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Everything posted by LivingnLA

  1. They're a minority here too, anything from 20-40% depending on the poll. Unfortunately, they're the minority that controls the government and basically most of the economy. Unfortunately, they're vocal and effectively spreading their conspiracies. https://www.newsweek.com/these-are-states-worst-vaccination-rates-1224709 https://observer.com/2020/09/poll-americans-wouldnt-take-covid-19-vaccine-this-fall/
  2. https://www.totousa.com/cleanovation Toto figured that out long ago. The wands are self cleaning, the bowls have many features to improve cleaning/sanitzing. The latest models even incorporate UV sanitizing.
  3. We went with Toto NEOREST when we renovated our bathrooms and we love them. When we used to have guests, they did too. This is complex technology and Toto was founded in 1917. They've been doing this for a very long time. BioBedet was founded in 2008, but I've heard good things about them. I may check out their Prodigy toilet for the next project.
  4. Yes, but we have been migrating to all digital for years for the papers, magazines, and journals. Plus, with the new apple one service, it'll likely be the most convenient for everyone in the family to access such content wherever and whenever they wish. At least, that's the hope. We'll see how it actually functions once they launch it.
  5. Pre pandemic, many of my experiences started with a drink at a bar or dinner at a good restaurant. I explained it all during the planning communication, paid for the time, and paid for the drinks and food. It helps both of us relax and create the fantasy I requested. It was also safer for me because I learned never to accept anything I didn't clearly see made or opened after I was drugged, raped, and robbed in my very first hire. I learned many lessons from that experience. Another time, a newer provider wanted to see the money when we were at the bar. I made a point of subtly fanning the bills in my money clip as I paid and tipped the bartender. If it's a fast session, there's usually a table where I place the envelope when I arrive. The provider can do whatever they want with it. Nearly all wait until the end. I would never pay a deposit or upfront. And I do not pay a new provider on arrival unless I know they're highly regarded on daddy's or this forum.
  6. I generally leave the OC when I'm looking for this kind of "massage." I haven't had a good experience with a large variety of different providers in OC over the years. And one was even physically dangerous, almost aggressive enough to cause injury.
  7. Avanafil, generic Stendra, is another ED med that may help. People should be talking to their doctors because there are multiple ED treatment options and they have subtly different effects on different people. In other words, some people will be affected differently and can benefit more or less from one ED med compared to another. Please also discuss popper use as they are generally contraindicated (not advised) because of dangerous and even potentially fatal interactions.
  8. Yes, preliminary data from many Southern Hemisphere countries with high public health compliance supports the idea that the precautions taken against COVID19 should also help against other respiratory infections with similar transmission profiles: distancing, masks, and minimizing time indoors especially around people who don't live with you are critical. Frequent cleaning and sanitizing of surfaces and hands also help. The problem for the USA is that the very same communities with poor compliance for distancing, masking, and limiting travel/time around others are the very same people who are more likely not to get vaccinated or take the necessary precautions against the flu. Only time will tell if the healthcare systems in those communities will be overwhelmed over the next four months or so.
  9. That's entirely possible if he was infected with a cancer-causing strain before getting the vaccine. HPV is incredibly wide-spread in our population. That's part of why the HPV vaccination recommendation is at such low ages. It's critical to get the protection against the 9 known problematic strains before being exposed to one of them. And that's also part of why the recommendation stops around 45 because by that point, a sexually active human will have been exposed to many different HPV strains. It will take years to know if they develop cancer or other problems. I strongly encourage people to get the HPV series of Gardasil 9 as early as possible.
  10. Thank you for expanding and explaining because your original post is easy to misinterpret or misread. When I read it, my first thought was GBS, but it is quite rare, so many probably wouldn't think about it. What happened to you was unfortunate but most people should still get the flu vaccine because high enough compliance helps protect people like you who are unable to take it. People should talk to their doctor because their medical history matters.
  11. @BnaC makes some good suggestions. Psoriasis is thought to be an autoimmune disease. The question becomes what is triggering the overactive immune response. In some people it's nutritional or environmental or some combination provoking the allergic response. Stress and depression may be involved. Inflammation may be an issue too. Consulting a doctor is important to make sure it isn't a symptom of something serious like diabetes or heart disease. Treatments range from topical creams and ointments to UV treatments or even immune suppressants. Once the serious stuff is ruled out by the doctor, then take the conservative approach and explore nutritional changes, stress management, inflammation management, and environmental changes. Depending on how extensive it is, other more aggressive treatments may be required. Dermatitis (aka, eczema) is typically thought of as an inflammatory condition of the skin. Like psoriasis, there's likely a genetic component and environmental/nutritional triggers for it. Gluten should be reduced or eliminated since one type of dermatitis is usually associated with Celiac Disease (gluten allergy). Again, consult with a doctor to rule out big concerns and then take a conservative approach. Patience matters, mindfulness helps, because stress management is likely important for both conditions. Talking to a good Dietitian might help for either condition. A nutritionist is okay if that's the only option, but a Dietitian is the better choice.
  12. I haven't seen many, but I remember the 3 gay men who died back in the late 90s, which was possibly part of why Pfizer issued their recommendation to not use viagra and poppers at the same time. I haven't looked into it in a long time, but there were 3 gay men in Southern California who died while on viagra, poppers, and crystal. I believe that's what led Pfizer to strongly discourage viagra and poppers being used together. And protease inhibitors were also a concern back then. And studies consistently show high STD/STI risk for gay men on viagra and/or poppers simply because they're more sexually active and more likely to take risks. But, yes, the viagra/popper risk is likely small for most people. Regardless, someone with a heart condition should know the risks, so they should talk to their doctor about any drugs they take. "Chemsex" as some call it, needs to be much better studied and understood so better recommendations can be made.
  13. https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2020-07-02/grindr-new-ownership-american-investors-interview Even though grindr's chinese owners were forced to sell it to americans, those americans paid more than double what grindr's previous owners paid. They want a rapid payback so they're likely trying to see how much revenue they can grow by figuring out how much advertising users will tolerate and still use the app.
  14. Didn't he have a nervous breakdown? I thought that was part of why they broke up? https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-452983/The-TRUE-story-Lord-Browne--ex-rent-boy-lover.html
  15. The rainbow pride flag has appeared in many forms and versions over the years since Gilbert Baker created it in 1978. His original design had two colors, pink and turquoise, that he removed because they pink was too expensive to mass produce. I've known people of color who were LGBTQ who said they felt invisible in "gay culture." Even the original black trans and poor protestors who helped start the modern gay rights movement at Stonewall have largely been glossed over until now. Shouldn't they feel welcome in the movement they started? Since the flag has been heavily modified over the decades, why not make it more inclusive? In this historic time when the historical contributions of black trans Americans are finally being seen, they deserve visibility on the flag of the movement they helped start.
  16. https://www.bustle.com/articles/175470-what-does-queer-mean-5-things-to-know-about-the-q-in-lgbtq https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer We know some activists at a local nonprofit who call themselves queer. It led to an interesting and educational chat when my daughter was offended one time when we were volunteering. She's cool with it now when someone uses it for self-identification, but it still is a charged word.
  17. https://www.bustle.com/articles/175470-what-does-queer-mean-5-things-to-know-about-the-q-in-lgbtq https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Queer We know some activists at a local nonprofit who call themselves queer. It led to an interesting and educational chat when my daughter was offended one time when we were volunteering. She's cool with it now when someone uses it for self-identification, but it still is a charged word.
  18. LA continues to set coronavirus records. While his pictures and ad are very attractive, his choice to work so much during a pandemic in a hot zone means he's too irresponsible and reckless or thoughtless for me.
  19. Colds will do that to many people. I like how politic he is about "morally uncomfortable" modeling there at the end. There are predators in every industry and sometimes they're powerful enough to make it very hard on new people or even ruin careers if they're disappointed or angered.
  20. That's probably because "tantric massage" is a made up Western idea derived from puritanical attitudes and cultural appropriation of exotic concepts from Indian Tantra philosophy. Another example is American Yoga, it misses many of the major lessons of real Yoga. In other words, Western Tantra means many different things compared to historical Tantra in India. https://www.scienceandnonduality.com/article/tantra-and-the-west http://www.sutrajournal.com/a-hippie-in-bhairavas-clothing-the-dangers-of-cultural-appropriation-by-christopher-wallis
  21. I'm glad to see some sanity on this board. We are still in the first wave because we failed as a country. We've been unable and unwilling to test/trace/quarantine the way every other civilized nation has done during this pandemic. Enough of us have refused to wear masks and socially distance that transmission rates are climbing again across the country. There's a very real risk some hospitals will soon be overwhelmed. I hope it doesn't get as bad as New York. Cases and hospitalizations are climbing rapidly in many states. Thankfully, deaths haven't yet. There's a lag on deaths of about 3 weeks. In mid July we should know how many 18-49 year olds (they're over half of hospitalizations) die. And how many will survive with lifelong injuries and damaged organs that may require transplants. If you choose to get a massage, please wear a mask the entire time. Work with a professional who wears a mask and understands how to clean, sanitize, and disinfect as required. Preferably, that professional would also have a massage room with hospital grade HEPA air filtration or outdoors with a good breeze.
  22. Studies vary, but as the article mentioned, "less than 10% of coriander preference is due to common genetic variants." So, there is a genetic component, but it seems more complex than just the underlying biology. Or perhaps studies have missed significant regional variance in the genetic variants specific to disliking coriander. You mention hating it since childhood. What about the rest of your family? Friends back then? Humans are surprisingly adaptable. Our lived experiences provide sociological and emotional input that combine with our underlying biology to manifest our perceptions. https://www.nature.com/news/soapy-taste-of-coriander-linked-to-genetic-variants-1.11398
  23. No, my balance workout is part of my morning routine. If you saw me, you'd see me doing something similar to half chair pose as deeply as comfortable and then sliding my underwear on one leg before slowly standing up and switching to the other leg.
  24. He used to go by Shawn. I vaguely remember the session I had with him 2 years ago. It was enjoyable, but very unusual. As the thread mentions, some people really don't like him. Mileage varies. I only went the once, so it wasn't a good enough experience for me to return. Carson and Jerad are my go to guys. Though, I haven't seen either for about five months now. https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-shawn-art-of-touch-in-la.135497/#post-1495950
  25. The "soap taste" response likely has some genetic basis, but not much. https://www.nature.com/news/soapy-taste-of-coriander-linked-to-genetic-variants-1.11398
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