronic "nail polish" thread, but requesting that a provider remove nail polish before meeting is inappropriate ("too much"!).....ya don't like it? - ya move on!.......really very simple and obvious!
    (by the way, no, I don't like nail polish on dudes)
  9. Like
    peter831 reacted to + DynamicUno in Nail polish   
    The OP is entitled to his preferences, but I would be hugely pissed if I were a provider and I showed up a client's location, looking like the guy in the photos, on time, sober, fresh. and prepared; and that client picked out some arbitrary thing that was never discussed and canceled the appointment without any compensation.   Would the OP also send him packing if he had frosted tips, or was wearing white after labor day? 
    If something like that is a huge dealbreaker for you, then fine -- disclose it up front and the provider can decide if he can conduct business with you or not.
  10. Applause
    peter831 reacted to + StLouisOct in Nail polish   
    This is like guys who have tattoos. One can look at them and say, “Oh, this is terrible! I can’t have sex with such a person!” I’ve found that tats and nail polish, and died hair and pierced noses have nothing to do with an escort’s intelligence and abilities. Enjoy the moment comrades!! You may conclude that you don’t want to repeat the extraordinary session you had with this decorated person, but maybe you’ll conclude that the magic of that first experience is worth repeating, or not. Have sex and enjoy, then move on in whatever direction inspires you. 😈
  11. Applause
    peter831 reacted to + PapaTony in Nail polish   
    It’s depressing to see so many of the elderly among us, who endured and survived so much prejudice, expressing such intolerance to the more openly expressive younger crowd. 
    The very same elders who demand respect and appreciation, from those just coming up, for the battles we fought and road we paved for their freedoms. Shame!
  12. Like
    peter831 reacted to + KensingtonHomo in Nail polish   
    Ask yourself why you're asking this question. I sincerely doubt that any trans men on RM are trying to trick cis guys into hiring them. That would be potentially quite dangerous as cis people use transphobia to explain away their violence against trans people. 
    This reads as a fear-mongering hypothetical to me, which is in particularly poor taste as trans people are facing unprecedented violence and political attacks across the country. 
  13. Like
    peter831 reacted to Kevin Slater in $350 is the new $300?   
    Moderator's note:  let's keep politics out of this thread.
  14. Like
    peter831 reacted to jtwalker in Nail polish   
    I’m not a fan, but it’s not a deal breaker for me.
  15. Like
    peter831 reacted to BabyBoomer in 411 David_Cali in San Francisco   
  16. Like
    peter831 reacted to EastbayMike in 411 David_Cali in San Francisco   
    What's he hiding from?
  17. Haha
    peter831 reacted to ketut in 411 David_Cali in San Francisco   
    must be as the link is dead already
  18. Like
    peter831 reacted to Marcel in 411 David_Cali in San Francisco   
    I met with him for an hour (actually, it was over in a bit less) of “underwhelment” a few years ago. Great bod, handsome (especially if you like dimples), tried to bottom... Was perfectly polite to me but had quite a negative attitude to many things. Sort of kissed, but without involvement as he was very concerned (which I understand professionally) I not give him a hickey (which I had no intention of doing). Things didn’t exactly flow. Which was a shame, because his muscular body was (no doubt still is) quite beautiful. But all that being so, I will attest he was very professional at all times. 
  19. Like
    peter831 reacted to BabyBoomer in 411 David_Cali in San Francisco   
    He monitors this forum. When he sees this thread he'll immediately change his name.
  20. Surprised
    peter831 reacted to Jeffster in 411 - Jay Marrzini - Boston   
    I can’t believe this JayMarzzini character thinks people believe he’s 27. He’s definitely way closer to 40 than 27. LOL Bad hygiene, horrible teeth, bad attitude. Granted, he’s got a big dick…when it works. Waste of money and time. 
  21. Agree
    peter831 got a reaction from TruHart1 in Dallas Providers who Kiss   
    https://rentmen.eu/Eliflow Is a good kisser
  22. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from jtwalker in Dallas Providers who Kiss   
    https://rentmen.eu/Eliflow Is a good kisser
  23. Agree
    peter831 reacted to jtwalker in Reviews on RM   
    I have had several reviews approved without RM communication, so there must be more to this.
  24. Like
    peter831 reacted to Luv2play in Reviews on RM   
    I assume you are in the US. We've discussed this many times here. In other countries we get to read the entire reviews on RM. Comments included. In the States you have to resort to some mechanism to see them. 
  25. Like
    peter831 reacted to rvwnsd in Reviews on RM   
    I ask a lot of questions and listen not only to the answers but the way they are answered. I also trust my instincts. If my instincts say "avoid" I avoid, no matter how physically attractive a guy is. 
    One thing to keep in mind about reviews is they are based on the experience of someone who is not you. Their experience can be vastly different than yours. As I've said in the past, some of my most lackluster experiences have been with "forum favorites." The guys who received a plethora of over-the-top reviews and about whom the most minute criticism would be met with disdain and disbelief. 
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