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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. Well, hopefully he'll learn this time.
  2. I've been tempted because he's my type, but one of his last responses on Daddys completely turned me off. Referring to clients as "miserables" isn't remotely appealing or attractive. I hope he's found and finding the help and support he needs to get back to a healthier happier life. The man who wrote that review clear wasn't happy or healthy. Maybe this stint in jail opened his eyes.
  3. @playwrestler, that's a very specific request and one that requires someone who knows what they're doing. You don't want to be injured by someone who doesn't know what they're doing. A professional like @tristanbaldwin, who has a wrestling background was the first person I thought of as I read your post. Something else you might want to consider, if you're basically looking for purely a wrestling scene, why not look for a fighter instead of an escort? Have you heard of the Meet Fighters website?
  4. He was uncomfortable from the start to me and the lack of effort to help him relax--on or off camera--probably made that a very painful experience for him. Strikes me as probably a straight guy who needed money and was talked into trying porn.
  5. Such dismissiveness is unsurprising given previous comments. Objectification is human and you're certainly welcome to objectify whoever you wish, but generally speaking, many people don't respond well to being objectified too much. It rarely leads to great interactions though it might work for some scenes. Life is full of diversity and humans are able to fetishize pretty much anything.
  6. I'm disturbed by the degree of objectification and dehumanization I see in many comments. We're talking about human beings here, guys. Yes, they are escorts who are selling their time and attention, but that doesn't make them robots that perform on command. Regardless of their sexual orientation, the vast majority of humans are able to engage in various activities with the vast majority of other humans. But, shit happens. Life is complicated. If you want someone to treat you well, the very first step is treating them well first. I'm not as experienced as many on this forum, but I have long been "into" straight guys because of various formative events in my teens. The one lesson that's been clear to me for many years: authentically expressing concern and interest for another human being is the greatest way to make a connection. Once a connection is made, many things are possible.
  7. I texted the number and haven't heard anything. It's only been a day or two. Maybe he's just busy.
  8. https://rentmasseur.com/Tommy_Parker He seems too good to be true. I didn't find his name or number (3238138452) in the forum, so I thought I would post a thread to see if anyone has hired this guy. Any info on Tommy?
  9. His macion_handsome profile has expired. Is he the same as the other macion expired profile? They sure look fairly similar. https://rentmen.eu/maicon From the DRs and the other forum thread, it appears he changes his ad link very regularly. That seems weird to me, but then again, I'm weird. So YMMV.
  10. I'm sorry this happened. I urge you to write reviews on google and yelp along with a BBB or even a consumer affairs business complaint in your city/county/state. The first business sounds unethical and the second one sounds shady. Other consumers should be warned. I do my research and only work with businesses that are well reviewed with reputations for honesty and trustworthiness. I stick around long enough to make sure a mechanic is doing the work we agreed upon. In the case of tires, I inspect before and after. I require the paperwork to include the serial numbers and date of manufacturer for warranty purposes. I also visually inspect to confirm them before I leave. For other auto work, I ask to see the old "damaged" parts that were supposedly bad when they remove them. I've even asked them to show me visually with clear pics before I agree to and authorize repair work. Everyone has a smartphone nowadays so this is an easy ask and makes it very clear I document such activity.
  11. Did you try something like Ryan long beach? That brings stuff up. Please remember to include the location in your threads and in search. There are multiple Ryans out there.
  12. Definitely be safe. Consider that this person may be in need of money after being drugged, robbed, and raped. The fact that this "story" was shared may just indicate that this person is an "open book" and not setting you up for a scam. Also consider that this person may have residual trauma from the attack, so think about where you're meeting and what you're asking of this person to avoid triggering them. As a client, my first hire drugged, raped, and robbed me. I'd done my homework and only hired a highly regarded well thought of person who didn't say anything about PNP and even denied PNP when I asked. I went to his place and we had a beer. Turns out, he drugged me to "help me relax" for my first time and gave me too much. I could've died, but fortunately all I did was black out for about 7 hours. I mention all of this because I was unable to engage in certain activities with men for awhile. I had to work through some issues and learn to trust again.
  13. Did you search the forum? There are a great many threads about Ryan West, who's in Long Beach and frequently travels to NYC. Many of those threads are recent so there's plenty of info out there if you search. Here's just two examples: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-ryan-west-long-beach-la.137770/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/ryan-west.130612/
  14. It's a scam relying on the delays built into financial transactions. The red flag is requiring a prepaid debit card for repayment. Those are not easily traceable and the money is removed from your account with no easy way of recovery. Most people outside of banking don't know the in's and out's of money transfers. Even wire transfers, if they're international, have a day or two of reconciliation time before both banks agree the transfer is valid and complete. My guess: the "smaller loan" is a fraudulent transfer that will ultimately be rejected, but you will have already spent your real money to fund a debit card and send it to them, probably also electronically. Your money will be long gone by the time the "smaller loan" transfer is rejected and reversed.
  15. In places like North Dakota or West Texas, it's much more about the "mancamps" not the cities. Barbers are making six-figures cutting hair in the camps. I'm not sure about the logistics, but I imagine someone creative and resourceful could make substantial money in the camps.
  16. @gilbert, policing by it's very nature is about control and conformity. It's an institution used for centuries by the "haves" to keep the "have nots" in line. Sure there are people dedicated to "doing good" just as there are actually "bad apples who spoil the bunch." As @Benjamin_Nicholas implies, it boils down to the people in power. Is there a police chief or DA or mayor wanting to make a name for themselves? If yes, then that little disclaimer in escort ads won't protect any provider because those "powers that be" want to make a name for themselves and busting some criminal sex workers might be useful. @ArVaGuy, https://bachelorette.com/collections/bacsnac has a large selection of penis shaped candies but I don't believe any are "cock-flavored." I have heard of "penis flavored" treats in Japan a time or two. Perhaps at their famous penis festival? https://www.everfest.com/e/kanamara-matsuri-kawasaki-japan
  17. That's not therapeutic massage. That's a BDSM session.
  18. I mentioned it because it's so powerful and relevant. And yes, you're right about targeting the right regions. If a strong black man wanted to explore this as an escort or even a porn producer, you're right about going where the market opportunity exists: regions with large white male populations especially those with disposable income and comparitively smaller populations of black men. Think the Pacific Northwest, New England, the Dakotas or West Texas as just a few examples of possibilities.
  19. Good looking guys but horrible massage technique. Causing that much pain is unethical and unprofessional.
  20. I've seen these pictures for years across multiple profiles. I have not met the guy behind this profile. I have no idea if he's actually the male model in the pictures or just a guy who looks enough like the model that he thinks he can get away with using the pics.
  21. @hypothetically and @FTM Zachary Prince are spot on. Porn, generally speaking, is a terrible market for the actors unless you're one of the chosen few or, better yet, target an under-served niche. Because of racism, black men are relegated to very limited defined roles. I may be wrong, but I imagine a muscular black man with a well above average cock (at least 8+) would be able to create something in the whole Dominant Black Man / white sub bitch genre, especially if he's good with words since verbalization and scene creation are so critical in those fantasies. Perhaps a podcast about whatever interests you enough that you could generate enough content to post weekly. The key in today's content economy seems to be a perception of "authenticity" coupled with "intimacy" in the sense of "getting to know" something about you or the fantasy life people may think you live.
  22. When I searched the forum (the Search function is in the upper right), I found the latest info about Koss was that he retired around a year ago. Click on the "Profile Posts" on Bronnb's profile and you'll see his confirmation that Koss has retired. https://m4m-forum.org/members/bronnb.16307/
  23. @Pastthemission, welcome to the forum! Are you asking about this Brandon Wilde? https://rentmen.eu/BrandonWilde If you look in the upper right of the forum, there's a Search function. When I searched for BrandonWilde, here's what I found: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/welcum-to-rentmen-brandon-wilde.106456/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-brandon-wilde.102997/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/brandon-wilde.131978/ https://m4m-forum.org/threads/vegas-2018-411.132343/ It seems like there isn't much about him, but some forum people have hired him and speak well. I hope this helps!
  24. I've only been to a bathhouse in the US once and it wasn't interesting to me. Way too risky and dangerous given the ease with which many sexually transmitted infections are spread. http://fortune.com/2019/03/02/sexually-transmitted-infections-diseases/ If I were to seek socialization with men interested in men, I would probably check out "gay lounges" or "gay bars." I may be wrong, but I strongly doubt there's much socializing in a US gay bathhouse. They strike me as singularly focused on getting laid. I do enjoy spas around the world though because the ones I've been to have been chill socialization spaces. But, my experiences are probably limited.
  25. Yes, that's certainly one thing that raises a flag.
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