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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Probably both and he's doing it while trying to be witty, which could be a positive sign of intellect.
  2. Being bound probably gives him an excuse or permission to let go and enjoy an experience he otherwise wouldn't be into because he's not supposed to enjoy a man's touch. I knew a straight football player like that in my college frat and a straight marine that I used to play with in Oceanside. It's one of my favorite things, restraining a masculine guy who's much stronger than me and then exploring his body. As with any BDSM scene, communication is critical and so is respect for boundaries and limits. Trust is powerful and highly erotic so too is surrender, especially on a built guy or gal who's always used to being in control.
  3. I haven't been to the Hollywood location in a long time. It's good to know things aren't being maintained.
  4. https://www.cnn.com/2019/04/19/health/syphilis-rural-clinics-partner/index.html The spread of all major STDs/STIs has been a growing issue in cities around the world because of a variety of causes, including condom-less sexual activity. Safer sex is the responsibility of each and every sexually active human being. Know the risks and live responsibly because the people you have sex with may not be responsible or they may lie. If you are sexually active, you should be tested at least annually for all major STDs/STIs. If you perform condom-less receptive anal or oral sexual activity you should make sure your testing includes chlamydia and gonorrhea swabs for your throat and anal cavity. Did you know most men are asymptomatic for most STDs/STIs? It is still smart to know the symptoms of the major STDs/STIs. Using condoms correctly substantially reduces the risk of transmission for all major STDs/STIs. Using PrEP further reduces the risk of HIV. Getting your vaccinations is a very good thing. Please understand the risks of your choices. Rural America isn't automatically safer than big cities. Certain demographic and social-economic classes are much riskier than others because of a variety of factors. Some cities have much higher rates of infection for certain STDs/STIs. Knowledge is power. Be responsible and live well while having sexy fun times!
  5. I am pretty sure I have seen this guy advertise before, but cannot remember where. The pictures certainly look promising.
  6. Burke is a good place. It's pricey but generally worth it. Their standards are high and their facilities are nice. At least, they are down in orange county. I assume they are just as nice or nicer in la.
  7. Yes and some are better than others. But, a burner or voip number are worth the expense for the added layer of separation.
  8. @KurtBuns, welcome to the forum. I understand you've been lurking for years, but now you're an active participant and your avatar pic is great! It clearly shows your assets--which you've said you want to highlight--and also presents a body that looks proportional and healthy overall. Given how thoughtful and considerate you sound in your posts, I imagine you'll have some strong interest. If your job is very discreet or sensitive to blackmail or exposure, consider layers of security. For example, a burner phone or at least a burner voip phone number would be wise. If you use your real mobile number, it's trivial to take that and search on a background site to find all about you. The same goes for using your real name and hosting in your home. Oh and if you are serious about this side hustle and you bring in good money, please plan ahead and have a cover for reporting a good chunk of it as income to the IRS. Maybe you are a personal trainer, coach, or other personal service. Professional cuddling is a growing thing. Don't evade paying taxes, the IRS likes making examples of little guys. If you wish to talk more about discretion, feel free to direct message me.
  9. There are many different reasons, but they generally boiled down to the Ancient Greek's high regard for self control & moderation. Think about our own biology, random uncontrollable erections are common when we're immature or too young to control our body. When large phalluses were presented in Ancient Greece, it was on bad guys like Satyrs because they're lustful and out of control. https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-ancient-greek-sculptures-small-penises https://qz.com/689617/why-do-greek-statues-have-such-small-penises/
  10. There are many different reasons, but they generally boiled down to the Ancient Greek's high regard for self control & moderation. Think about our own biology, random uncontrollable erections are common when we're immature or too young to control our body. When large phalluses were presented in Ancient Greece, it was on bad guys like Satyrs because they're lustful and out of control. https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-ancient-greek-sculptures-small-penises https://qz.com/689617/why-do-greek-statues-have-such-small-penises/
  11. There are many different reasons, but they generally boiled down to the Ancient Greek's high regard for self control & moderation. Think about our own biology, random uncontrollable erections are common when we're immature or too young to control our body. When large phalluses were presented in Ancient Greece, it was on bad guys like Satyrs because they're lustful and out of control. https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-ancient-greek-sculptures-small-penises https://qz.com/689617/why-do-greek-statues-have-such-small-penises/
  12. That's clearly a Chaos Men video. I don't know who's in it. Here's a link to the CM massage videos if you want to match them up. https://www.chaosmen.com/search.php?q=sex__act__-__massage__table&sid=38&ref=30&at=0&categories=6
  13. Male Gymnasiums were frequently nude far more recently than Ancient Greece. On a related note, male swimming was usually nude as well. Even family friendly places like the YMCA required male nudity up to the 1960's and even 1970's in some places. The Sexual Revolution, Gay Rights, and Women's Liberation radically changed all of this in many countries around the world. https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/12/28/history-of-the-gymnasium-3/ https://www.vocativ.com/culture/fun/fairly-recently-ymca-actually-required-swimmers-nude/index.html https://www.girlsaskguys.com/health-fitness/a48944-when-boys-were-required-to-swim-nude
  14. This threat probably belongs in politics since the fault for all of this is opportunistic moralizing politicians in both parties trying to exploit anti sex attitudes and the big companies that make huge profits by selling products and services to police departments across the country.
  15. @Monpix, why resurrect a 19 year old thread?
  16. Searching the forum for part of a website address is a pretty good way to find older threads. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-stressrelease-in-la.116772/
  17. Interesting comments. I've studied bodywork for many years. It's one of many hobbies that fascinates me. I've been fortunate enough to work with Olympians and pro athletes. In the USA, any genital contact for compensation is illegal. Quite a few Asian massage styles incorporate many things Westerns would call erotic. It's all about intention. Those clients who expect or demand certain things, will frequently not find what they're looking for because nobody likes to be disrespected or treated poorly.
  18. I should've thought of that because I've been taking my shoes and socks off to count more than ten.
  19. Thanks. One of the pluses of a GHB near overdose is the 7+ hours of total blackout. I have no memories of anything beyond the start of a great evening with an incredibly sexy guy who gave me a beer to help me relax. If not for the blood and waking up naked on the bathroom floor, I might never have known what happened. I'm just thankful I woke up. That made it much easier for me to let it go, forgive, and move on.
  20. I agree with @ProGay and @adventurous old guy. I hope the victim(s) of Derek are ok. As someone who was robbed and raped while drugged by my first hire, I know even very well reviewed escorts can be criminals. No human being is immune to addiction. And all of us will "do things we'd never do" under the influence of various drugs and addictions. I'm not excusing Derek or the guy who assaulted me. I'm simply pointing out that we're all human and we should all be responsible for our actions. I hope Derek has taken responsibility for his actions and that he won't make the same mistakes again.
  21. I didn't see the PNP stuff. Thanks for the heads up. I was talking about his look and his background. If I knew he was a partier, then yes that would've been a red flag too.
  22. Lookism in gay male culture seems frequently brutal. We see countless examples of it here on the forum. I've seen it in Southern California for many years. I've had many chats over the years with lonely gay men who struggle with how harsh and exclusionary gay male culture frequently is in LA and SD. Sadly, this isn't exclusive to gay men. There's plenty of lookism and objectification in straight culture too.
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