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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. An interesting point. It all gets murky fast when we start talking about how the mind influences the body and how the body influences the mind. I accept your correction with the understanding that our knowledge of CBD's psychoactiveness may actually be that it affects other bodily processes to produce psychoactive effects. Take the recent example of how flawed assumptions led Pfizer to bury the efficacy data on Enbrel as an Alzheimer's treatment because it's an "anti-inflammatory that doesn't pass the blood-brain barrier." But preliminary research shows Enbrel injections in muscles near the spinal cord were highly effective in reducing TNF-alpha in the brain which led to immediate improvement in the patients in the study. And here's an interesting article about CBD and how it many help people with anxiety: https://www.leafly.com/news/health/cbd-for-treating-anxiety
  2. All MSM (Men who have Sex with Men) are a high risk category. They absolutely should be getting comprehensive testing every year. Escorts are high risk too because of the number of sexual partners, the relative anonymity, etc. They should be every 6 months or quarterly or even monthly if they're very sexually active. If a man who has sex with men hooks up regularly, they're effectively an escort who isn't paid, so yes, they should be tested more frequently. That's not true. A professional escort who takes their health seriously probably has a lower chance, but that's because they're responsible. I've met and seen plenty of escorts who take an incredible number of risks. That's why things like PNP can be such a red flag because it shows a level of risk taking and potential poor decision-making that may be concerning.
  3. That's incredibly flawed logic since the majority of men are asymptomatic for most STDs and STIs. The best practice is a regular consistent full panel of tests. The frequency should depend on the number of sexual partners and the variety of risks a person engages in. For MSM who are already a high risk category, a bare minimum of annual comprehensive testing is recommended.
  4. CBD can be very effective for some people. It all depends on dosage, how it's taken, and how your body reacts. I would suggest a 100% CBD topical that you apply to the localized area when you perceive pain. CBD is CannaBiDiol, which is one of over 100 cannabinoids identified from cannabis plants. It does not appear to impair your conscious mind (ie., it doesn't make you high). THC is TetraHydroCannabinol, which is the principle psychoactive cannabinoid in cannabis plants (ie, it makes you high). The highly limited research that we have so far, has found many medical uses for both of these cannabinoids and many others. But, American bigotry, classism, and xenophobia has greatly restricted research in this area until recently. https://splinternews.com/the-racist-strain-of-marijuana-1822511845 Industrial hemp has only recently been legalized, which will be great because it has many useful applications. One application that will be huge is that it can be a great source for pure CBD. Sadly, CBD and THC are still Schedule 1 listed by the DEA, so this makes it challenging sometimes to find them. But, if you live in a state with legalized cannabis, your local dispensary should be able to help you. They will likely recommend something that is not 100% CBD because the ways the laws are written leave such products in a gray area. It's easier for them to sell a 90% CBD/10% THC product than a 100% CBD. If you can't find a good quality pure CBD topical ointment or cream, direct message me and I can refer you to some online sources.
  5. Pain is an output from your brain based on sensory inputs from your body and your life experiences. A 7 out of 10 is his perceived pain. That is indepedent of how you perceive pain, though since pain is a perceived experience with sociological and psychological aspects, your perception of your own pain may shift some since you've seen this and been affected by it.
  6. Thanks! I try to keep it real.
  7. Take the advice. You really don't want to develop a psychological or somatic issue or two. Body dysmorphic disorder is no joke.
  8. I'm close to 6'3" with a dad bod and happy af. I might give it another go to get rid of the excess adipose, but my wife loves me as I am and frankly, I'd rather spend time with my kids who are growing up too damn fast.
  9. Some myofascial techniques can be very effective. Each case is different and requires different things to see results. I'm glad you had such a positive beneficial experience.
  10. If the entire population were imaged, a large majority would be found to have disc issues even though they have no pain or loss of function. Imaging is frequently not helpful in chronic pain situations because the pain is often caused by soft tissue issues. An expert medical massage therapist is often much more effective at reducing or even eliminating pain compared to pain medications or surgery. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4464797/
  11. Searching the forum for his link found this older thread: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/ian-la.136131/ and that thread leads to an older thread for a guy who some say is him too: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-stressrelease-in-la.116772/
  12. Searching the forum for his link found this older thread: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/ian-la.136131/ and that thread leads to an older thread for a guy who some say is him too: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-stressrelease-in-la.116772/
  13. They do it like anyone else. Some pull a number out of their ass. Some do some research. Some have a chat with their famous porn star friend who escorts on the side. Some think about what they require to do what escorting demands. I have no idea why he thought he was worth $800. I'd have to ask him to explain his pricing. Escorting is a very opaque business because it's illegal in most of the world and capitalism discourages transparency so the spread for escort rates is largely unknown unless you're active enough in the market to know. My advice is to understand your budget, what you're willing to spend, and work within your budget. If a provider is beyond it, politely let him know he's too expensive for you and move on. If the provider wishes, he may reply with a lower rate or not. The instability and inequality in our economy insures that it's a buyer's market if you know how and where to look because there are many struggling people out there trying to make a living.
  14. I never did anything erotic with clients, but in my time I was very used to working on sweaty bodies from years of working with athletes, especially when they were in the middle of a meet, game, etc. Sweat and funk are just part of being human. If it was relaxation session and they didn't shower for some reason, I always had hot towels and various body cleansers. It would become the start of the session to get them into the proper frame of mind for the work ahead. I would also do my best to make sure I was always squeaky clean because I didn't want my body odor to distract my client from their me time.
  15. I used to many years ago and then our schedules became unworkable eight or so years ago. He just hit me up recently to ask about working out again. It's frequently very helpful to have a gym partner to motivate and help you be accountable.
  16. @Unicorn, I am sorry for the sudden passing of your mother. I imagine there are many complex feelings about her. I wish you love and support as you grieve. When each of my parents and grandparents passed, I was the one who handled the details. It was sometimes interesting what was found. There were lost insurance polices that were never mentioned and the insurance companies tried to ignore or deny until I shared all the documentation and payment history receipts. There were even some old stock certificates that turned into a wild goose chase and some jewelry that required expert advice. The letters between my parents when my dad was deployed are still precious to me today. So too are pictures from my parent's childhoods that I'd never seen before. We all have secrets. We never really know what we will find. But, I consider it an honor and a solemn duty to archive a loved one's life. And as someone's loved one, I do my best to organize and document my own life so that it will be as painless and straightforward as possible for whoever is given the task of cataloging my life.
  17. As a proud long term resident of the Land of Fruits and Nuts, I'm not sure what y'all are talking about, but Californians can undoubtedly be demanding. We are frequently surrounded by top qualtiy natural beauty because many people want to live here, so some Californians become jaded and high maintenance. I'm sorry @alrajee had an unprofessional experience with a regular hire. By the way, welcome to the forum @alrajee! The escort doesn't owe an explanation, but if he's a smart person who wants to build a successful business, he would be wise to learn how to better compartmentalize and treat regulars with more care. As the masterful @Kevin Slater has graciously revealed in his year end reports, regulars are more important than ever since the Great Recession.
  18. Four times suggests the issues are with you, your behavior, and how you communicate. Or perhaps you seek out a particular type of personality that leans toward attachment/neediness or the fantasy scenario you want fosters it. As many have said, you are in the power position. You have the money. You flew them in. You hold all the cards. Any professional relationship requires clear and consistent communication. It seems as though you have it in your marriage. Work on it in your escort relationships. They're human beings and you're asking for things that involve emotions. It sometimes gets complicated and messy. It also requires that you maintain clear firm boundaries. You mentioned that you hire younger guys, so it's highly likely they aren't well developed professionally. They don't have all the emotional/social skills and experience to keep things clear and crisp. As others have said, it takes two to tango. Do your part to maintain and reinforce the boundaries. Just don't be a dick about it.
  19. I doubt this guy was careless. He seemed quite successful. Instead, I suspect he fell for a con artist. That's what happens when our emotions get tangled up in our decision making and we trust the wrong person.
  20. He's going to jail too, unless the judge decides to ignore the prosecutor's recommended sentence. From the article:
  21. https://www.chron.com/news/crime/article/Ex-escort-convicted-in-Chicago-of-5-8M-fraud-13855927.php The lesson: Don't give your corporate card to your escort, even if they're your favorite. http://www.newindianexpress.com/cities/hyderabad/2019/may/15/fraud-escort-services-now-on-social-media-1977097.html The lesson: If it seems too good to be true, don't send deposits or other gifts and expect something in return.
  22. I'm glad things are going well for you @myophile.
  23. There are a great number of ads for this guy spread across at least a dozen websites. I didn't translate the Portuguese pages I found, so I can't speak to them. This guy appears to be very hot, but even as enticing as he is, I would hesitate to hire him based on the sheer number of different ads spread across so many different sites. It's weird to me when the same pics and numbers are advertised so broadly.
  24. Sorry about that. Maybe this will help. The research is far enough along to say douching seems to increase the risk of STD/STI transmission in anal sex. I am speculating, but I believe it's a question of frequency. The studies involve MSM (men who have sex with men) and their regular habits. If you dig into the data, these guys have quite a bit of sex, which means they are douching frequently and that means their rectal tissues aren't able to generate enough mucus to keep up with the regular stripping of mucus done by douching. As a guy who enjoys being on my back and experiencing a built straight guy using my ass, I do not douche even though I only engage in such activity infrequently. But, if I felt like I was going to have a particularly extended or deep session, I might do some douching in addition to my usual glycerin suppository routine. As I have said many times, life is about risk and managing it. Even glycerin suppositories have risk, but I find them much less risky than douching and given the infrequency of my use, I am not worried about long term effects. The number one thing an anally receptive person should be doing is eating enough fiber, being well hydrated, and normalizing unhurried bowel movements. After that, an occasional use of glycerin suppositories or an even more infrequent use of douching are probably fine too.
  25. That "lot of people" were probably basing their advice on outdated information or perahps they were intentionally being conservative to protect you. We used to believe it was not possible to regain function once it was lost. While that remains true in catastrophic injury cases and for the reduction that naturally occurs with age, if the structures are generally sound, the bulk of the loss is likely psychosomatic and can be unwound and rebuilt into greater function. Our nervous system is very conservative. It obsesses about survival and does whatever it must do to fulfill that goal. Reeducating it takes time, patience, and expertise. People are strongly advised not to do this kind of work alone as they can and do injure themselves. It requires professional assistance. Some excellent personal trainers can do this work, but it's largely the domain of sports psychologists, top sports massage therapists, and some specialized physical therapists. This knowledge is slowly spreading and will transform a great deal of what's common knowledge about our bodies in the coming decades. Many pro athletes and olympians already benefit from this work. One day, all of us will too.
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