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    peter831 reacted to BuffaloKyle in Reviews on RM   
    Yeah the ambience question is so stupid. For that one I just basically go with how at ease and relaxing was the time spent with the provider regardless of it's an "outcall" or not. I wish they would also include the question if you select "we met online" for in person meetings as well. It's "did you get the services you expected?" The choices you get are "yes, I got even more", "yes, "absolutely", "yes, to some degree", or "no, not at all". 
  2. Like
    peter831 reacted to marylander1940 in Reviews on RM   
    you shouldn't trust just one negative comment on here over several positive reviews on RM, especially considering that since March only paying members can post reviews. 
    Some folks keep seeing the glass half empty. 
  3. Like
    peter831 reacted to + azdr0710 in Reviews on RM   
    Written text, beyond the basic questions, is not viewable in the US. Text reviews certainly exist, but US viewers need to use a VPN (foreign proxy) to see them. 
  4. Like
    peter831 reacted to + Coolwave35 in You will NOT believe who I hired for tomorrow night!!!!   
    Oh my god you guys. 12 out of 10! 
    So at 7:06, security calls and said are you expecting a Mr. Bryan something I couldn’t hear as a guest?  I said yes and thought, ok, that’s a sexy name. 
    He rings the doorbell a few minutes later. He’s gorgeous. Taller than me, about 6’ or just shy of it, early 30’s, muscular/fit, perfect teeth and short hair in a button down shirt, cargo shorts and flip flops. He looks like a surfer that just walked off the beach. 
    He greeted me warmly with a hug and we made small talk. After 3-5 minutes he leaned in to kiss me. I said wait wait wait. I have a confession. He said “you poz?” I said no, it isn’t that. I said I didn’t set this up. My buddy sent you over as a blind escort date. He said “ohhhhh, are you not into me?”  I said God no, you’re super sexy, I’m way into you. But I don’t know your rate, how long you’re here for, or what we’re going to do. I have no knowledge of what was set up, but I’ll totally take care of whatever was agreed to. 
    He looked at me wide eyed, grabbed his crotch, smirked as he walked towards me and said “so you don’t know if I’m gunna bend you over and put this dick in your hungry hole?”  Then he pivoted around and said “or you don’t know if you’re gunna fuck this bubble ass?” as he lowered his shorts exposing his ass. Then he got this school boy look in his eyes as he pulled up his pants and said “Or maybe we’re just gunna hop in that bed and cuddle?” And he started to kiss me again. 
    My mind was blown and all 3 options sounded great, as did all the ones I came up with. Then he said let’s go figure it out as he led me into the bedroom. 
    We started kissing a lot and I took his shirt off. He was ripped. All 6 abs, defined arms, smooth skin. He didn’t kiss with tongue which was a little disappointing. He disrobed us the rest of the way and said two naked men rolling in a king size bed is hot. We rolled around for a bit naked and I rubbed his body down which is one of my faves. We were both rock hard. 
    He asked if he could “just tease my ass.”  Then he did this thing where he flung my legs up with me on my back. He held his dick in his hand, and pretended used his fingers to open my butt while sliding the head in. It’s hard to explain but it felt really good. 
    He stopped doing that and we rotated to 69. 
    That lasted a few minutes and he got up over me, looked me in the eye and said “I wanna fuck that ass, let me fuck that ass.”  
    I didn’t say anything and we kept fooling around. We stopped and cuddled and pillow talked for a solid 20 minutes. I started to think that I blew it and it was gunna end like this. 
    After some pleasant banter he reached back over and got me excited again. He used his mouth and started to rim me. He said I really wanna fuck you and we negotiated going slow cause he was substantial. 
    He was the best top I’ve ever had. He fucked me so good. I got super close because he positioned himself in a way that my dick was bouncing back and forth between his abs and my tummy. After about 5 minutes of NOT SLOW pounding, I said I think I’m gunna cum. This is the first time I ever came hands free from getting fucked. 
    He pulled out and blew all over me within seconds of noticing my orgasm. I couldn’t believe it. It was absolutely incredible. 
    This is where it got weird. He went to get me a towel and I started to cry. I have no idea why. It was awkward and I hid under a pillow. I don’t think he noticed as it lasted less than 10 seconds and I think I hid it before he got back. There was a lot of emotion and sensation going on so I’m forgiving myself for whatever that was. Lol 
    It was a crazy hot experience that lasted just shy of 2 hours.  This is an experience I’d repeat. 
    Lastly, I scoured rentmen for his profile and I can’t find him so I have no clue where my buddy found this dude, but I’m glad he did.
  5. Surprised
    peter831 reacted to Bacon in MidwestHungJock?   
    Made an appointment. I showed up. He didn’t. 👎🏻👎🏻
  6. Like
    peter831 reacted to Skip in $500 the new hourly rack rate?   
    And then sometimes you go for a massuer who is hot, not expecting a lot for $180...... and wow you would have gladly agreed to $500 is you knew it was going to be that great, so you give them $250 and everyone is estatic ! Life works that way I guess. 
  7. Like
    peter831 reacted to HoseMaster in $500 the new hourly rack rate?   
    In my nearly twenty years of hiring, I’ve most definitely learned that the price you pay has no relevance to how good the escort is.  I’ve had some pretty good hot-bodied guys I used to find on Craigslist back in the day, and even a decent one more recently on RM I paid only those prices you don’t see anymore. 
  8. Like
    peter831 reacted to Quincy_7 in $500 the new hourly rack rate?   
    What sort of things do they offer that cheaper guys don't?
  9. Like
    peter831 reacted to harlow in Meeting question   
    All of that was relevant at the time. However it is 2022 and short of an accident or tragedy involving yourself there is no excuse for no communication.  That goes for us clients as well.   Hell even a lot of the homeless have cell phones 
  10. Like
    peter831 reacted to BSR in Retired Escort   
    I am so sorry about your parent and best friend.  A parent's death can hit people very hard.  Add to that the death of your best friend, which is rough no matter the circumstances.  As if that weren't enough, losing him (her?) to suicide, I can't even imagine.
    I can understand the desire to revive a connection with a great escort, especially one who touched you in ways beyond the physical/sexual.  But unless he made it clear to you that he was still planning to see a few select clients, I wouldn't reach out to him, just as I wouldn't reach out to an escort whose ad says "not available," even if I were a regular, even if I had a great chemistry with the guy, only if the escort specifically told me to go ahead and call him despite the "not available" tag.  Gotta respect an escort's space.
    That said, I hope you can find a way to get through the grief.  You can google the subject & figure out what works best for you.  One suggestion I can't imagine any of the search results include would be to have some fun looking for a new escort "find."  Plenty of fish in the sea, as is so often said on this forum.  Hopefully you have the time & budget plus live in or near a city with plenty of selection.  Lots of escorts pride themselves on their ability to connect with clients beyond the physical/sexual.  Il faut créer des liens, as a very wise little prince once said.  Connections with your family and friends will help, of course, but a great new escort could too.  Just my opinion.
  11. Like
    peter831 reacted to robberbaron4u in Meeting question   
    Once again, "escorting is a business enterprise" : ten minutes past the appointed hour without notice from the escort, I move on to "backup" and an old-fashioned whiskey cocktail in the bar. 
  12. Like
    peter831 reacted to shawshini in Meeting question   
    Update!  He had a totally understandable delay and all worked out, I ended up having a great time.  Some things are worth the wait.  Thanks for all of your feedback, I am truly grateful for this forum!
  13. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from jtwalker in Post-Covid Quality Issues   
    I hear you. I have had two this year that were fun and engaging, followed through enthusiastically with all we had discussed, and were priced reasonably. Others said they kissed and then barely touched lips, had all kinds of special requirements, made it all about them, cut the session short, and were charging premium prices for subpar experiences. Another cancelled at the last minute. 
  14. Like
    peter831 reacted to jtwalker in Post-Covid Quality Issues   
    Post-Covid, I've been having a lot of trouble finding a good meetup.  I'm a shy guy, but I've learned to be up-front about my goals.  Pretty simple Kiss, Fuck, Cum type of bottom here, so nothing wacky or strange about what I'm looking for.  Three recent examples without names:
    First guy is friendly via text, his fee is a little high $350 and he wants to be paid on arrival.  I talk him into $100 now and the rest later only to find out he won't kiss, barely hugs, and doesn't really want to top.  I kicked him out and he kept the $100.  Total waste of time, I left a bad review.
    Second guy is rated fantastic on RM; has been for years.  He's friendly and a good top considering his small size.  But that's about all he really wants to do.  Tries to kiss, but holds his head back to keep the kiss very light, he's also not great at Oral.  Not a terrible experience, but just not what I'd expect from someone who is rated so well.  I left a good review, because at least he tried.  I try to give people the benefit of the doubt.
    Third guy is younger (20's), not great English.  Maybe he didn't understand the text; I don't know.  He was friendly and a good kisser, but his place was dirty, he didn't have any lube, he complained about doing oral and finished me off in less than 20 minutes.  Afterward, he started to get dressed and seemed surprised when I left.  He thought I wanted to talk?  Why would I pay someone to talk?  Is that a thing?  If he's getting dressed, why would I stay?  I left a mediocre review (3-star) with the positives (friendly, good kisser) and negatives.  He initially responded with threats and then started begging and pleading.  I felt bad for him, so I deleted the review.  I really should've reported him to the webmaster about the threats, but I figured that he is just young and dumb so I let it go.  Also, there was not meat to his threats.
    I would not rehire any of them.
    Am I the only one struggling to find good hookups post-covid?  Are the best escorts moving to Only Fans?  I'm really not into on-screen encounters.  Whether in Central Florida or San Francisco, it just seems like the market is not what it used to be.
  15. Like
    peter831 reacted to sdvjm in JJ Knight   
    I had the opportunity to hang out with him this weekend in Chicago.  He’s a very friendly, easy going, and open guy.  Well built, and well proportioned.  His cock is amazing and he knows how to use it.  I had a great time and would definitely do it again.  
  16. Like
    peter831 got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Narratives in RM's ad via https://hide.me.com   
    I tried using hide.me in the past and had lots of problems getting it configured on a Mac. I recently set up ProtonVPN. It was easy and works well to be able to access comments on rentmen reviews. They have a free plan and some premium plans for more devices and higher speeds. https://protonvpn.com/
  17. Like
    peter831 reacted to crazyivan in 411 on former Mormon missionary JaysonInZion from SLC!   
    He asked for my picture, so I passed on. I have a feeling he is more interested in using RM to find hookup or video.
  18. Like
    peter831 reacted to BuzzLiteQueer in JoshBC_SD in San Diego (or another?)   
    Sometimes I think the non stop talking and not wanting to "get to it" is a way for the escort to run out the clock without doing anything 
  19. Like
    peter831 reacted to HoseMaster in Do you think it is harder as a top or bottom to find a provider that meets your needs?   
    So were you just communicating those few months of getting to know each other, or did you actually meet up several times over those few months, like him, and then he ghosted you?
  20. Like
    peter831 reacted to kyleham in Manny-Sean Cody   
    So Manny for Sean Cody is now escorting. Anyone try him out yet? He's Hot AF.
  21. Haha
    peter831 reacted to + glutes in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    I pointed out to a Russian provider the thread about him here, and the negative comments.
    His réponse, "Who you gonna beiieve, me, or a bunch of tired old queens?"
  22. Like
    peter831 reacted to amused1 in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Response after my initial contact abouta bfe visit, "Why did you give your last guy 4 stars? I have all 5 star reviews and don't want to ruin that." 
    This was followed by "I don't like other people's saliva so only light kissing and my arms are sore from working out so only light touching and no massage." 
    At that point I knew I would ruin his record if we got together. 
  23. Like
    peter831 reacted to Emir in Holy torpedos Batman, check out this new profile that popped up today in NYC -- StrokeLyft   
    The real model appears to be in Beirut not NYC

  24. Like
    peter831 reacted to Skip in Rentmen profiles   
    Agree, don't like boy. But I really hate daddy, either one that calls himself that and particularly one that calls me that. 
  25. Like
    peter831 reacted to jazboy in Favorite Sean Cody Model - Nixon   
    wow. he looks better now.
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